Module geozero::postgis::postgres

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PostGIS geometry type encoding/decoding for rust-postgres. Requires the with-postgis-postgres feature.

§PostGIS usage example with rust-postgres

Select and insert geo-types geometries:

use geozero::wkb;
use postgres::{Client, NoTls};

let mut client = Client::connect(&std::env::var("DATABASE_URL").unwrap(), NoTls)?;

let row = client.query_one(
    "SELECT 'SRID=4326;POLYGON ((0 0, 2 0, 2 2, 0 2, 0 0))'::geometry",

let value: wkb::Decode<geo_types::Geometry<f64>> = row.get(0);
if let Some(geo_types::Geometry::Polygon(poly)) = value.geometry {
        vec![(0.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0), (2.0, 2.0), (0.0, 2.0), (0.0, 0.0)].into()

// Insert geometry
let geom: geo_types::Geometry<f64> = geo::Point::new(1.0, 3.0).into();
let _ = client.execute(
    "INSERT INTO point2d (datetimefield,geom) VALUES(now(),ST_SetSRID($1,4326))",