Trait Quaternion

pub trait Quaternion<F, V3, V4>:
    + Copy
    + Debug
    + Display
    + Default
    + AsRef<[F; 4]>
    + AsMut<[F; 4]>
    + AsRef<[F]>
    + AsMut<[F]>
    + Index<usize, Output = F>
    + IndexMut<usize>
    + Neg<Output = Self>
    + Add<Self, Output = Self>
    + AddAssign<Self>
    + Sub<Self, Output = Self>
    + SubAssign<Self>
    + Mul<F, Output = Self>
    + MulAssign<F>
    + Div<F, Output = Self>
    + DivAssign<F>
    + Mul<Self, Output = Self>
    + MulAssign<Self>
    + Div<Self, Output = Self>
    + DivAssign<Self>
where V3: Vector<F, 3>, V4: Vector<F, 4>, F: Float,
Show 28 methods // Required methods fn from_array(data: [F; 4]) -> Self; fn of_rijk(r: F, i: F, j: F, k: F) -> Self; fn unit() -> Self; fn of_rotation3<M>(rotation: &M) -> Self where M: SqMatrix<V3, F, 3, 9>; fn into_array(self) -> [F; 4]; fn as_rijk(&self) -> (F, F, F, F); fn set_zero(&mut self); fn mix(self, other: &Self, t: F) -> Self; fn dot(self, other: &Self) -> F; fn set_rotation3<M>(&self, m: &mut M) where M: SqMatrix<V3, F, 3, 9>; fn set_rotation4<M>(&self, m: &mut M) where M: SqMatrix<V4, F, 4, 16>; // Provided methods fn conjugate(self) -> Self { ... } fn of_axis_angle(axis: &V3, angle: F) -> Self { ... } fn rotate_x(self, angle: F) -> Self { ... } fn rotate_y(self, angle: F) -> Self { ... } fn rotate_z(self, angle: F) -> Self { ... } fn look_at(dirn: &V3, up: &V3) -> Self { ... } fn rotation_of_vec_to_vec(a: &V3, b: &V3) -> Self { ... } fn weighted_average_pair(&self, w_a: F, qb: &Self, w_b: F) -> Self { ... } fn weighted_average_many<I: Iterator<Item = (F, Self)>>( value_iter: I, ) -> Self { ... } fn as_axis_angle(&self) -> (V3, F) { ... } fn length_sq(&self) -> F { ... } fn length(&self) -> F { ... } fn distance_sq(&self, other: &Self) -> F { ... } fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> F { ... } fn normalize(self) -> Self { ... } fn apply3(self, other: &V3) -> V3 { ... } fn apply4(self, other: &V4) -> V4 { ... }
Expand description

The Quaternion trait describes a 4-dimensional vector of Float type.

Such Quaternions support basic arithmetic using addition and subtraction, and they provide quaternion multiplication and division.

They also support basic arithmetic to all components of the Quaternion for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by a scalar Float value type that they are comprised of. Hence a q:Quaternion<F> may be scaled by a s:F using q * s.

The Quaternion can be indexed only by a usize; that is individual components of the vector can be accessed, but ranges may not.

Required Methods§


fn from_array(data: [F; 4]) -> Self

Create a quaternion from an array of Float

The order must be [i, j, k, r]


fn of_rijk(r: F, i: F, j: F, k: F) -> Self

Create from r, i, j, k


fn unit() -> Self

Create a quaternion whose elements are all zero


fn of_rotation3<M>(rotation: &M) -> Self
where M: SqMatrix<V3, F, 3, 9>,

Find the unit quaternion of a Matrix3 assuming it is purely a rotation


fn into_array(self) -> [F; 4]

Create an array Float for the fquaternion in order i, j, k, r


fn as_rijk(&self) -> (F, F, F, F)

Break out into r, i, j, k


fn set_zero(&mut self)

Set the quaternion to be all zeros


fn mix(self, other: &Self, t: F) -> Self

Create a linear combination of this Quaternion and another using parameter t from zero to one


fn dot(self, other: &Self) -> F

Return the dot product of two quaternions; basically used for length


fn set_rotation3<M>(&self, m: &mut M)
where M: SqMatrix<V3, F, 3, 9>,

Set a Matrix3 to be the rotation matrix corresponding to the unit quaternion


fn set_rotation4<M>(&self, m: &mut M)
where M: SqMatrix<V4, F, 4, 16>,

Set a Matrix4 to be the rotation matrix corresponding to the unit quaternion

Provided Methods§


fn conjugate(self) -> Self

Create the conjugate of a quaternion


fn of_axis_angle(axis: &V3, angle: F) -> Self

Create a unit quaternion for a rotation of an angle about an axis


fn rotate_x(self, angle: F) -> Self

Apply a rotation about the X-axis to this quaternion


fn rotate_y(self, angle: F) -> Self

Apply a rotation about the Y-axis to this quaternion


fn rotate_z(self, angle: F) -> Self

Apply a rotation about the Z-axis to this quaternion


fn look_at(dirn: &V3, up: &V3) -> Self

Create a quaternion that maps a unit V3 of dirn to (0,0,-1) and a unit V3 of up (if perpendicular to dirn) to (0,1,0)


fn rotation_of_vec_to_vec(a: &V3, b: &V3) -> Self

Get a quaternion that is a rotation of one vector to another

The vectors must be unit vectors


fn weighted_average_pair(&self, w_a: F, qb: &Self, w_b: F) -> Self

Calculate the weighted average of two unit quaternions

w_a + w_b must be 1.

See Averaging Quaternions by F. Landis Markley


fn weighted_average_many<I: Iterator<Item = (F, Self)>>(value_iter: I) -> Self

Calculate the weighted average of many unit quaternions

weights need not add up to 1

This is an approximation compared to the Landis Markley paper


fn as_axis_angle(&self) -> (V3, F)

Find the axis and angle of rotation for a (non-unit) quaternion


fn length_sq(&self) -> F

Return the square of the length of the quaternion


fn length(&self) -> F

Return the length of the quaternion


fn distance_sq(&self, other: &Self) -> F

Return the square of the distance between this quaternion and another


fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> F

Return the distance between this quaternion and another


fn normalize(self) -> Self

Normalize the quaternion; if its length is close to zero, then set it to be zero


fn apply3(self, other: &V3) -> V3

Apply the quaternion to a V3


fn apply4(self, other: &V4) -> V4

Apply the quaternion to a V4

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.



impl<F, V3, V4> Quaternion<F, V3, V4> for QArray<F, V3, V4>
where F: Float, V3: Vector<F, 3>, V4: Vector<F, 4>,