[][src]Struct gdnative_sys::GodotApi

pub struct GodotApi {
    pub godot_color_new_rgba: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_color, r: godot_real, g: godot_real, b: godot_real, a: godot_real),
    pub godot_color_new_rgb: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_color, r: godot_real, g: godot_real, b: godot_real),
    pub godot_color_get_r: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_color_set_r: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_color, r: godot_real),
    pub godot_color_get_g: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_color_set_g: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_color, g: godot_real),
    pub godot_color_get_b: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_color_set_b: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_color, b: godot_real),
    pub godot_color_get_a: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_color_set_a: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_color, a: godot_real),
    pub godot_color_get_h: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_color_get_s: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_color_get_v: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_color_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_color_to_rgba32: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_color_to_argb32: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_color_gray: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_color_inverted: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_color,
    pub godot_color_contrasted: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_color,
    pub godot_color_linear_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, b: *const godot_color, t: godot_real) -> godot_color,
    pub godot_color_blend: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, over: *const godot_color) -> godot_color,
    pub godot_color_to_html: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, with_alpha: godot_bool) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_color_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, b: *const godot_color) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_color_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, b: *const godot_color) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_vector2_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_vector2, x: godot_real, y: godot_real),
    pub godot_vector2_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_vector2_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_angle: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_length_squared: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_is_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_vector2_distance_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_distance_squared_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_angle_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_angle_to_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_linear_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2, t: godot_real) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_cubic_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2, pre_a: *const godot_vector2, post_b: *const godot_vector2, t: godot_real) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, phi: godot_real) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_tangent: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_floor: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_snapped: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, by: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_aspect: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_dot: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, with: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_slide: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, n: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_bounce: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, n: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_reflect: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, n: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_abs: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_clamped: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, length: godot_real) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_operator_add: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_operator_subtract: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_operator_multiply_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_operator_multiply_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: godot_real) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_operator_divide_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_operator_divide_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: godot_real) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_vector2_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_vector2_operator_neg: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_vector2_set_x: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_vector2, x: godot_real),
    pub godot_vector2_set_y: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_vector2, y: godot_real),
    pub godot_vector2_get_x: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector2_get_y: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_quat_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_quat, x: godot_real, y: godot_real, z: godot_real, w: godot_real),
    pub godot_quat_new_with_axis_angle: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_quat, axis: *const godot_vector3, angle: godot_real),
    pub godot_quat_get_x: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_quat_set_x: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, val: godot_real),
    pub godot_quat_get_y: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_quat_set_y: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, val: godot_real),
    pub godot_quat_get_z: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_quat_set_z: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, val: godot_real),
    pub godot_quat_get_w: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_quat_set_w: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, val: godot_real),
    pub godot_quat_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_quat_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_quat_length_squared: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_quat_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_quat_is_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_quat_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_quat_dot: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_quat_xform: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_quat_slerp: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat, t: godot_real) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_quat_slerpni: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat, t: godot_real) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_quat_cubic_slerp: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat, pre_a: *const godot_quat, post_b: *const godot_quat, t: godot_real) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_quat_operator_multiply: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: godot_real) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_quat_operator_add: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_quat_operator_subtract: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_quat_operator_divide: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: godot_real) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_quat_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_quat_operator_neg: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_basis_new_with_rows: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis, x_axis: *const godot_vector3, y_axis: *const godot_vector3, z_axis: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_basis_new_with_axis_and_angle: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real),
    pub godot_basis_new_with_euler: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis, euler: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_basis_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_basis_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_basis_transposed: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_basis_orthonormalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_basis_determinant: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_basis_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_basis_scaled: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, scale: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_basis_get_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_basis_get_euler: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_basis_tdotx: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, with: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_basis_tdoty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, with: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_basis_tdotz: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, with: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_basis_xform: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_basis_xform_inv: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_basis_get_orthogonal_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_basis_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis),
    pub godot_basis_new_with_euler_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis, euler: *const godot_quat),
    pub godot_basis_get_elements: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, elements: *mut godot_vector3),
    pub godot_basis_get_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, axis: godot_int) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_basis_set_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, axis: godot_int, value: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_basis_get_row: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, row: godot_int) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_basis_set_row: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, row: godot_int, value: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_basis_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_basis_operator_add: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_basis_operator_subtract: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_basis_operator_multiply_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_basis_operator_multiply_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: godot_real) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_vector3_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_vector3, x: godot_real, y: godot_real, z: godot_real),
    pub godot_vector3_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_vector3_min_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_vector3_max_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_vector3_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector3_length_squared: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector3_is_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_vector3_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_snapped: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, by: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_linear_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3, t: godot_real) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_cubic_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3, pre_a: *const godot_vector3, post_b: *const godot_vector3, t: godot_real) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_dot: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector3_cross: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_outer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_vector3_to_diagonal_matrix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_vector3_abs: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_floor: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_ceil: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_distance_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector3_distance_squared_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector3_angle_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, to: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_vector3_slide: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, n: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_bounce: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, n: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_reflect: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, n: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_operator_add: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_operator_subtract: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_operator_multiply_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_operator_multiply_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: godot_real) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_operator_divide_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_operator_divide_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: godot_real) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_vector3_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_vector3_operator_neg: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_vector3_set_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_vector3, axis: godot_vector3_axis, val: godot_real),
    pub godot_vector3_get_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, axis: godot_vector3_axis) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_byte_array),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, src: *const godot_pool_byte_array),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, a: *const godot_array),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, data: u8),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, array: *const godot_pool_byte_array),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, idx: godot_int, data: u8) -> godot_error,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, data: u8),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, idx: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, size: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_byte_array) -> *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array) -> *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, idx: godot_int, data: u8),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_byte_array, idx: godot_int) -> u8,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_byte_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_int_array),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_int_array, src: *const godot_pool_int_array),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_int_array, a: *const godot_array),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, data: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, array: *const godot_pool_int_array),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, idx: godot_int, data: godot_int) -> godot_error,
    pub godot_pool_int_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, data: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, idx: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, size: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_int_array) -> *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_int_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array) -> *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_int_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, idx: godot_int, data: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_int_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_int_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_int_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_int_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_real_array),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_real_array, src: *const godot_pool_real_array),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_real_array, a: *const godot_array),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, data: godot_real),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, array: *const godot_pool_real_array),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, idx: godot_int, data: godot_real) -> godot_error,
    pub godot_pool_real_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, data: godot_real),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, idx: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, size: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_real_array) -> *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_real_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array) -> *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_real_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, idx: godot_int, data: godot_real),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_real_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_pool_real_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_real_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_real_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_string_array),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_string_array, src: *const godot_pool_string_array),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_string_array, a: *const godot_array),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, data: *const godot_string),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, array: *const godot_pool_string_array),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_string) -> godot_error,
    pub godot_pool_string_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, data: *const godot_string),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, idx: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, size: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_string_array) -> *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_string_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array) -> *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_string_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_string),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_string_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_pool_string_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_string_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_string_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, src: *const godot_pool_vector2_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, a: *const godot_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, data: *const godot_vector2),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, array: *const godot_pool_vector2_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_error,
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, data: *const godot_vector2),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, idx: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, size: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector2_array) -> *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array) -> *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_vector2),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector2_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector2_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, src: *const godot_pool_vector3_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, a: *const godot_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, data: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, array: *const godot_pool_vector3_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_error,
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, data: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, idx: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, size: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector3_array) -> *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array) -> *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector3_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector3_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_color_array),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_color_array, src: *const godot_pool_color_array),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_color_array, a: *const godot_array),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, data: *const godot_color),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, array: *const godot_pool_color_array),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_color) -> godot_error,
    pub godot_pool_color_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, data: *const godot_color),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, idx: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, size: godot_int),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_color_array) -> *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_color_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array) -> *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_color_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_color),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_color_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_color,
    pub godot_pool_color_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_color_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_color_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_byte_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_byte_array_read_access) -> *const u8,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_int_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_int_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_int_array_read_access) -> *const godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_int_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_real_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_real_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_real_array_read_access) -> *const godot_real,
    pub godot_pool_real_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_string_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_string_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_string_array_read_access) -> *const godot_string,
    pub godot_pool_string_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access) -> *const godot_vector2,
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access) -> *const godot_vector3,
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_color_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_access,
    pub godot_pool_color_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_color_array_read_access) -> *const godot_color,
    pub godot_pool_color_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_access),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_byte_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_byte_array_write_access) -> *mut u8,
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_int_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_int_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_int_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_int,
    pub godot_pool_int_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_int_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_real_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_real_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_real_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_real,
    pub godot_pool_real_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_real_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_string_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_string_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_string_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_string,
    pub godot_pool_string_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_string_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_vector2,
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_vector3,
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_color_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_access,
    pub godot_pool_color_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_color_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_color,
    pub godot_pool_color_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_access),
    pub godot_pool_color_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_access),
    pub godot_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array),
    pub godot_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, src: *const godot_array),
    pub godot_array_new_pool_color_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pca: *const godot_pool_color_array),
    pub godot_array_new_pool_vector3_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pv3a: *const godot_pool_vector3_array),
    pub godot_array_new_pool_vector2_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pv2a: *const godot_pool_vector2_array),
    pub godot_array_new_pool_string_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, psa: *const godot_pool_string_array),
    pub godot_array_new_pool_real_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pra: *const godot_pool_real_array),
    pub godot_array_new_pool_int_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pia: *const godot_pool_int_array),
    pub godot_array_new_pool_byte_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pba: *const godot_pool_byte_array),
    pub godot_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, idx: godot_int, value: *const godot_variant),
    pub godot_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_array_operator_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, idx: godot_int) -> *mut godot_variant,
    pub godot_array_operator_index_const: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, idx: godot_int) -> *const godot_variant,
    pub godot_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant),
    pub godot_array_clear: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array),
    pub godot_array_count: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, value: *const godot_variant) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_array_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_array_erase: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant),
    pub godot_array_front: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_array_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_array_find: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, what: *const godot_variant, from: godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_array_find_last: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, what: *const godot_variant) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_array_has: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, value: *const godot_variant) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_array_hash: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, pos: godot_int, value: *const godot_variant),
    pub godot_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array),
    pub godot_array_pop_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_array_pop_front: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant),
    pub godot_array_push_front: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant),
    pub godot_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, idx: godot_int),
    pub godot_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, size: godot_int),
    pub godot_array_rfind: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, what: *const godot_variant, from: godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_array_sort: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array),
    pub godot_array_sort_custom: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, obj: *mut godot_object, func: *const godot_string),
    pub godot_array_bsearch: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant, before: godot_bool) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_array_bsearch_custom: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant, obj: *mut godot_object, func: *const godot_string, before: godot_bool) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array),
    pub godot_dictionary_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_dictionary),
    pub godot_dictionary_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_dictionary, src: *const godot_dictionary),
    pub godot_dictionary_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary),
    pub godot_dictionary_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_dictionary_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_dictionary_clear: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary),
    pub godot_dictionary_has: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_dictionary_has_all: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, keys: *const godot_array) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_dictionary_erase: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant),
    pub godot_dictionary_hash: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_dictionary_keys: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_dictionary_values: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_dictionary_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_dictionary_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant, value: *const godot_variant),
    pub godot_dictionary_operator_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> *mut godot_variant,
    pub godot_dictionary_operator_index_const: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> *const godot_variant,
    pub godot_dictionary_next: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> *mut godot_variant,
    pub godot_dictionary_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, b: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_dictionary_to_json: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_node_path_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_node_path, from: *const godot_string),
    pub godot_node_path_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_node_path, src: *const godot_node_path),
    pub godot_node_path_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_node_path),
    pub godot_node_path_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_node_path_is_absolute: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_node_path_get_name_count: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_node_path_get_name: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path, idx: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_node_path_get_subname_count: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_node_path_get_subname: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path, idx: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_node_path_get_concatenated_subnames: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_node_path_is_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_node_path_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path, b: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_plane_new_with_reals: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_plane, a: godot_real, b: godot_real, c: godot_real, d: godot_real),
    pub godot_plane_new_with_vectors: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_plane, v1: *const godot_vector3, v2: *const godot_vector3, v3: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_plane_new_with_normal: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_plane, normal: *const godot_vector3, d: godot_real),
    pub godot_plane_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_plane_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_plane,
    pub godot_plane_center: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_plane_get_any_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_plane_is_point_over: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_plane_distance_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_plane_has_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, point: *const godot_vector3, epsilon: godot_real) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_plane_project: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_plane_intersect_3: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, r_dest: *mut godot_vector3, b: *const godot_plane, c: *const godot_plane) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_plane_intersects_ray: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, r_dest: *mut godot_vector3, from: *const godot_vector3, dir: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_plane_intersects_segment: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, r_dest: *mut godot_vector3, begin: *const godot_vector3, end: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_plane_operator_neg: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_plane,
    pub godot_plane_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, b: *const godot_plane) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_plane_set_normal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_plane, normal: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_plane_get_normal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_plane_get_d: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_plane_set_d: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_plane, d: godot_real),
    pub godot_rect2_new_with_position_and_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_rect2, pos: *const godot_vector2, size: *const godot_vector2),
    pub godot_rect2_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_rect2, x: godot_real, y: godot_real, width: godot_real, height: godot_real),
    pub godot_rect2_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_rect2_get_area: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_rect2_intersects: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_rect2_encloses: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_rect2_has_no_area: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_rect2_clip: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_rect2_merge: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_rect2_has_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, point: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_rect2_grow: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, by: godot_real) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_rect2_expand: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_rect2_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_rect2_get_position: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_rect2_get_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_rect2_set_position: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_rect2, pos: *const godot_vector2),
    pub godot_rect2_set_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_rect2, size: *const godot_vector2),
    pub godot_aabb_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_aabb, pos: *const godot_vector3, size: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_aabb_get_position: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_aabb_set_position: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, v: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_aabb_get_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_aabb_set_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, v: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_aabb_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_aabb_get_area: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_aabb_has_no_area: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_aabb_has_no_surface: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_aabb_intersects: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, with: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_aabb_encloses: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, with: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_aabb_merge: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, with: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_aabb,
    pub godot_aabb_intersection: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, with: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_aabb,
    pub godot_aabb_intersects_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, plane: *const godot_plane) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_aabb_intersects_segment: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, from: *const godot_vector3, to: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_aabb_has_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_aabb_get_support: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, dir: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_aabb_get_longest_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_aabb_expand: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, to_point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_aabb,
    pub godot_aabb_grow: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, by: godot_real) -> godot_aabb,
    pub godot_aabb_get_endpoint: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, idx: godot_int) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_aabb_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, b: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_rid_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_rid),
    pub godot_rid_get_id: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rid) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_rid_new_with_resource: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_rid, from: *const godot_object),
    pub godot_rid_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rid, b: *const godot_rid) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_rid_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rid, b: *const godot_rid) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_transform_new_with_axis_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform, x_axis: *const godot_vector3, y_axis: *const godot_vector3, z_axis: *const godot_vector3, origin: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_transform_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform, basis: *const godot_basis, origin: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_transform_get_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_transform_set_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_transform, v: *const godot_basis),
    pub godot_transform_get_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_transform_set_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_transform, v: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_transform_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_transform_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_transform_affine_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_transform_orthonormalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_transform_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real) -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_transform_scaled: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, scale: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_transform_translated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, ofs: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_transform_looking_at: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, target: *const godot_vector3, up: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_transform_xform_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_plane) -> godot_plane,
    pub godot_transform_xform_inv_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_plane) -> godot_plane,
    pub godot_transform_new_identity: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform),
    pub godot_transform_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, b: *const godot_transform) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_transform_operator_multiply: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, b: *const godot_transform) -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_transform_xform_vector3: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_transform_xform_inv_vector3: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_transform_xform_aabb: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_aabb,
    pub godot_transform_xform_inv_aabb: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_aabb,
    pub godot_transform2d_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform2d, rot: godot_real, pos: *const godot_vector2),
    pub godot_transform2d_new_axis_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform2d, x_axis: *const godot_vector2, y_axis: *const godot_vector2, origin: *const godot_vector2),
    pub godot_transform2d_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_transform2d_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_transform2d,
    pub godot_transform2d_affine_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_transform2d,
    pub godot_transform2d_get_rotation: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_transform2d_get_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_transform2d_get_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_transform2d_orthonormalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_transform2d,
    pub godot_transform2d_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, phi: godot_real) -> godot_transform2d,
    pub godot_transform2d_scaled: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, scale: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_transform2d,
    pub godot_transform2d_translated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, offset: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_transform2d,
    pub godot_transform2d_xform_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_transform2d_xform_inv_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_transform2d_basis_xform_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_transform2d_basis_xform_inv_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_transform2d_interpolate_with: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, m: *const godot_transform2d, c: godot_real) -> godot_transform2d,
    pub godot_transform2d_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, b: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_transform2d_operator_multiply: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, b: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_transform2d,
    pub godot_transform2d_new_identity: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform2d),
    pub godot_transform2d_xform_rect2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_transform2d_xform_inv_rect2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_variant_get_type: unsafe extern "C" fn(v: *const godot_variant) -> godot_variant_type,
    pub godot_variant_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, src: *const godot_variant),
    pub godot_variant_new_nil: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant),
    pub godot_variant_new_bool: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, b: godot_bool),
    pub godot_variant_new_uint: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, i: u64),
    pub godot_variant_new_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, i: i64),
    pub godot_variant_new_real: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, r: c_double),
    pub godot_variant_new_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, s: *const godot_string),
    pub godot_variant_new_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, v2: *const godot_vector2),
    pub godot_variant_new_rect2: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, rect2: *const godot_rect2),
    pub godot_variant_new_vector3: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, v3: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_variant_new_transform2d: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, t2d: *const godot_transform2d),
    pub godot_variant_new_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, plane: *const godot_plane),
    pub godot_variant_new_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, quat: *const godot_quat),
    pub godot_variant_new_aabb: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, aabb: *const godot_aabb),
    pub godot_variant_new_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, basis: *const godot_basis),
    pub godot_variant_new_transform: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, trans: *const godot_transform),
    pub godot_variant_new_color: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, color: *const godot_color),
    pub godot_variant_new_node_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, np: *const godot_node_path),
    pub godot_variant_new_rid: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, rid: *const godot_rid),
    pub godot_variant_new_object: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, obj: *const godot_object),
    pub godot_variant_new_dictionary: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, dict: *const godot_dictionary),
    pub godot_variant_new_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, arr: *const godot_array),
    pub godot_variant_new_pool_byte_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pba: *const godot_pool_byte_array),
    pub godot_variant_new_pool_int_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pia: *const godot_pool_int_array),
    pub godot_variant_new_pool_real_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pra: *const godot_pool_real_array),
    pub godot_variant_new_pool_string_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, psa: *const godot_pool_string_array),
    pub godot_variant_new_pool_vector2_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pv2a: *const godot_pool_vector2_array),
    pub godot_variant_new_pool_vector3_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pv3a: *const godot_pool_vector3_array),
    pub godot_variant_new_pool_color_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pca: *const godot_pool_color_array),
    pub godot_variant_as_bool: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_variant_as_uint: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> u64,
    pub godot_variant_as_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> i64,
    pub godot_variant_as_real: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> c_double,
    pub godot_variant_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_variant_as_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_vector2,
    pub godot_variant_as_rect2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_variant_as_vector3: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_vector3,
    pub godot_variant_as_transform2d: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_transform2d,
    pub godot_variant_as_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_plane,
    pub godot_variant_as_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_variant_as_aabb: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_aabb,
    pub godot_variant_as_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_variant_as_transform: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_variant_as_color: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_color,
    pub godot_variant_as_node_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_node_path,
    pub godot_variant_as_rid: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_rid,
    pub godot_variant_as_object: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> *mut godot_object,
    pub godot_variant_as_dictionary: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_dictionary,
    pub godot_variant_as_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_variant_as_pool_byte_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_byte_array,
    pub godot_variant_as_pool_int_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_int_array,
    pub godot_variant_as_pool_real_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_real_array,
    pub godot_variant_as_pool_string_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_string_array,
    pub godot_variant_as_pool_vector2_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_vector2_array,
    pub godot_variant_as_pool_vector3_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_vector3_array,
    pub godot_variant_as_pool_color_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_color_array,
    pub godot_variant_call: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_variant, method: *const godot_string, args: *mut *const godot_variant, argcount: godot_int, r_error: *mut godot_variant_call_error) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_variant_has_method: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant, method: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_variant_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant, other: *const godot_variant) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_variant_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant, other: *const godot_variant) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_variant_hash_compare: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant, other: *const godot_variant) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_variant_booleanize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_variant_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_variant),
    pub godot_char_string_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(cs: *const godot_char_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_char_string_get_data: unsafe extern "C" fn(cs: *const godot_char_string) -> *const c_char,
    pub godot_char_string_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(cs: *mut godot_char_string),
    pub godot_string_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string),
    pub godot_string_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string, src: *const godot_string),
    pub godot_string_new_with_wide_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string, contents: *const wchar_t, size: c_int),
    pub godot_string_operator_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string, idx: godot_int) -> *const wchar_t,
    pub godot_string_operator_index_const: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, idx: godot_int) -> wchar_t,
    pub godot_string_wide_str: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> *const wchar_t,
    pub godot_string_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, b: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, b: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_operator_plus: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, b: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_casecmp_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, str: *const godot_string) -> c_schar,
    pub godot_string_nocasecmp_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, str: *const godot_string) -> c_schar,
    pub godot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, str: *const godot_string) -> c_schar,
    pub godot_string_begins_with: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_begins_with_char_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, char_array: *const c_char) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_bigrams: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_chr: unsafe extern "C" fn(character: wchar_t) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_ends_with: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_find: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_find_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string, from: godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_findmk: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, keys: *const godot_array) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_findmk_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, keys: *const godot_array, from: godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_findmk_from_in_place: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, keys: *const godot_array, from: godot_int, r_key: *mut godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_findn: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_findn_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string, from: godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_find_last: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_format: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, values: *const godot_variant) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_format_with_custom_placeholder: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, values: *const godot_variant, placeholder: *const c_char) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_hex_encode_buffer: unsafe extern "C" fn(buffer: *const u8, len: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_hex_to_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_hex_to_int_without_prefix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, at_pos: godot_int, string: godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_is_numeric: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_is_subsequence_of: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_is_subsequence_ofi: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_lpad: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, min_length: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_lpad_with_custom_character: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, min_length: godot_int, character: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_match: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, wildcard: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_matchn: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, wildcard: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_md5: unsafe extern "C" fn(md5: *const u8) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_num: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: c_double) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_num_int64: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: i64, base: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_num_int64_capitalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: i64, base: godot_int, capitalize_hex: godot_bool) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_num_real: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: c_double) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_num_scientific: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: c_double) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_num_with_decimals: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: c_double, decimals: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_pad_decimals: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, digits: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_pad_zeros: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, digits: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_replace_first: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, key: godot_string, with: godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_replace: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, key: godot_string, with: godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_replacen: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, key: godot_string, with: godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_rfind: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_rfindn: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_rfind_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string, from: godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_rfindn_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string, from: godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_rpad: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, min_length: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_rpad_with_custom_character: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, min_length: godot_int, character: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_similarity: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_string_sprintf: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, values: *const godot_array, error: *mut godot_bool) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_substr: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, from: godot_int, chars: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_to_double: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> c_double,
    pub godot_string_to_float: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_string_to_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_camelcase_to_underscore_lowercased: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_capitalize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_char_to_double: unsafe extern "C" fn(what: *const c_char) -> c_double,
    pub godot_string_char_to_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(what: *const c_char) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_wchar_to_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t) -> i64,
    pub godot_string_char_to_int_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(what: *const c_char, len: godot_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_char_to_int64_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t, len: c_int) -> i64,
    pub godot_string_hex_to_int64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> i64,
    pub godot_string_hex_to_int64_with_prefix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> i64,
    pub godot_string_to_int64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> i64,
    pub godot_string_unicode_char_to_double: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t, r_end: *mut *const wchar_t) -> c_double,
    pub godot_string_get_slice_count: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: godot_string) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_string_get_slice: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: godot_string, slice: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_get_slicec: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: wchar_t, slice: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_split: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_allow_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_floats: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_floats_allows_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_floats_mk: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitters: *const godot_array) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_floats_mk_allows_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitters: *const godot_array) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_ints: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_ints_allows_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_ints_mk: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitters: *const godot_array) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_ints_mk_allows_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitters: *const godot_array) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_split_spaces: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_string_char_lowercase: unsafe extern "C" fn(char: wchar_t) -> wchar_t,
    pub godot_string_char_uppercase: unsafe extern "C" fn(char: wchar_t) -> wchar_t,
    pub godot_string_to_lower: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_to_upper: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_get_basename: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_get_extension: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_left: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, pos: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_ord_at: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, idx: godot_int) -> wchar_t,
    pub godot_string_plus_file: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, file: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_right: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, pos: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_strip_edges: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, left: godot_bool, right: godot_bool) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_strip_escapes: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_erase: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string, pos: godot_int, chars: godot_int),
    pub godot_string_ascii: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_char_string,
    pub godot_string_ascii_extended: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_char_string,
    pub godot_string_utf8: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_char_string,
    pub godot_string_parse_utf8: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string, utf8: *const c_char) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_parse_utf8_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string, utf8: *const c_char, len: godot_int) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_chars_to_utf8: unsafe extern "C" fn(utf8: *const c_char) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_chars_to_utf8_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(utf8: *const c_char, len: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_hash: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> u32,
    pub godot_string_hash64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> u64,
    pub godot_string_hash_chars: unsafe extern "C" fn(cstr: *const c_char) -> u32,
    pub godot_string_hash_chars_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(cstr: *const c_char, len: godot_int) -> u32,
    pub godot_string_hash_utf8_chars: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t) -> u32,
    pub godot_string_hash_utf8_chars_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t, len: godot_int) -> u32,
    pub godot_string_md5_buffer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_pool_byte_array,
    pub godot_string_md5_text: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_sha256_buffer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_pool_byte_array,
    pub godot_string_sha256_text: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_get_base_dir: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_get_file: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_humanize_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(size: usize) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_is_abs_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_is_rel_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_is_resource_file: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_path_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, path: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_path_to_file: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, path: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_simplify_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_c_escape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_c_escape_multiline: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_c_unescape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_http_escape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_http_unescape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_json_escape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_word_wrap: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, chars_per_line: godot_int) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_xml_escape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_xml_escape_with_quotes: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_xml_unescape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_percent_decode: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_percent_encode: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_is_valid_float: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_is_valid_hex_number: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, with_prefix: godot_bool) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_is_valid_html_color: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_is_valid_identifier: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_is_valid_integer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_is_valid_ip_address: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string),
    pub godot_string_name_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string_name, name: *const godot_string),
    pub godot_string_name_new_data: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string_name, name: *const c_char),
    pub godot_string_name_get_name: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_name_get_hash: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name) -> u32,
    pub godot_string_name_get_data_unique_pointer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name) -> *const c_void,
    pub godot_string_name_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name, other: *const godot_string_name) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_name_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name, other: *const godot_string_name) -> godot_bool,
    pub godot_string_name_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string_name),
    pub godot_object_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(o: *mut godot_object),
    pub godot_global_get_singleton: unsafe extern "C" fn(name: *mut c_char) -> *mut godot_object,
    pub godot_method_bind_get_method: unsafe extern "C" fn(classname: *const c_char, methodname: *const c_char) -> *mut godot_method_bind,
    pub godot_method_bind_ptrcall: unsafe extern "C" fn(method_bind: *mut godot_method_bind, instance: *mut godot_object, args: *mut *const c_void, ret: *mut c_void),
    pub godot_method_bind_call: unsafe extern "C" fn(method_bind: *mut godot_method_bind, instance: *mut godot_object, args: *mut *const godot_variant, arg_count: c_int, call_error: *mut godot_variant_call_error) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_get_class_constructor: unsafe extern "C" fn(classname: *const c_char) -> godot_class_constructor,
    pub godot_get_global_constants: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> godot_dictionary,
    pub godot_register_native_call_type: unsafe extern "C" fn(call_type: *const c_char, callback: native_call_cb),
    pub godot_alloc: unsafe extern "C" fn(bytes: c_int) -> *mut c_void,
    pub godot_realloc: unsafe extern "C" fn(ptr: *mut c_void, bytes: c_int) -> *mut c_void,
    pub godot_free: unsafe extern "C" fn(ptr: *mut c_void),
    pub godot_print_error: unsafe extern "C" fn(description: *const c_char, function: *const c_char, file: *const c_char, line: c_int),
    pub godot_print_warning: unsafe extern "C" fn(description: *const c_char, function: *const c_char, file: *const c_char, line: c_int),
    pub godot_print: unsafe extern "C" fn(message: *const godot_string),
    pub godot_color_to_abgr32: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_color_to_abgr64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_color_to_argb64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_color_to_rgba64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_color_darkened: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, amount: godot_real) -> godot_color,
    pub godot_color_from_hsv: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, h: godot_real, s: godot_real, v: godot_real, a: godot_real) -> godot_color,
    pub godot_color_lightened: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, amount: godot_real) -> godot_color,
    pub godot_array_duplicate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, deep: godot_bool) -> godot_array,
    pub godot_array_max: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_array_min: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_array_shuffle: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array),
    pub godot_basis_slerp: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis, t: godot_real) -> godot_basis,
    pub godot_dictionary_get_with_default: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant, default: *const godot_variant) -> godot_variant,
    pub godot_dictionary_erase_with_return: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> bool,
    pub godot_node_path_get_as_property_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_node_path,
    pub godot_quat_set_axis_angle: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, axis: *const godot_vector3, angle: godot_real),
    pub godot_rect2_grow_individual: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, left: godot_real, top: godot_real, right: godot_real, bottom: godot_real) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_rect2_grow_margin: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, margin: godot_int, by: godot_real) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_rect2_abs: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2,
    pub godot_string_dedent: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_trim_prefix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, prefix: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_trim_suffix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, suffix: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_rstrip: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, chars: *const godot_string) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_string_rsplit: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, divisor: *const godot_string, allow_empty: godot_bool, maxsplit: godot_int) -> godot_pool_string_array,
    pub godot_basis_get_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_quat,
    pub godot_basis_set_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, quat: *const godot_quat),
    pub godot_basis_set_axis_angle_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real, scale: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_basis_set_euler_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, euler: *const godot_vector3, scale: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_basis_set_quat_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, quat: *const godot_quat, scale: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_is_instance_valid: unsafe extern "C" fn(object: *const godot_object) -> bool,
    pub godot_quat_new_with_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_quat, basis: *const godot_basis),
    pub godot_quat_new_with_euler: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_quat, euler: *const godot_vector3),
    pub godot_transform_new_with_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform, quat: *const godot_quat),
    pub godot_variant_get_operator_name: unsafe extern "C" fn(op: godot_variant_operator) -> godot_string,
    pub godot_variant_evaluate: unsafe extern "C" fn(op: godot_variant_operator, a: *const godot_variant, b: *const godot_variant, r_ret: *mut godot_variant, r_valid: *mut godot_bool),
    pub godot_nativescript_register_class: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, base: *const c_char, create_func: godot_instance_create_func, destroy_func: godot_instance_destroy_func),
    pub godot_nativescript_register_tool_class: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, base: *const c_char, create_func: godot_instance_create_func, destroy_func: godot_instance_destroy_func),
    pub godot_nativescript_register_method: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, function_name: *const c_char, attr: godot_method_attributes, method: godot_instance_method),
    pub godot_nativescript_register_property: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, path: *const c_char, attr: *mut godot_property_attributes, set_func: godot_property_set_func, get_func: godot_property_get_func),
    pub godot_nativescript_register_signal: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, signal: *const godot_signal),
    pub godot_nativescript_get_userdata: unsafe extern "C" fn(instance: *mut godot_object) -> *mut c_void,
    pub godot_nativescript_set_method_argument_information: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, function_name: *const c_char, num_args: c_int, args: *const godot_method_arg),
    pub godot_nativescript_set_class_documentation: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, documentation: godot_string),
    pub godot_nativescript_set_method_documentation: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, function_name: *const c_char, documentation: godot_string),
    pub godot_nativescript_set_property_documentation: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, path: *const c_char, documentation: godot_string),
    pub godot_nativescript_set_signal_documentation: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, signal_name: *const c_char, documentation: godot_string),
    pub godot_nativescript_set_global_type_tag: unsafe extern "C" fn(idx: c_int, name: *const c_char, type_tag: *const c_void),
    pub godot_nativescript_get_global_type_tag: unsafe extern "C" fn(idx: c_int, name: *const c_char) -> *const c_void,
    pub godot_nativescript_set_type_tag: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, type_tag: *const c_void),
    pub godot_nativescript_get_type_tag: unsafe extern "C" fn(object: *const godot_object) -> *const c_void,
    pub godot_nativescript_register_instance_binding_data_functions: unsafe extern "C" fn(binding_functions: godot_instance_binding_functions) -> c_int,
    pub godot_nativescript_unregister_instance_binding_data_functions: unsafe extern "C" fn(idx: c_int),
    pub godot_nativescript_get_instance_binding_data: unsafe extern "C" fn(idx: c_int, object: *mut godot_object) -> *mut c_void,
    pub godot_nativescript_profiling_add_data: unsafe extern "C" fn(signature: *const c_char, line: u64),
    pub godot_pluginscript_register_language: unsafe extern "C" fn(language_desc: *const godot_pluginscript_language_desc),
    pub godot_arvr_register_interface: unsafe extern "C" fn(interface: *const godot_arvr_interface_gdnative),
    pub godot_arvr_get_worldscale: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> godot_real,
    pub godot_arvr_get_reference_frame: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> godot_transform,
    pub godot_arvr_blit: unsafe extern "C" fn(eye: c_int, render_target: *mut godot_rid, screen_rect: *mut godot_rect2),
    pub godot_arvr_get_texid: unsafe extern "C" fn(render_target: *mut godot_rid) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_arvr_add_controller: unsafe extern "C" fn(device_name: *mut c_char, hand: godot_int, tracks_orientation: godot_bool, tracks_position: godot_bool) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_arvr_remove_controller: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int),
    pub godot_arvr_set_controller_transform: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int, transform: *mut godot_transform, tracks_orientation: godot_bool, tracks_position: godot_bool),
    pub godot_arvr_set_controller_button: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int, button: godot_int, is_pressed: godot_bool),
    pub godot_arvr_set_controller_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int, exis: godot_int, value: godot_real, can_be_negative: godot_bool),
    pub godot_arvr_get_controller_rumble: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int) -> godot_real,
    pub godot_videodecoder_file_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(file_ptr: *mut c_void, buf: *mut u8, buf_size: c_int) -> godot_int,
    pub godot_videodecoder_file_seek: unsafe extern "C" fn(file_ptr: *mut c_void, pos: i64, whence: c_int) -> i64,
    pub godot_videodecoder_register_decoder: unsafe extern "C" fn(interface: *const godot_videodecoder_interface_gdnative),
    pub godot_net_bind_stream_peer: unsafe extern "C" fn(obj: *mut godot_object, interface: *const godot_net_stream_peer),
    pub godot_net_bind_packet_peer: unsafe extern "C" fn(obj: *mut godot_object, interface: *const godot_net_packet_peer),
    pub godot_net_bind_multiplayer_peer: unsafe extern "C" fn(obj: *mut godot_object, interface: *const godot_net_multiplayer_peer),


godot_color_new_rgba: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_color, r: godot_real, g: godot_real, b: godot_real, a: godot_real)godot_color_new_rgb: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_color, r: godot_real, g: godot_real, b: godot_real)godot_color_get_r: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_realgodot_color_set_r: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_color, r: godot_real)godot_color_get_g: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_realgodot_color_set_g: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_color, g: godot_real)godot_color_get_b: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_realgodot_color_set_b: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_color, b: godot_real)godot_color_get_a: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_realgodot_color_set_a: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_color, a: godot_real)godot_color_get_h: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_realgodot_color_get_s: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_realgodot_color_get_v: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_realgodot_color_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_stringgodot_color_to_rgba32: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_intgodot_color_to_argb32: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_intgodot_color_gray: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_realgodot_color_inverted: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_colorgodot_color_contrasted: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_colorgodot_color_linear_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, b: *const godot_color, t: godot_real) -> godot_colorgodot_color_blend: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, over: *const godot_color) -> godot_colorgodot_color_to_html: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, with_alpha: godot_bool) -> godot_stringgodot_color_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, b: *const godot_color) -> godot_boolgodot_color_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, b: *const godot_color) -> godot_boolgodot_vector2_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_vector2, x: godot_real, y: godot_real)godot_vector2_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_stringgodot_vector2_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_angle: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_length_squared: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_is_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_boolgodot_vector2_distance_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_distance_squared_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_angle_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_angle_to_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_linear_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2, t: godot_real) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_cubic_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2, pre_a: *const godot_vector2, post_b: *const godot_vector2, t: godot_real) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, phi: godot_real) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_tangent: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_floor: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_snapped: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, by: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_aspect: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_dot: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, with: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_slide: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, n: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_bounce: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, n: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_reflect: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, n: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_abs: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_clamped: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, length: godot_real) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_operator_add: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_operator_subtract: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_operator_multiply_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_operator_multiply_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: godot_real) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_operator_divide_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_operator_divide_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: godot_real) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_boolgodot_vector2_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2, b: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_boolgodot_vector2_operator_neg: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_vector2_set_x: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_vector2, x: godot_real)godot_vector2_set_y: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_vector2, y: godot_real)godot_vector2_get_x: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_vector2_get_y: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_realgodot_quat_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_quat, x: godot_real, y: godot_real, z: godot_real, w: godot_real)godot_quat_new_with_axis_angle: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_quat, axis: *const godot_vector3, angle: godot_real)godot_quat_get_x: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_realgodot_quat_set_x: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, val: godot_real)godot_quat_get_y: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_realgodot_quat_set_y: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, val: godot_real)godot_quat_get_z: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_realgodot_quat_set_z: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, val: godot_real)godot_quat_get_w: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_realgodot_quat_set_w: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, val: godot_real)godot_quat_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_stringgodot_quat_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_realgodot_quat_length_squared: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_realgodot_quat_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quatgodot_quat_is_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_boolgodot_quat_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quatgodot_quat_dot: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat) -> godot_realgodot_quat_xform: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_quat_slerp: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat, t: godot_real) -> godot_quatgodot_quat_slerpni: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat, t: godot_real) -> godot_quatgodot_quat_cubic_slerp: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat, pre_a: *const godot_quat, post_b: *const godot_quat, t: godot_real) -> godot_quatgodot_quat_operator_multiply: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: godot_real) -> godot_quatgodot_quat_operator_add: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quatgodot_quat_operator_subtract: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quatgodot_quat_operator_divide: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: godot_real) -> godot_quatgodot_quat_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat, b: *const godot_quat) -> godot_boolgodot_quat_operator_neg: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_quat) -> godot_quatgodot_basis_new_with_rows: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis, x_axis: *const godot_vector3, y_axis: *const godot_vector3, z_axis: *const godot_vector3)godot_basis_new_with_axis_and_angle: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real)godot_basis_new_with_euler: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis, euler: *const godot_vector3)godot_basis_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_stringgodot_basis_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basisgodot_basis_transposed: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basisgodot_basis_orthonormalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basisgodot_basis_determinant: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_realgodot_basis_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real) -> godot_basisgodot_basis_scaled: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, scale: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_basisgodot_basis_get_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_vector3godot_basis_get_euler: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_vector3godot_basis_tdotx: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, with: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_basis_tdoty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, with: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_basis_tdotz: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, with: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_basis_xform: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_basis_xform_inv: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_basis_get_orthogonal_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_intgodot_basis_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis)godot_basis_new_with_euler_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_basis, euler: *const godot_quat)godot_basis_get_elements: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, elements: *mut godot_vector3)godot_basis_get_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, axis: godot_int) -> godot_vector3godot_basis_set_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, axis: godot_int, value: *const godot_vector3)godot_basis_get_row: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, row: godot_int) -> godot_vector3godot_basis_set_row: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, row: godot_int, value: *const godot_vector3)godot_basis_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis) -> godot_boolgodot_basis_operator_add: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basisgodot_basis_operator_subtract: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basisgodot_basis_operator_multiply_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis) -> godot_basisgodot_basis_operator_multiply_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: godot_real) -> godot_basisgodot_vector3_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_vector3, x: godot_real, y: godot_real, z: godot_real)godot_vector3_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_stringgodot_vector3_min_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_intgodot_vector3_max_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_intgodot_vector3_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_vector3_length_squared: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_vector3_is_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_boolgodot_vector3_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_snapped: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, by: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_linear_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3, t: godot_real) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_cubic_interpolate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3, pre_a: *const godot_vector3, post_b: *const godot_vector3, t: godot_real) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_dot: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_vector3_cross: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_outer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_basisgodot_vector3_to_diagonal_matrix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_basisgodot_vector3_abs: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_floor: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_ceil: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_distance_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_vector3_distance_squared_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_vector3_angle_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, to: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_vector3_slide: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, n: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_bounce: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, n: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_reflect: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, n: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_operator_add: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_operator_subtract: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_operator_multiply_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_operator_multiply_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: godot_real) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_operator_divide_vector: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_operator_divide_scalar: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: godot_real) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_boolgodot_vector3_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, b: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_boolgodot_vector3_operator_neg: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_vector3_set_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_vector3, axis: godot_vector3_axis, val: godot_real)godot_vector3_get_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_vector3, axis: godot_vector3_axis) -> godot_realgodot_pool_byte_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_byte_array)godot_pool_byte_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, src: *const godot_pool_byte_array)godot_pool_byte_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, a: *const godot_array)godot_pool_byte_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, data: u8)godot_pool_byte_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, array: *const godot_pool_byte_array)godot_pool_byte_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, idx: godot_int, data: u8) -> godot_errorgodot_pool_byte_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array)godot_pool_byte_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, data: u8)godot_pool_byte_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, idx: godot_int)godot_pool_byte_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, size: godot_int)godot_pool_byte_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_byte_array) -> *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_accessgodot_pool_byte_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array) -> *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_accessgodot_pool_byte_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array, idx: godot_int, data: u8)godot_pool_byte_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_byte_array, idx: godot_int) -> u8godot_pool_byte_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_byte_array) -> godot_intgodot_pool_byte_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_byte_array)godot_pool_int_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_int_array)godot_pool_int_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_int_array, src: *const godot_pool_int_array)godot_pool_int_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_int_array, a: *const godot_array)godot_pool_int_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, data: godot_int)godot_pool_int_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, array: *const godot_pool_int_array)godot_pool_int_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, idx: godot_int, data: godot_int) -> godot_errorgodot_pool_int_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array)godot_pool_int_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, data: godot_int)godot_pool_int_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, idx: godot_int)godot_pool_int_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, size: godot_int)godot_pool_int_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_int_array) -> *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_accessgodot_pool_int_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array) -> *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_accessgodot_pool_int_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array, idx: godot_int, data: godot_int)godot_pool_int_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_int_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_pool_int_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_int_array) -> godot_intgodot_pool_int_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_int_array)godot_pool_real_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_real_array)godot_pool_real_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_real_array, src: *const godot_pool_real_array)godot_pool_real_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_real_array, a: *const godot_array)godot_pool_real_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, data: godot_real)godot_pool_real_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, array: *const godot_pool_real_array)godot_pool_real_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, idx: godot_int, data: godot_real) -> godot_errorgodot_pool_real_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array)godot_pool_real_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, data: godot_real)godot_pool_real_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, idx: godot_int)godot_pool_real_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, size: godot_int)godot_pool_real_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_real_array) -> *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_accessgodot_pool_real_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array) -> *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_accessgodot_pool_real_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array, idx: godot_int, data: godot_real)godot_pool_real_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_real_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_realgodot_pool_real_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_real_array) -> godot_intgodot_pool_real_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_real_array)godot_pool_string_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_string_array)godot_pool_string_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_string_array, src: *const godot_pool_string_array)godot_pool_string_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_string_array, a: *const godot_array)godot_pool_string_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, data: *const godot_string)godot_pool_string_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, array: *const godot_pool_string_array)godot_pool_string_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_string) -> godot_errorgodot_pool_string_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array)godot_pool_string_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, data: *const godot_string)godot_pool_string_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, idx: godot_int)godot_pool_string_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, size: godot_int)godot_pool_string_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_string_array) -> *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_accessgodot_pool_string_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array) -> *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_accessgodot_pool_string_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_string)godot_pool_string_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_string_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_pool_string_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_string_array) -> godot_intgodot_pool_string_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_string_array)godot_pool_vector2_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array)godot_pool_vector2_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, src: *const godot_pool_vector2_array)godot_pool_vector2_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, a: *const godot_array)godot_pool_vector2_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, data: *const godot_vector2)godot_pool_vector2_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, array: *const godot_pool_vector2_array)godot_pool_vector2_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_errorgodot_pool_vector2_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array)godot_pool_vector2_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, data: *const godot_vector2)godot_pool_vector2_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, idx: godot_int)godot_pool_vector2_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, size: godot_int)godot_pool_vector2_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector2_array) -> *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_accessgodot_pool_vector2_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array) -> *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_accessgodot_pool_vector2_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_vector2)godot_pool_vector2_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector2_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_vector2godot_pool_vector2_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector2_array) -> godot_intgodot_pool_vector2_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array)godot_pool_vector3_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array)godot_pool_vector3_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, src: *const godot_pool_vector3_array)godot_pool_vector3_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, a: *const godot_array)godot_pool_vector3_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, data: *const godot_vector3)godot_pool_vector3_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, array: *const godot_pool_vector3_array)godot_pool_vector3_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_errorgodot_pool_vector3_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array)godot_pool_vector3_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, data: *const godot_vector3)godot_pool_vector3_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, idx: godot_int)godot_pool_vector3_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, size: godot_int)godot_pool_vector3_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector3_array) -> *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_accessgodot_pool_vector3_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array) -> *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_accessgodot_pool_vector3_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_vector3)godot_pool_vector3_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector3_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_vector3godot_pool_vector3_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_vector3_array) -> godot_intgodot_pool_vector3_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array)godot_pool_color_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_color_array)godot_pool_color_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_color_array, src: *const godot_pool_color_array)godot_pool_color_array_new_with_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_pool_color_array, a: *const godot_array)godot_pool_color_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, data: *const godot_color)godot_pool_color_array_append_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, array: *const godot_pool_color_array)godot_pool_color_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_color) -> godot_errorgodot_pool_color_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array)godot_pool_color_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, data: *const godot_color)godot_pool_color_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, idx: godot_int)godot_pool_color_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, size: godot_int)godot_pool_color_array_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_color_array) -> *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_accessgodot_pool_color_array_write: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array) -> *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_accessgodot_pool_color_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array, idx: godot_int, data: *const godot_color)godot_pool_color_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_color_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_colorgodot_pool_color_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_pool_color_array) -> godot_intgodot_pool_color_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_pool_color_array)godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_byte_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_accessgodot_pool_byte_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_byte_array_read_access) -> *const u8godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_access)godot_pool_byte_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_read_access)godot_pool_int_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_int_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_accessgodot_pool_int_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_int_array_read_access) -> *const godot_intgodot_pool_int_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_access)godot_pool_int_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_int_array_read_access)godot_pool_real_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_real_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_accessgodot_pool_real_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_real_array_read_access) -> *const godot_realgodot_pool_real_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_access)godot_pool_real_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_real_array_read_access)godot_pool_string_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_string_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_accessgodot_pool_string_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_string_array_read_access) -> *const godot_stringgodot_pool_string_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_access)godot_pool_string_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_string_array_read_access)godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_accessgodot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access) -> *const godot_vector2godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access)godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_read_access)godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_accessgodot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access) -> *const godot_vector3godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access)godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_read_access)godot_pool_color_array_read_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_color_array_read_access) -> *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_accessgodot_pool_color_array_read_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *const godot_pool_color_array_read_access) -> *const godot_colorgodot_pool_color_array_read_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_access, other: *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_access)godot_pool_color_array_read_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(read: *mut godot_pool_color_array_read_access)godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_byte_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_accessgodot_pool_byte_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_byte_array_write_access) -> *mut u8godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_access)godot_pool_byte_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_byte_array_write_access)godot_pool_int_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_int_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_accessgodot_pool_int_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_int_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_intgodot_pool_int_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_access)godot_pool_int_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_int_array_write_access)godot_pool_real_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_real_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_accessgodot_pool_real_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_real_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_realgodot_pool_real_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_access)godot_pool_real_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_real_array_write_access)godot_pool_string_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_string_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_accessgodot_pool_string_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_string_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_stringgodot_pool_string_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_access)godot_pool_string_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_string_array_write_access)godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_accessgodot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_vector2godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access)godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_vector2_array_write_access)godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_accessgodot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_vector3godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access)godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_vector3_array_write_access)godot_pool_color_array_write_access_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_color_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_accessgodot_pool_color_array_write_access_ptr: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *const godot_pool_color_array_write_access) -> *mut godot_colorgodot_pool_color_array_write_access_operator_assign: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_access, other: *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_access)godot_pool_color_array_write_access_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(write: *mut godot_pool_color_array_write_access)godot_array_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array)godot_array_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, src: *const godot_array)godot_array_new_pool_color_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pca: *const godot_pool_color_array)godot_array_new_pool_vector3_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pv3a: *const godot_pool_vector3_array)godot_array_new_pool_vector2_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pv2a: *const godot_pool_vector2_array)godot_array_new_pool_string_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, psa: *const godot_pool_string_array)godot_array_new_pool_real_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pra: *const godot_pool_real_array)godot_array_new_pool_int_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pia: *const godot_pool_int_array)godot_array_new_pool_byte_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_array, pba: *const godot_pool_byte_array)godot_array_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, idx: godot_int, value: *const godot_variant)godot_array_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, idx: godot_int) -> godot_variantgodot_array_operator_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, idx: godot_int) -> *mut godot_variantgodot_array_operator_index_const: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, idx: godot_int) -> *const godot_variantgodot_array_append: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant)godot_array_clear: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array)godot_array_count: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, value: *const godot_variant) -> godot_intgodot_array_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_boolgodot_array_erase: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant)godot_array_front: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_variantgodot_array_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_variantgodot_array_find: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, what: *const godot_variant, from: godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_array_find_last: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, what: *const godot_variant) -> godot_intgodot_array_has: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, value: *const godot_variant) -> godot_boolgodot_array_hash: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_intgodot_array_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, pos: godot_int, value: *const godot_variant)godot_array_invert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array)godot_array_pop_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array) -> godot_variantgodot_array_pop_front: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array) -> godot_variantgodot_array_push_back: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant)godot_array_push_front: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant)godot_array_remove: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, idx: godot_int)godot_array_resize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, size: godot_int)godot_array_rfind: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, what: *const godot_variant, from: godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_array_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_intgodot_array_sort: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array)godot_array_sort_custom: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, obj: *mut godot_object, func: *const godot_string)godot_array_bsearch: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant, before: godot_bool) -> godot_intgodot_array_bsearch_custom: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array, value: *const godot_variant, obj: *mut godot_object, func: *const godot_string, before: godot_bool) -> godot_intgodot_array_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array)godot_dictionary_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_dictionary)godot_dictionary_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_dictionary, src: *const godot_dictionary)godot_dictionary_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary)godot_dictionary_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_intgodot_dictionary_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_boolgodot_dictionary_clear: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary)godot_dictionary_has: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> godot_boolgodot_dictionary_has_all: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, keys: *const godot_array) -> godot_boolgodot_dictionary_erase: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant)godot_dictionary_hash: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_intgodot_dictionary_keys: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_arraygodot_dictionary_values: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_arraygodot_dictionary_get: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> godot_variantgodot_dictionary_set: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant, value: *const godot_variant)godot_dictionary_operator_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> *mut godot_variantgodot_dictionary_operator_index_const: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> *const godot_variantgodot_dictionary_next: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> *mut godot_variantgodot_dictionary_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, b: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_boolgodot_dictionary_to_json: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary) -> godot_stringgodot_node_path_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_node_path, from: *const godot_string)godot_node_path_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_node_path, src: *const godot_node_path)godot_node_path_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_node_path)godot_node_path_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_stringgodot_node_path_is_absolute: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_boolgodot_node_path_get_name_count: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_intgodot_node_path_get_name: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path, idx: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_node_path_get_subname_count: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_intgodot_node_path_get_subname: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path, idx: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_node_path_get_concatenated_subnames: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_stringgodot_node_path_is_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_boolgodot_node_path_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path, b: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_boolgodot_plane_new_with_reals: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_plane, a: godot_real, b: godot_real, c: godot_real, d: godot_real)godot_plane_new_with_vectors: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_plane, v1: *const godot_vector3, v2: *const godot_vector3, v3: *const godot_vector3)godot_plane_new_with_normal: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_plane, normal: *const godot_vector3, d: godot_real)godot_plane_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_stringgodot_plane_normalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_planegodot_plane_center: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_vector3godot_plane_get_any_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_vector3godot_plane_is_point_over: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_boolgodot_plane_distance_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_realgodot_plane_has_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, point: *const godot_vector3, epsilon: godot_real) -> godot_boolgodot_plane_project: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_plane_intersect_3: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, r_dest: *mut godot_vector3, b: *const godot_plane, c: *const godot_plane) -> godot_boolgodot_plane_intersects_ray: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, r_dest: *mut godot_vector3, from: *const godot_vector3, dir: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_boolgodot_plane_intersects_segment: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, r_dest: *mut godot_vector3, begin: *const godot_vector3, end: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_boolgodot_plane_operator_neg: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_planegodot_plane_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane, b: *const godot_plane) -> godot_boolgodot_plane_set_normal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_plane, normal: *const godot_vector3)godot_plane_get_normal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_vector3godot_plane_get_d: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_plane) -> godot_realgodot_plane_set_d: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_plane, d: godot_real)godot_rect2_new_with_position_and_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_rect2, pos: *const godot_vector2, size: *const godot_vector2)godot_rect2_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_rect2, x: godot_real, y: godot_real, width: godot_real, height: godot_real)godot_rect2_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_stringgodot_rect2_get_area: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_realgodot_rect2_intersects: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_boolgodot_rect2_encloses: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_boolgodot_rect2_has_no_area: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_boolgodot_rect2_clip: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2godot_rect2_merge: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2godot_rect2_has_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, point: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_boolgodot_rect2_grow: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, by: godot_real) -> godot_rect2godot_rect2_expand: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, to: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_rect2godot_rect2_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, b: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_boolgodot_rect2_get_position: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_vector2godot_rect2_get_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_vector2godot_rect2_set_position: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_rect2, pos: *const godot_vector2)godot_rect2_set_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_rect2, size: *const godot_vector2)godot_aabb_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_aabb, pos: *const godot_vector3, size: *const godot_vector3)godot_aabb_get_position: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_vector3godot_aabb_set_position: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, v: *const godot_vector3)godot_aabb_get_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_vector3godot_aabb_set_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, v: *const godot_vector3)godot_aabb_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_stringgodot_aabb_get_area: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_realgodot_aabb_has_no_area: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_boolgodot_aabb_has_no_surface: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_boolgodot_aabb_intersects: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, with: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_boolgodot_aabb_encloses: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, with: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_boolgodot_aabb_merge: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, with: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_aabbgodot_aabb_intersection: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, with: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_aabbgodot_aabb_intersects_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, plane: *const godot_plane) -> godot_boolgodot_aabb_intersects_segment: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, from: *const godot_vector3, to: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_boolgodot_aabb_has_point: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_boolgodot_aabb_get_support: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, dir: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_aabb_get_longest_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_vector3godot_aabb_get_longest_axis_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_intgodot_aabb_get_longest_axis_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_realgodot_aabb_get_shortest_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_vector3godot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_intgodot_aabb_get_shortest_axis_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_realgodot_aabb_expand: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, to_point: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_aabbgodot_aabb_grow: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, by: godot_real) -> godot_aabbgodot_aabb_get_endpoint: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, idx: godot_int) -> godot_vector3godot_aabb_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_aabb, b: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_boolgodot_rid_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_rid)godot_rid_get_id: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rid) -> godot_intgodot_rid_new_with_resource: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_rid, from: *const godot_object)godot_rid_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rid, b: *const godot_rid) -> godot_boolgodot_rid_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rid, b: *const godot_rid) -> godot_boolgodot_transform_new_with_axis_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform, x_axis: *const godot_vector3, y_axis: *const godot_vector3, z_axis: *const godot_vector3, origin: *const godot_vector3)godot_transform_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform, basis: *const godot_basis, origin: *const godot_vector3)godot_transform_get_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_basisgodot_transform_set_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_transform, v: *const godot_basis)godot_transform_get_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_vector3godot_transform_set_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_transform, v: *const godot_vector3)godot_transform_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_stringgodot_transform_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_transformgodot_transform_affine_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_transformgodot_transform_orthonormalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform) -> godot_transformgodot_transform_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real) -> godot_transformgodot_transform_scaled: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, scale: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_transformgodot_transform_translated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, ofs: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_transformgodot_transform_looking_at: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, target: *const godot_vector3, up: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_transformgodot_transform_xform_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_plane) -> godot_planegodot_transform_xform_inv_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_plane) -> godot_planegodot_transform_new_identity: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform)godot_transform_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, b: *const godot_transform) -> godot_boolgodot_transform_operator_multiply: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, b: *const godot_transform) -> godot_transformgodot_transform_xform_vector3: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_transform_xform_inv_vector3: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_vector3) -> godot_vector3godot_transform_xform_aabb: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_aabbgodot_transform_xform_inv_aabb: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform, v: *const godot_aabb) -> godot_aabbgodot_transform2d_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform2d, rot: godot_real, pos: *const godot_vector2)godot_transform2d_new_axis_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform2d, x_axis: *const godot_vector2, y_axis: *const godot_vector2, origin: *const godot_vector2)godot_transform2d_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_stringgodot_transform2d_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_transform2dgodot_transform2d_affine_inverse: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_transform2dgodot_transform2d_get_rotation: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_realgodot_transform2d_get_origin: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_vector2godot_transform2d_get_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_vector2godot_transform2d_orthonormalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_transform2dgodot_transform2d_rotated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, phi: godot_real) -> godot_transform2dgodot_transform2d_scaled: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, scale: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_transform2dgodot_transform2d_translated: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, offset: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_transform2dgodot_transform2d_xform_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_transform2d_xform_inv_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_transform2d_basis_xform_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_transform2d_basis_xform_inv_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_vector2) -> godot_vector2godot_transform2d_interpolate_with: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, m: *const godot_transform2d, c: godot_real) -> godot_transform2dgodot_transform2d_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, b: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_boolgodot_transform2d_operator_multiply: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, b: *const godot_transform2d) -> godot_transform2dgodot_transform2d_new_identity: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform2d)godot_transform2d_xform_rect2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2godot_transform2d_xform_inv_rect2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_transform2d, v: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2godot_variant_get_type: unsafe extern "C" fn(v: *const godot_variant) -> godot_variant_typegodot_variant_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, src: *const godot_variant)godot_variant_new_nil: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant)godot_variant_new_bool: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, b: godot_bool)godot_variant_new_uint: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, i: u64)godot_variant_new_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, i: i64)godot_variant_new_real: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, r: c_double)godot_variant_new_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, s: *const godot_string)godot_variant_new_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, v2: *const godot_vector2)godot_variant_new_rect2: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, rect2: *const godot_rect2)godot_variant_new_vector3: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, v3: *const godot_vector3)godot_variant_new_transform2d: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, t2d: *const godot_transform2d)godot_variant_new_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, plane: *const godot_plane)godot_variant_new_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, quat: *const godot_quat)godot_variant_new_aabb: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, aabb: *const godot_aabb)godot_variant_new_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, basis: *const godot_basis)godot_variant_new_transform: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, trans: *const godot_transform)godot_variant_new_color: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, color: *const godot_color)godot_variant_new_node_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, np: *const godot_node_path)godot_variant_new_rid: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, rid: *const godot_rid)godot_variant_new_object: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, obj: *const godot_object)godot_variant_new_dictionary: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, dict: *const godot_dictionary)godot_variant_new_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, arr: *const godot_array)godot_variant_new_pool_byte_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pba: *const godot_pool_byte_array)godot_variant_new_pool_int_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pia: *const godot_pool_int_array)godot_variant_new_pool_real_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pra: *const godot_pool_real_array)godot_variant_new_pool_string_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, psa: *const godot_pool_string_array)godot_variant_new_pool_vector2_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pv2a: *const godot_pool_vector2_array)godot_variant_new_pool_vector3_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pv3a: *const godot_pool_vector3_array)godot_variant_new_pool_color_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_variant, pca: *const godot_pool_color_array)godot_variant_as_bool: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_boolgodot_variant_as_uint: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> u64godot_variant_as_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> i64godot_variant_as_real: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> c_doublegodot_variant_as_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_stringgodot_variant_as_vector2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_vector2godot_variant_as_rect2: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_rect2godot_variant_as_vector3: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_vector3godot_variant_as_transform2d: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_transform2dgodot_variant_as_plane: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_planegodot_variant_as_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_quatgodot_variant_as_aabb: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_aabbgodot_variant_as_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_basisgodot_variant_as_transform: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_transformgodot_variant_as_color: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_colorgodot_variant_as_node_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_node_pathgodot_variant_as_rid: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_ridgodot_variant_as_object: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> *mut godot_objectgodot_variant_as_dictionary: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_dictionarygodot_variant_as_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_arraygodot_variant_as_pool_byte_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_byte_arraygodot_variant_as_pool_int_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_int_arraygodot_variant_as_pool_real_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_real_arraygodot_variant_as_pool_string_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_string_arraygodot_variant_as_pool_vector2_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_vector2_arraygodot_variant_as_pool_vector3_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_vector3_arraygodot_variant_as_pool_color_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_pool_color_arraygodot_variant_call: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_variant, method: *const godot_string, args: *mut *const godot_variant, argcount: godot_int, r_error: *mut godot_variant_call_error) -> godot_variantgodot_variant_has_method: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant, method: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_variant_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant, other: *const godot_variant) -> godot_boolgodot_variant_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant, other: *const godot_variant) -> godot_boolgodot_variant_hash_compare: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant, other: *const godot_variant) -> godot_boolgodot_variant_booleanize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_variant) -> godot_boolgodot_variant_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_variant)godot_char_string_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(cs: *const godot_char_string) -> godot_intgodot_char_string_get_data: unsafe extern "C" fn(cs: *const godot_char_string) -> *const c_chargodot_char_string_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(cs: *mut godot_char_string)godot_string_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string)godot_string_new_copy: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string, src: *const godot_string)godot_string_new_with_wide_string: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string, contents: *const wchar_t, size: c_int)godot_string_operator_index: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string, idx: godot_int) -> *const wchar_tgodot_string_operator_index_const: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, idx: godot_int) -> wchar_tgodot_string_wide_str: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> *const wchar_tgodot_string_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, b: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, b: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_operator_plus: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, b: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_length: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_casecmp_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, str: *const godot_string) -> c_schargodot_string_nocasecmp_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, str: *const godot_string) -> c_schargodot_string_naturalnocasecmp_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, str: *const godot_string) -> c_schargodot_string_begins_with: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_begins_with_char_array: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, char_array: *const c_char) -> godot_boolgodot_string_bigrams: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_arraygodot_string_chr: unsafe extern "C" fn(character: wchar_t) -> godot_stringgodot_string_ends_with: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_find: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_find_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string, from: godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_string_findmk: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, keys: *const godot_array) -> godot_intgodot_string_findmk_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, keys: *const godot_array, from: godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_string_findmk_from_in_place: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, keys: *const godot_array, from: godot_int, r_key: *mut godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_string_findn: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_findn_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string, from: godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_string_find_last: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_format: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, values: *const godot_variant) -> godot_stringgodot_string_format_with_custom_placeholder: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, values: *const godot_variant, placeholder: *const c_char) -> godot_stringgodot_string_hex_encode_buffer: unsafe extern "C" fn(buffer: *const u8, len: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_hex_to_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_hex_to_int_without_prefix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_insert: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, at_pos: godot_int, string: godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_is_numeric: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_is_subsequence_of: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_is_subsequence_ofi: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_lpad: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, min_length: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_lpad_with_custom_character: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, min_length: godot_int, character: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_match: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, wildcard: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_matchn: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, wildcard: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_md5: unsafe extern "C" fn(md5: *const u8) -> godot_stringgodot_string_num: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: c_double) -> godot_stringgodot_string_num_int64: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: i64, base: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_num_int64_capitalized: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: i64, base: godot_int, capitalize_hex: godot_bool) -> godot_stringgodot_string_num_real: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: c_double) -> godot_stringgodot_string_num_scientific: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: c_double) -> godot_stringgodot_string_num_with_decimals: unsafe extern "C" fn(num: c_double, decimals: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_pad_decimals: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, digits: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_pad_zeros: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, digits: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_replace_first: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, key: godot_string, with: godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_replace: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, key: godot_string, with: godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_replacen: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, key: godot_string, with: godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_rfind: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_rfindn: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_rfind_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string, from: godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_string_rfindn_from: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, what: godot_string, from: godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_string_rpad: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, min_length: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_rpad_with_custom_character: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, min_length: godot_int, character: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_similarity: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, string: *const godot_string) -> godot_realgodot_string_sprintf: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, values: *const godot_array, error: *mut godot_bool) -> godot_stringgodot_string_substr: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, from: godot_int, chars: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_to_double: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> c_doublegodot_string_to_float: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_realgodot_string_to_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_camelcase_to_underscore: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_camelcase_to_underscore_lowercased: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_capitalize: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_char_to_double: unsafe extern "C" fn(what: *const c_char) -> c_doublegodot_string_char_to_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(what: *const c_char) -> godot_intgodot_string_wchar_to_int: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t) -> i64godot_string_char_to_int_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(what: *const c_char, len: godot_int) -> godot_intgodot_string_char_to_int64_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t, len: c_int) -> i64godot_string_hex_to_int64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> i64godot_string_hex_to_int64_with_prefix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> i64godot_string_to_int64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> i64godot_string_unicode_char_to_double: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t, r_end: *mut *const wchar_t) -> c_doublegodot_string_get_slice_count: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: godot_string) -> godot_intgodot_string_get_slice: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: godot_string, slice: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_get_slicec: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: wchar_t, slice: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_split: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_allow_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_floats: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_floats_allows_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_floats_mk: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitters: *const godot_array) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_floats_mk_allows_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitters: *const godot_array) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_ints: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_ints_allows_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitter: *const godot_string) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_ints_mk: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitters: *const godot_array) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_ints_mk_allows_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, splitters: *const godot_array) -> godot_arraygodot_string_split_spaces: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_arraygodot_string_char_lowercase: unsafe extern "C" fn(char: wchar_t) -> wchar_tgodot_string_char_uppercase: unsafe extern "C" fn(char: wchar_t) -> wchar_tgodot_string_to_lower: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_to_upper: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_get_basename: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_get_extension: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_left: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, pos: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_ord_at: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, idx: godot_int) -> wchar_tgodot_string_plus_file: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, file: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_right: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, pos: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_strip_edges: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, left: godot_bool, right: godot_bool) -> godot_stringgodot_string_strip_escapes: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_erase: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string, pos: godot_int, chars: godot_int)godot_string_ascii: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_char_stringgodot_string_ascii_extended: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_char_stringgodot_string_utf8: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_char_stringgodot_string_parse_utf8: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string, utf8: *const c_char) -> godot_boolgodot_string_parse_utf8_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string, utf8: *const c_char, len: godot_int) -> godot_boolgodot_string_chars_to_utf8: unsafe extern "C" fn(utf8: *const c_char) -> godot_stringgodot_string_chars_to_utf8_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(utf8: *const c_char, len: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_hash: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> u32godot_string_hash64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> u64godot_string_hash_chars: unsafe extern "C" fn(cstr: *const c_char) -> u32godot_string_hash_chars_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(cstr: *const c_char, len: godot_int) -> u32godot_string_hash_utf8_chars: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t) -> u32godot_string_hash_utf8_chars_with_len: unsafe extern "C" fn(str: *const wchar_t, len: godot_int) -> u32godot_string_md5_buffer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_pool_byte_arraygodot_string_md5_text: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_sha256_buffer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_pool_byte_arraygodot_string_sha256_text: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_empty: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_get_base_dir: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_get_file: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_humanize_size: unsafe extern "C" fn(size: usize) -> godot_stringgodot_string_is_abs_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_is_rel_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_is_resource_file: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_path_to: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, path: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_path_to_file: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, path: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_simplify_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_c_escape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_c_escape_multiline: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_c_unescape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_http_escape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_http_unescape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_json_escape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_word_wrap: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, chars_per_line: godot_int) -> godot_stringgodot_string_xml_escape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_xml_escape_with_quotes: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_xml_unescape: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_percent_decode: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_percent_encode: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_is_valid_float: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_is_valid_hex_number: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, with_prefix: godot_bool) -> godot_boolgodot_string_is_valid_html_color: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_is_valid_identifier: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_is_valid_integer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_is_valid_ip_address: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_boolgodot_string_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string)godot_string_name_new: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string_name, name: *const godot_string)godot_string_name_new_data: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_string_name, name: *const c_char)godot_string_name_get_name: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name) -> godot_stringgodot_string_name_get_hash: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name) -> u32godot_string_name_get_data_unique_pointer: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name) -> *const c_voidgodot_string_name_operator_equal: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name, other: *const godot_string_name) -> godot_boolgodot_string_name_operator_less: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string_name, other: *const godot_string_name) -> godot_boolgodot_string_name_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_string_name)godot_object_destroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(o: *mut godot_object)godot_global_get_singleton: unsafe extern "C" fn(name: *mut c_char) -> *mut godot_objectgodot_method_bind_get_method: unsafe extern "C" fn(classname: *const c_char, methodname: *const c_char) -> *mut godot_method_bindgodot_method_bind_ptrcall: unsafe extern "C" fn(method_bind: *mut godot_method_bind, instance: *mut godot_object, args: *mut *const c_void, ret: *mut c_void)godot_method_bind_call: unsafe extern "C" fn(method_bind: *mut godot_method_bind, instance: *mut godot_object, args: *mut *const godot_variant, arg_count: c_int, call_error: *mut godot_variant_call_error) -> godot_variantgodot_get_class_constructor: unsafe extern "C" fn(classname: *const c_char) -> godot_class_constructorgodot_get_global_constants: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> godot_dictionarygodot_register_native_call_type: unsafe extern "C" fn(call_type: *const c_char, callback: native_call_cb)godot_alloc: unsafe extern "C" fn(bytes: c_int) -> *mut c_voidgodot_realloc: unsafe extern "C" fn(ptr: *mut c_void, bytes: c_int) -> *mut c_voidgodot_free: unsafe extern "C" fn(ptr: *mut c_void)godot_print_error: unsafe extern "C" fn(description: *const c_char, function: *const c_char, file: *const c_char, line: c_int)godot_print_warning: unsafe extern "C" fn(description: *const c_char, function: *const c_char, file: *const c_char, line: c_int)godot_print: unsafe extern "C" fn(message: *const godot_string)godot_color_to_abgr32: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_intgodot_color_to_abgr64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_intgodot_color_to_argb64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_intgodot_color_to_rgba64: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color) -> godot_intgodot_color_darkened: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, amount: godot_real) -> godot_colorgodot_color_from_hsv: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, h: godot_real, s: godot_real, v: godot_real, a: godot_real) -> godot_colorgodot_color_lightened: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_color, amount: godot_real) -> godot_colorgodot_array_duplicate: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array, deep: godot_bool) -> godot_arraygodot_array_max: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_variantgodot_array_min: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_array) -> godot_variantgodot_array_shuffle: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_array)godot_basis_slerp: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis, b: *const godot_basis, t: godot_real) -> godot_basisgodot_dictionary_get_with_default: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant, default: *const godot_variant) -> godot_variantgodot_dictionary_erase_with_return: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_dictionary, key: *const godot_variant) -> boolgodot_node_path_get_as_property_path: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_node_path) -> godot_node_pathgodot_quat_set_axis_angle: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_quat, axis: *const godot_vector3, angle: godot_real)godot_rect2_grow_individual: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, left: godot_real, top: godot_real, right: godot_real, bottom: godot_real) -> godot_rect2godot_rect2_grow_margin: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2, margin: godot_int, by: godot_real) -> godot_rect2godot_rect2_abs: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_rect2) -> godot_rect2godot_string_dedent: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_trim_prefix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, prefix: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_trim_suffix: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, suffix: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_rstrip: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, chars: *const godot_string) -> godot_stringgodot_string_rsplit: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_string, divisor: *const godot_string, allow_empty: godot_bool, maxsplit: godot_int) -> godot_pool_string_arraygodot_basis_get_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *const godot_basis) -> godot_quatgodot_basis_set_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, quat: *const godot_quat)godot_basis_set_axis_angle_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, axis: *const godot_vector3, phi: godot_real, scale: *const godot_vector3)godot_basis_set_euler_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, euler: *const godot_vector3, scale: *const godot_vector3)godot_basis_set_quat_scale: unsafe extern "C" fn(self_: *mut godot_basis, quat: *const godot_quat, scale: *const godot_vector3)godot_is_instance_valid: unsafe extern "C" fn(object: *const godot_object) -> boolgodot_quat_new_with_basis: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_quat, basis: *const godot_basis)godot_quat_new_with_euler: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_quat, euler: *const godot_vector3)godot_transform_new_with_quat: unsafe extern "C" fn(r_dest: *mut godot_transform, quat: *const godot_quat)godot_variant_get_operator_name: unsafe extern "C" fn(op: godot_variant_operator) -> godot_stringgodot_variant_evaluate: unsafe extern "C" fn(op: godot_variant_operator, a: *const godot_variant, b: *const godot_variant, r_ret: *mut godot_variant, r_valid: *mut godot_bool)godot_nativescript_register_class: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, base: *const c_char, create_func: godot_instance_create_func, destroy_func: godot_instance_destroy_func)godot_nativescript_register_tool_class: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, base: *const c_char, create_func: godot_instance_create_func, destroy_func: godot_instance_destroy_func)godot_nativescript_register_method: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, function_name: *const c_char, attr: godot_method_attributes, method: godot_instance_method)godot_nativescript_register_property: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, path: *const c_char, attr: *mut godot_property_attributes, set_func: godot_property_set_func, get_func: godot_property_get_func)godot_nativescript_register_signal: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, signal: *const godot_signal)godot_nativescript_get_userdata: unsafe extern "C" fn(instance: *mut godot_object) -> *mut c_voidgodot_nativescript_set_method_argument_information: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, function_name: *const c_char, num_args: c_int, args: *const godot_method_arg)godot_nativescript_set_class_documentation: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, documentation: godot_string)godot_nativescript_set_method_documentation: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, function_name: *const c_char, documentation: godot_string)godot_nativescript_set_property_documentation: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, path: *const c_char, documentation: godot_string)godot_nativescript_set_signal_documentation: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, signal_name: *const c_char, documentation: godot_string)godot_nativescript_set_global_type_tag: unsafe extern "C" fn(idx: c_int, name: *const c_char, type_tag: *const c_void)godot_nativescript_get_global_type_tag: unsafe extern "C" fn(idx: c_int, name: *const c_char) -> *const c_voidgodot_nativescript_set_type_tag: unsafe extern "C" fn(gdnative_handle: *mut c_void, name: *const c_char, type_tag: *const c_void)godot_nativescript_get_type_tag: unsafe extern "C" fn(object: *const godot_object) -> *const c_voidgodot_nativescript_register_instance_binding_data_functions: unsafe extern "C" fn(binding_functions: godot_instance_binding_functions) -> c_intgodot_nativescript_unregister_instance_binding_data_functions: unsafe extern "C" fn(idx: c_int)godot_nativescript_get_instance_binding_data: unsafe extern "C" fn(idx: c_int, object: *mut godot_object) -> *mut c_voidgodot_nativescript_profiling_add_data: unsafe extern "C" fn(signature: *const c_char, line: u64)godot_pluginscript_register_language: unsafe extern "C" fn(language_desc: *const godot_pluginscript_language_desc)godot_arvr_register_interface: unsafe extern "C" fn(interface: *const godot_arvr_interface_gdnative)godot_arvr_get_worldscale: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> godot_realgodot_arvr_get_reference_frame: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> godot_transformgodot_arvr_blit: unsafe extern "C" fn(eye: c_int, render_target: *mut godot_rid, screen_rect: *mut godot_rect2)godot_arvr_get_texid: unsafe extern "C" fn(render_target: *mut godot_rid) -> godot_intgodot_arvr_add_controller: unsafe extern "C" fn(device_name: *mut c_char, hand: godot_int, tracks_orientation: godot_bool, tracks_position: godot_bool) -> godot_intgodot_arvr_remove_controller: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int)godot_arvr_set_controller_transform: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int, transform: *mut godot_transform, tracks_orientation: godot_bool, tracks_position: godot_bool)godot_arvr_set_controller_button: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int, button: godot_int, is_pressed: godot_bool)godot_arvr_set_controller_axis: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int, exis: godot_int, value: godot_real, can_be_negative: godot_bool)godot_arvr_get_controller_rumble: unsafe extern "C" fn(controller_id: godot_int) -> godot_realgodot_videodecoder_file_read: unsafe extern "C" fn(file_ptr: *mut c_void, buf: *mut u8, buf_size: c_int) -> godot_intgodot_videodecoder_file_seek: unsafe extern "C" fn(file_ptr: *mut c_void, pos: i64, whence: c_int) -> i64godot_videodecoder_register_decoder: unsafe extern "C" fn(interface: *const godot_videodecoder_interface_gdnative)godot_net_bind_stream_peer: unsafe extern "C" fn(obj: *mut godot_object, interface: *const godot_net_stream_peer)godot_net_bind_packet_peer: unsafe extern "C" fn(obj: *mut godot_object, interface: *const godot_net_packet_peer)godot_net_bind_multiplayer_peer: unsafe extern "C" fn(obj: *mut godot_object, interface: *const godot_net_multiplayer_peer)


impl GodotApi[src]

pub unsafe fn from_raw(
    core_api_struct: *const godot_gdnative_core_api_struct
) -> Result<Self, InitError>

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.