Crate generic_graph

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generic_graph defines a series of traits for the implementation of either directed and non directed graphs. This library also provides a few default implementation if the programmer doesn’t have special requirements for his graphs.

All traits make large use of generic types, allowing for deep customization of the graph structure


  • This module provide an implementation of a growable directed graph. The graph is implemented as a set of adjacency list (list of vertex adjacent to one vertex).


  • A default implementation for vertexes. This implementation should be suitable for most of the problem one can encounter requiring graph.


  • EdgeSide is used to indicate which side of the edge caused an error. Usually returned as Result::Err(EdgeSide) by the VariableEdges::add_edge() method when it was impossible to add the edge due to the absence of one of the concerned vertexes.


  • This trait define the behaviour of a directed graph it requires the for vertexes (T), edges (E), vertex’s keys (K), vertex’s values (v), edge’s weights (W) and edge’s keys (C)
  • Generic behaviour of an edge
  • This trait does not add methods. It just indicates that the graph is not directed.
  • This trait adds to a Directed graph the methods to add and remove edges
  • This trait adds to a Directed graph the methods to add and remove edges
  • Generic behaviour of a vertex