[][src]Struct gitlab::Gitlab

pub struct Gitlab { /* fields omitted */ }

A representation of the Gitlab API for a single user.

Separate users should use separate instances of this.


impl Gitlab[src]

pub fn new<H, T>(host: H, token: T) -> Result<Self, GitlabError> where
    H: AsRef<str>,
    T: ToString

Create a new Gitlab API representation.

The token should be a valid personal access token. Errors out if token is invalid.

pub fn new_insecure<H, T>(host: H, token: T) -> Result<Self, GitlabError> where
    H: AsRef<str>,
    T: ToString

Create a new non-SSL Gitlab API representation.

Errors out if token is invalid.

pub fn with_oauth2<H, T>(host: H, token: T) -> Result<Self, GitlabError> where
    H: AsRef<str>,
    T: ToString

Create a new Gitlab API representation.

The token should be a valid OAuth2 token. Errors out if token is invalid.

pub fn with_oauth2_insecure<H, T>(
    host: H,
    token: T
) -> Result<Self, GitlabError> where
    H: AsRef<str>,
    T: ToString

Create a new non-SSL Gitlab API representation.

The token should be a valid OAuth2 token. Errors out if token is invalid.

pub fn builder<H, T>(host: H, token: T) -> GitlabBuilder where
    H: ToString,
    T: ToString

Create a new Gitlab API client builder.

pub fn graphql<Q>(
    query: &QueryBody<Q::Variables>
) -> Result<Q::ResponseData, GitlabError> where
    Q: GraphQLQuery,
    Q::Variables: Debug,
    Q::ResponseData: Deserialize<'d>, 

Send a GraphQL query.

pub fn current_user(&self) -> Result<UserPublic, GitlabError>[src]

The user the API is acting as.

pub fn users<T, I, K, V>(&self, params: I) -> Result<Vec<T>, GitlabError> where
    T: UserResult,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get all user accounts

pub fn user<T, I, K, V>(
    user: UserId,
    params: I
) -> Result<T, GitlabError> where
    T: UserResult,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Find a user by id.

pub fn user_by_name<T, N>(&self, name: N) -> Result<T, GitlabError> where
    T: UserResult,
    N: AsRef<str>, 

Find a user by username.

pub fn create_project<N: AsRef<str>, P: AsRef<str>>(
    name: N,
    path: Option<P>,
    params: Option<CreateProjectParams>
) -> Result<Project, GitlabError>

Create a project


  • name: the name of the project
  • path: the path of the project. Optional: name is used if None
  • params: optional arguments for project creation


use gitlab::{Gitlab, CreateProjectParams, GitlabBuilder};

let gitlab = GitlabBuilder::new("host", "token").build().unwrap();
let params = CreateProjectParams::builder()
                    .description("Splendid project")
gitlab.create_project("My Project", Some("project"), Some(params));

pub fn create_file<F, B, C, M>(
    project: ProjectId,
    file_path: F,
    branch: B,
    content: C,
    commit_message: M
) -> Result<RepoFile, GitlabError> where
    F: AsRef<str>,
    B: AsRef<str>,
    C: AsRef<str>,
    M: AsRef<str>, 

Create a new file in repository

pub fn set_project_description<T: AsRef<str>>(
    project: ProjectId,
    description: T
) -> Result<Project, GitlabError>

Set project description

pub fn set_project_default_branch<T: AsRef<str>>(
    project: ProjectId,
    branch: T
) -> Result<Project, GitlabError>

Set project default branch

pub fn set_project_feature_access_level(
    project: ProjectId,
    feature: ProjectFeatures
) -> Result<Project, GitlabError>

Set project features access level

pub fn projects<I, K, V>(&self, params: I) -> Result<Vec<Project>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get all accessible projects.

pub fn owned_projects(&self) -> Result<Vec<Project>, GitlabError>[src]

Get all owned projects.

pub fn project<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Project, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Find a project by id.

pub fn project_by_name<N, I, K, V>(
    name: N,
    params: I
) -> Result<Project, GitlabError> where
    N: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Find a project by name.

pub fn environments<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Environment>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get all accessible environments.

pub fn environment<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    environment: EnvironmentId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Environment, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

pub fn create_group<N: AsRef<str>, P: AsRef<str>>(
    name: N,
    path: P,
    params: Option<CreateGroupParams>
) -> Result<Group, GitlabError>

Create a group


  • name: the name of the group
  • path: the path of the group
  • params: optional arguments for group creation


use gitlab::{Gitlab, CreateGroupParams, GitlabBuilder};

let gitlab = GitlabBuilder::new("host", "token").build().unwrap();
let params = CreateGroupParams::builder()
                    .description("A description")
gitlab.create_group("A group", "A path", Some(params));

pub fn groups<I, K, V>(&self, params: I) -> Result<Vec<Group>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get all accessible groups.

pub fn group_by_name<N>(&self, name: N) -> Result<Group, GitlabError> where
    N: AsRef<str>, 

Find a group by its name.

pub fn hooks<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<ProjectHook>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get a project's hooks.

pub fn hook<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    hook: HookId,
    params: I
) -> Result<ProjectHook, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get a project hook.

pub fn add_hook<U, T>(
    project: ProjectId,
    url: U,
    enable_ssl_verification: Option<bool>,
    token: Option<T>,
    events: WebhookEvents
) -> Result<ProjectHook, GitlabError> where
    U: AsRef<str>,
    T: AsRef<str>, 

Add a project hook.

pub fn group_members<I, K, V>(
    group: GroupId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Member>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the team members of a group.

pub fn group_member<I, K, V>(
    group: GroupId,
    user: UserId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Member, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get a team member of a group.

pub fn project_members<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Member>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the team members of a project.

pub fn project_member<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    user: UserId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Member, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get a team member of a project.

pub fn add_user_to_project(
    project: ProjectId,
    user: UserId,
    access: AccessLevel
) -> Result<Member, GitlabError>

Add a user to a project.

pub fn add_user_to_project_by_name<P>(
    project: P,
    user: UserId,
    access: AccessLevel
) -> Result<Member, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>, 

Add a user to a project.

pub fn create_branch<V: AsRef<str>>(
    project: ProjectId,
    name: V,
    reference: V
) -> Result<RepoBranch, GitlabError>

Create a branch for a project

pub fn branches<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<RepoBranch>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get branches for a project.

pub fn branch<B, I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    branch: B,
    params: I
) -> Result<RepoBranch, GitlabError> where
    B: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get a branch.

pub fn protect_branch<B: AsRef<str>>(
    project: ProjectId,
    branch: B,
    push_access_level: Option<AccessLevel>,
    merge_access_level: Option<AccessLevel>,
    unprotect_access_level: Option<AccessLevel>
) -> Result<ProtectedRepoBranch, GitlabError>

Protect a branch


  • project: The project id
  • branch: The name of the branch or wildcard
  • push_access_level: Access level allowed to push (defaults: maintainers)
  • merge_access_level: Access level allowed to merge (defaults: maintainers)
  • unprotect_access_level: Access level allowed to unproctect (defaults: mainainers)

pub fn commit<C>(
    project: ProjectId,
    commit: C
) -> Result<RepoCommitDetail, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>, 

Get a commit.

pub fn commit_comments<C, I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    commit: C,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<CommitNote>, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get comments on a commit.

pub fn create_commit_comment<C, B>(
    project: ProjectId,
    commit: C,
    body: B
) -> Result<CommitNote, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>,
    B: AsRef<str>, 

Get comments on a commit.

pub fn create_commit_comment_by_name<P, C, B>(
    project: P,
    commit: C,
    body: B
) -> Result<CommitNote, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    C: AsRef<str>,
    B: AsRef<str>, 

Get comments on a commit.

pub fn create_commit_line_comment(
    project: ProjectId,
    commit: &str,
    body: &str,
    path: &str,
    line: u64
) -> Result<CommitNote, GitlabError>

Get comments on a commit.

pub fn commit_latest_statuses<C, I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    commit: C,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<CommitStatus>, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the latest statuses of a commit.

pub fn commit_latest_statuses_by_name<P, C, I, K, V>(
    project: P,
    commit: C,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<CommitStatus>, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    C: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the latest statuses of a commit.

pub fn commit_all_statuses<C>(
    project: ProjectId,
    commit: C
) -> Result<Vec<CommitStatus>, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>, 

Get the all statuses of a commit.

pub fn commit_latest_builds<C, I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    commit: C,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Job>, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the latest builds of a commit.

pub fn commit_all_builds<C>(
    project: ProjectId,
    commit: C
) -> Result<Vec<Job>, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>, 

Get the all builds of a commit.

pub fn create_commit_status<S>(
    project: ProjectId,
    sha: S,
    state: StatusState,
    info: &CommitStatusInfo
) -> Result<CommitStatus, GitlabError> where
    S: AsRef<str>, 

Create a status message for a commit.

pub fn create_commit_status_by_name<P, S>(
    project: P,
    sha: S,
    state: StatusState,
    info: &CommitStatusInfo
) -> Result<CommitStatus, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    S: AsRef<str>, 

Create a status message for a commit.

pub fn labels(&self, project: ProjectId) -> Result<Vec<Label>, GitlabError>[src]

Get the labels for a project.

pub fn labels_with_counts(
    project: ProjectId
) -> Result<Vec<Label>, GitlabError>

Get the labels with open/closed/merge requests count

pub fn label(
    project: ProjectId,
    label: LabelId
) -> Result<Label, GitlabError>

Get label by ID.

pub fn issues<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Issue>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the issues for a project.

pub fn issue<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    issue: IssueInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Issue, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get issues.

pub fn issue_notes<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    issue: IssueInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Note>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the notes from a issue.

pub fn issue_notes_by_name<P, I, K, V>(
    project: P,
    issue: IssueInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Note>, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the notes from a issue.

pub fn create_label(
    project: ProjectId,
    label: Label
) -> Result<Label, GitlabError>

Create a new label

pub fn create_milestone(
    milestone: Milestone
) -> Result<Milestone, GitlabError>

Create a new milestone

pub fn create_issue(
    project: ProjectId,
    issue: Issue
) -> Result<Issue, GitlabError>

Create a new issue

pub fn issue_label_events(
    project: ProjectId,
    issue: IssueInternalId
) -> Result<Vec<ResourceLabelEvent>, GitlabError>

Get the resource label events from an issue.

pub fn create_issue_note<C>(
    project: ProjectId,
    issue: IssueInternalId,
    content: C
) -> Result<Note, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>, 

Create a note on a issue.

pub fn create_issue_note_by_name<P, C>(
    project: P,
    issue: IssueInternalId,
    content: C
) -> Result<Note, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    C: AsRef<str>, 

Create a note on a issue.

pub fn set_issue_note<C>(
    project: ProjectId,
    issue: IssueInternalId,
    note: NoteId,
    content: C
) -> Result<Note, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>, 

Edit a note on an issue.

pub fn merge_requests<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<MergeRequest>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the merge requests for a project.

pub fn merge_requests_with_state(
    project: ProjectId,
    state: MergeRequestStateFilter
) -> Result<Vec<MergeRequest>, GitlabError>

Get the merge requests with a given state.

pub fn create_merge_request(
    project: ProjectId,
    params: CreateMergeRequestParams
) -> Result<MergeRequest, GitlabError>

Create a new merge request

pub fn pipelines<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<PipelineBasic>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get all pipelines for a project.

pub fn pipeline(
    project: ProjectId,
    id: PipelineId
) -> Result<Pipeline, GitlabError>

Get a single pipeline.

pub fn pipeline_variables(
    project: ProjectId,
    id: PipelineId
) -> Result<Vec<PipelineVariable>, GitlabError>

Get variables of a pipeline.

pub fn create_pipeline(
    project: ProjectId,
    ref_: ObjectId,
    variables: &[PipelineVariable]
) -> Result<Pipeline, GitlabError>

Create a new pipeline.

pub fn retry_pipeline(
    project: ProjectId,
    id: PipelineId
) -> Result<Pipeline, GitlabError>

Retry jobs in a pipeline.

pub fn cancel_pipeline(
    project: ProjectId,
    id: PipelineId
) -> Result<Pipeline, GitlabError>

Cancel a pipeline.

pub fn merge_request<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<MergeRequest, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get merge requests.

pub fn merge_request_closes_issues<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<IssueReference>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the issues that will be closed when a merge request is merged.

pub fn merge_request_discussions<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Discussion>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the discussions from a merge request.

pub fn merge_request_notes<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Note>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the notes from a merge request.

pub fn merge_request_notes_by_name<P, I, K, V>(
    project: P,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Note>, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the notes from a merge request.

pub fn award_merge_request_note(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    note: NoteId,
    award: &str
) -> Result<AwardEmoji, GitlabError>

Award a merge request note with an award.

pub fn award_merge_request_note_by_name<P>(
    project: P,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    note: NoteId,
    award: &str
) -> Result<AwardEmoji, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>, 

Award a merge request note with an award.

pub fn merge_request_awards<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<AwardEmoji>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the awards for a merge request.

pub fn merge_request_awards_by_name<P, I, K, V>(
    project: P,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<AwardEmoji>, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the awards for a merge request.

pub fn merge_request_note_awards<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    note: NoteId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<AwardEmoji>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the awards for a merge request note.

pub fn merge_request_note_awards_by_name<P, I, K, V>(
    project: P,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    note: NoteId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<AwardEmoji>, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get the awards for a merge request note.

pub fn merge_request_label_events(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId
) -> Result<Vec<ResourceLabelEvent>, GitlabError>

Get the resource label events from a merge request.

pub fn create_merge_request_discussion(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    content: &str
) -> Result<Discussion, GitlabError>

pub fn create_merge_request_note(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    content: &str
) -> Result<Note, GitlabError>

Create a note on a merge request.

pub fn create_merge_request_note_by_name<P>(
    project: P,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    content: &str
) -> Result<Note, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>, 

Create a note on a merge request.

pub fn set_merge_request_note<C>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    note: NoteId,
    content: C
) -> Result<Note, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>, 

Edit a note on a merge request.

pub fn modify_merge_request_note<C>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    note: NoteId,
    content: C
) -> Result<Note, GitlabError> where
    C: AsRef<str>, 

Edit a note on a merge request.

pub fn get_issues_closed_by_merge_request<I, K, V>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Issue>, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get issues closed by a merge request.

pub fn get_issues_closed_by_merge_request_by_name<P, I, K, V>(
    project: P,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    params: I
) -> Result<Vec<Issue>, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
    K: AsRef<str>,
    V: AsRef<str>, 

Get issues closed by a merge request.

pub fn close_issue(
    project: ProjectId,
    issue: IssueInternalId
) -> Result<Issue, GitlabError>

Closes an issue

pub fn set_issue_labels<I, L>(
    project: ProjectId,
    issue: IssueInternalId,
    labels: I
) -> Result<Issue, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator<Item = L>,
    L: Display

Set the labels on an issue.

pub fn set_issue_labels_by_name<P, I, L>(
    project: P,
    issue: IssueInternalId,
    labels: I
) -> Result<Issue, GitlabError> where
    P: AsRef<str>,
    I: IntoIterator<Item = L>,
    L: Display

Set the labels on an issue.

pub fn set_merge_request_labels<I, L>(
    project: ProjectId,
    merge_request: MergeRequestInternalId,
    labels: I
) -> Result<MergeRequest, GitlabError> where
    I: IntoIterator<Item = L>,
    L: Display

Set the labels on a merge request.

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for Gitlab[src]

impl Debug for Gitlab[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl !RefUnwindSafe for Gitlab

impl Send for Gitlab

impl Sync for Gitlab

impl Unpin for Gitlab

impl !UnwindSafe for Gitlab

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.