Struct git2::StatusOptions [] [src]

pub struct StatusOptions {
    // some fields omitted

Options that can be provided to repo.statuses() to control how the status information is gathered.


impl StatusOptions

fn new() -> StatusOptions

Creates a new blank set of status options.

fn show(&mut self, show: StatusShow) -> &mut StatusOptions

Select the files on which to report status.

The default, if unspecified, is to show the index and the working directory.

fn pathspec<T: IntoCString>(&mut self, pathspec: T) -> &mut StatusOptions

Add a path pattern to match (using fnmatch-style matching).

If the disable_pathspec_match option is given, then this is a literal path to match. If this is not called, then there will be no patterns to match and the entire directory will be used.

fn include_untracked(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Flag whether untracked files will be included.

Untracked files will only be included if the workdir files are included in the status "show" option.

fn include_ignored(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Flag whether ignored files will be included.

The files will only be included if the workdir files are included in the status "show" option.

fn include_unmodified(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Flag to include unmodified files.

fn exclude_submodules(&mut self, exclude: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Flag that submodules should be skipped.

This only applies if there are no pending typechanges to the submodule (either from or to another type).

fn recurse_untracked_dirs(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Flag that all files in untracked directories should be included.

Normally if an entire directory is new then just the top-level directory is included (with a trailing slash on the entry name).

fn disable_pathspec_match(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Indicates that the given paths should be treated as literals paths, note patterns.

fn recurse_ignored_dirs(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Indicates that the contents of ignored directories should be included in the status.

fn renames_head_to_index(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Indicates that rename detection should be processed between the head.

fn renames_index_to_workdir(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Indicates that rename detection should be run between the index and the working directory.

fn sort_case_sensitively(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Override the native case sensitivity for the file system and force the output to be in case sensitive order.

fn sort_case_insensitively(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Override the native case sensitivity for the file system and force the output to be in case-insensitive order.

fn renames_from_rewrites(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Indicates that rename detection should include rewritten files.

fn no_refresh(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Bypasses the default status behavior of doing a "soft" index reload.

fn update_index(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

Refresh the stat cache in the index for files are unchanged but have out of date stat information in the index.

This will result in less work being done on subsequent calls to fetching the status.

fn include_unreadable(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

fn include_unreadable_as_untracked(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions

unsafe fn raw(&mut self) -> *const git_status_options

Get a pointer to the inner list of status options.

This function is unsafe as the returned structure has interior pointers and may no longer be valid if these options continue to be mutated.