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Parse & construct GitHub repository URLs & specifiers

ghrepo extracts a GitHub repository’s owner & name from various GitHub URL formats (or just from a string of the form OWNER/REPONAME or REPONAME), and the resulting object provides properties for going in reverse to determine the possible URLs. Also included is a struct for performing a couple useful inspections on local Git repositories, including determining the corresponding GitHub owner & repository name.

let repo = GHRepo::new("octocat", "repository")?;
assert_eq!(repo.owner(), "octocat");
assert_eq!(repo.name(), "repository");
assert_eq!(repo.to_string(), "octocat/repository");
assert_eq!(repo.html_url(), "https://github.com/octocat/repository");

let repo2 = GHRepo::from_str("octocat/repository")?;
assert_eq!(repo, repo2);

let repo3 = GHRepo::from_str("https://github.com/octocat/repository")?;
assert_eq!(repo, repo3);


A container for a GitHub repository’s owner and base name.
A local Git repository.


Error returned when a LocalRepo method fails
Error returned when trying to construct a GHRepo with invalid arguments or parse an invalid repository spec


Regular expression for a valid GitHub repository name.
Regular expression for a valid GitHub username or organization name.