Expand description

The OpenStreetMap Nominatim provider.

Geocoding methods are implemented on the Openstreetmap struct. Please see the API documentation for details.

While OpenStreetMap’s Nominatim API is free, see the Nominatim Usage Policy for details on usage requirements, including a maximum of 1 request per second.


use geocoding::{Openstreetmap, Forward, Point};

let osm = Openstreetmap::new();
let address = "Schwabing, München";
let res = osm.forward(&address);
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), vec![Point::new(11.5884858, 48.1700887)]);


Address details in the result object

An instance of the Openstreetmap geocoding service

An instance of a parameter builder for Openstreetmap geocoding

The top-level full GeoJSON response returned by a forward-geocoding request

A geocoding result

A geocoding result geometry

Geocoding result properties