[][src]Struct gdnative_bindings::Node2D

pub struct Node2D { /* fields omitted */ }

core class Node2D inherits CanvasItem (unsafe).

Official documentation

See the documentation of this class in the Godot engine's official documentation.

Memory management

Non reference counted objects such as the ones of this type are usually owned by the engine.

Node2D is a reference-only type. Persistent references can only exist in the unsafe Ref<Node2D> form.

In the cases where Rust code owns an object of this type, for example if the object was just created on the Rust side and not passed to the engine yet, ownership should be either given to the engine or the object must be manually destroyed using Ref::free, or Ref::queue_free if it is a Node.

Class hierarchy

Node2D inherits methods from:


All types in the Godot API have "interior mutability" in Rust parlance. To enforce that the official thread-safety guidelines are followed, the typestate pattern is used in the Ref and TRef smart pointers, and the Instance API. The typestate Access in these types tracks whether the access is unique, shared, or exclusive to the current thread. For more information, see the type-level documentation on Ref.


impl Node2D[src]

pub fn new() -> Ref<Self, Unique>[src]

Creates a new instance of this object.

Because this type is not reference counted, the lifetime of the returned object is not automatically managed.

Immediately after creation, the object is owned by the caller, and can be passed to the engine (in which case the engine will be responsible for destroying the object) or destroyed manually using Ref::free, or preferably Ref::queue_free if it is a Node.

pub fn apply_scale(&self, ratio: Vector2)[src]

Multiplies the current scale by the [code]ratio[/code] vector.

pub fn get_angle_to(&self, point: Vector2) -> f64[src]

Returns the angle between the node and the [code]point[/code] in radians.

pub fn global_position(&self) -> Vector2[src]

Global position.

pub fn global_rotation(&self) -> f64[src]

Global rotation in radians.

pub fn global_rotation_degrees(&self) -> f64[src]

Global rotation in degrees.

pub fn global_scale(&self) -> Vector2[src]

Global scale.

pub fn position(&self) -> Vector2[src]

Position, relative to the node's parent.

pub fn get_relative_transform_to_parent(
    parent: impl AsArg<Node>
) -> Transform2D

Returns the [Transform2D] relative to this node's parent.

pub fn rotation(&self) -> f64[src]

Rotation in radians, relative to the node's parent.

pub fn rotation_degrees(&self) -> f64[src]

Rotation in degrees, relative to the node's parent.

pub fn scale(&self) -> Vector2[src]

The node's scale. Unscaled value: [code](1, 1)[/code].

pub fn z_index(&self) -> i64[src]

Z index. Controls the order in which the nodes render. A node with a higher Z index will display in front of others.

pub fn global_translate(&self, offset: Vector2)[src]

Adds the [code]offset[/code] vector to the node's global position.

pub fn is_z_relative(&self) -> bool[src]

If [code]true[/code], the node's Z index is relative to its parent's Z index. If this node's Z index is 2 and its parent's effective Z index is 3, then this node's effective Z index will be 2 + 3 = 5.

pub fn look_at(&self, point: Vector2)[src]

Rotates the node so it points towards the [code]point[/code], which is expected to use global coordinates.

pub fn move_local_x(&self, delta: f64, scaled: bool)[src]

Applies a local translation on the node's X axis based on the [method Node._process]'s [code]delta[/code]. If [code]scaled[/code] is [code]false[/code], normalizes the movement.

Default Arguments

  • scaled - false

pub fn move_local_y(&self, delta: f64, scaled: bool)[src]

Applies a local translation on the node's Y axis based on the [method Node._process]'s [code]delta[/code]. If [code]scaled[/code] is [code]false[/code], normalizes the movement.

Default Arguments

  • scaled - false

pub fn rotate(&self, radians: f64)[src]

Applies a rotation to the node, in radians, starting from its current rotation.

pub fn set_global_position(&self, position: Vector2)[src]

Global position.

pub fn set_global_rotation(&self, radians: f64)[src]

Global rotation in radians.

pub fn set_global_rotation_degrees(&self, degrees: f64)[src]

Global rotation in degrees.

pub fn set_global_scale(&self, scale: Vector2)[src]

Global scale.

pub fn set_global_transform(&self, xform: Transform2D)[src]

Global [Transform2D].

pub fn set_position(&self, position: Vector2)[src]

Position, relative to the node's parent.

pub fn set_rotation(&self, radians: f64)[src]

Rotation in radians, relative to the node's parent.

pub fn set_rotation_degrees(&self, degrees: f64)[src]

Rotation in degrees, relative to the node's parent.

pub fn set_scale(&self, scale: Vector2)[src]

The node's scale. Unscaled value: [code](1, 1)[/code].

pub fn set_transform(&self, xform: Transform2D)[src]

Local [Transform2D].

pub fn set_z_as_relative(&self, enable: bool)[src]

If [code]true[/code], the node's Z index is relative to its parent's Z index. If this node's Z index is 2 and its parent's effective Z index is 3, then this node's effective Z index will be 2 + 3 = 5.

pub fn set_z_index(&self, z_index: i64)[src]

Z index. Controls the order in which the nodes render. A node with a higher Z index will display in front of others.

pub fn to_global(&self, local_point: Vector2) -> Vector2[src]

Transforms the provided local position into a position in global coordinate space. The input is expected to be local relative to the [Node2D] it is called on. e.g. Applying this method to the positions of child nodes will correctly transform their positions into the global coordinate space, but applying it to a node's own position will give an incorrect result, as it will incorporate the node's own transformation into its global position.

pub fn to_local(&self, global_point: Vector2) -> Vector2[src]

Transforms the provided global position into a position in local coordinate space. The output will be local relative to the [Node2D] it is called on. e.g. It is appropriate for determining the positions of child nodes, but it is not appropriate for determining its own position relative to its parent.

pub fn translate(&self, offset: Vector2)[src]

Translates the node by the given [code]offset[/code] in local coordinates.

Methods from Deref<Target = CanvasItem>

pub fn draw_arc(
    center: Vector2,
    radius: f64,
    start_angle: f64,
    end_angle: f64,
    point_count: i64,
    color: Color,
    width: f64,
    antialiased: bool

Draws an arc between the given angles. The larger the value of [code]point_count[/code], the smoother the curve.

Default Arguments

  • width - 1.0
  • antialiased - false

pub fn draw_char(
    font: impl AsArg<Font>,
    position: Vector2,
    char: impl Into<GodotString>,
    next: impl Into<GodotString>,
    modulate: Color
) -> f64

Draws a string character using a custom font. Returns the advance, depending on the character width and kerning with an optional next character.

Default Arguments

  • modulate - Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )

pub fn draw_circle(&self, position: Vector2, radius: f64, color: Color)[src]

Draws a colored circle.

pub fn draw_colored_polygon(
    points: Vector2Array,
    color: Color,
    uvs: Vector2Array,
    texture: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    normal_map: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    antialiased: bool

Draws a colored polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.

Default Arguments

  • uvs - PoolVector2Array( )
  • texture - null
  • normal_map - null
  • antialiased - false

pub fn draw_line(
    from: Vector2,
    to: Vector2,
    color: Color,
    width: f64,
    antialiased: bool

Draws a line from a 2D point to another, with a given color and width. It can be optionally antialiased.

Default Arguments

  • width - 1.0
  • antialiased - false

pub fn draw_mesh(
    mesh: impl AsArg<Mesh>,
    texture: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    normal_map: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    transform: Transform2D,
    modulate: Color

Draws a [Mesh] in 2D, using the provided texture. See [MeshInstance2D] for related documentation.

Default Arguments

  • normal_map - null
  • transform - Transform2D( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 )
  • modulate - Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )

pub fn draw_multiline(
    points: Vector2Array,
    color: Color,
    width: f64,
    antialiased: bool

Draws multiple, parallel lines with a uniform [code]color[/code].
				[b]Note:[/b] [code]width[/code] and [code]antialiased[/code] are currently not implemented and have no effect.

Default Arguments

  • width - 1.0
  • antialiased - false

pub fn draw_multiline_colors(
    points: Vector2Array,
    colors: ColorArray,
    width: f64,
    antialiased: bool

Draws multiple, parallel lines with a uniform [code]width[/code] and segment-by-segment coloring. Colors assigned to line segments match by index between [code]points[/code] and [code]colors[/code].
				[b]Note:[/b] [code]width[/code] and [code]antialiased[/code] are currently not implemented and have no effect.

Default Arguments

  • width - 1.0
  • antialiased - false

pub fn draw_multimesh(
    multimesh: impl AsArg<MultiMesh>,
    texture: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    normal_map: impl AsArg<Texture>

Draws a [MultiMesh] in 2D with the provided texture. See [MultiMeshInstance2D] for related documentation.

Default Arguments

  • normal_map - null

pub fn draw_polygon(
    points: Vector2Array,
    colors: ColorArray,
    uvs: Vector2Array,
    texture: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    normal_map: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    antialiased: bool

Draws a polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.

Default Arguments

  • uvs - PoolVector2Array( )
  • texture - null
  • normal_map - null
  • antialiased - false

pub fn draw_polyline(
    points: Vector2Array,
    color: Color,
    width: f64,
    antialiased: bool

Draws interconnected line segments with a uniform [code]color[/code] and [code]width[/code] and optional antialiasing.

Default Arguments

  • width - 1.0
  • antialiased - false

pub fn draw_polyline_colors(
    points: Vector2Array,
    colors: ColorArray,
    width: f64,
    antialiased: bool

Draws interconnected line segments with a uniform [code]width[/code], segment-by-segment coloring, and optional antialiasing. Colors assigned to line segments match by index between [code]points[/code] and [code]colors[/code].

Default Arguments

  • width - 1.0
  • antialiased - false

pub fn draw_primitive(
    points: Vector2Array,
    colors: ColorArray,
    uvs: Vector2Array,
    texture: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    width: f64,
    normal_map: impl AsArg<Texture>

Draws a custom primitive. 1 point for a point, 2 points for a line, 3 points for a triangle and 4 points for a quad.

Default Arguments

  • texture - null
  • width - 1.0
  • normal_map - null

pub fn draw_rect(
    rect: Rect2,
    color: Color,
    filled: bool,
    width: f64,
    antialiased: bool

Draws a rectangle. If [code]filled[/code] is [code]true[/code], the rectangle will be filled with the [code]color[/code] specified. If [code]filled[/code] is [code]false[/code], the rectangle will be drawn as a stroke with the [code]color[/code] and [code]width[/code] specified. If [code]antialiased[/code] is [code]true[/code], the lines will be antialiased.
				[b]Note:[/b] [code]width[/code] and [code]antialiased[/code] are only effective if [code]filled[/code] is [code]false[/code].

Default Arguments

  • filled - true
  • width - 1.0
  • antialiased - false

pub fn draw_set_transform(
    position: Vector2,
    rotation: f64,
    scale: Vector2

Sets a custom transform for drawing via components. Anything drawn afterwards will be transformed by this.

pub fn draw_set_transform_matrix(&self, xform: Transform2D)[src]

Sets a custom transform for drawing via matrix. Anything drawn afterwards will be transformed by this.

pub fn draw_string(
    font: impl AsArg<Font>,
    position: Vector2,
    text: impl Into<GodotString>,
    modulate: Color,
    clip_w: i64

Draws [code]text[/code] using the specified [code]font[/code] at the [code]position[/code] (top-left corner). The text will have its color multiplied by [code]modulate[/code]. If [code]clip_w[/code] is greater than or equal to 0, the text will be clipped if it exceeds the specified width.
				[b]Example using the default project font:[/b]
				# If using this method in a script that redraws constantly, move the
				# `default_font` declaration to a member variable assigned in `_ready()`
				# so the Control is only created once.
				var default_font = Control.new().get_font("font")
				draw_string(default_font, Vector2(64, 64), "Hello world")
				See also [method Font.draw].

Default Arguments

  • modulate - Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
  • clip_w - -1

pub fn draw_style_box(&self, style_box: impl AsArg<StyleBox>, rect: Rect2)[src]

Draws a styled rectangle.

pub fn draw_texture(
    texture: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    position: Vector2,
    modulate: Color,
    normal_map: impl AsArg<Texture>

Draws a texture at a given position.

Default Arguments

  • modulate - Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
  • normal_map - null

pub fn draw_texture_rect(
    texture: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    rect: Rect2,
    tile: bool,
    modulate: Color,
    transpose: bool,
    normal_map: impl AsArg<Texture>

Draws a textured rectangle at a given position, optionally modulated by a color. If [code]transpose[/code] is [code]true[/code], the texture will have its X and Y coordinates swapped.

Default Arguments

  • modulate - Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
  • transpose - false
  • normal_map - null

pub fn draw_texture_rect_region(
    texture: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    rect: Rect2,
    src_rect: Rect2,
    modulate: Color,
    transpose: bool,
    normal_map: impl AsArg<Texture>,
    clip_uv: bool

Draws a textured rectangle region at a given position, optionally modulated by a color. If [code]transpose[/code] is [code]true[/code], the texture will have its X and Y coordinates swapped.

Default Arguments

  • modulate - Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
  • transpose - false
  • normal_map - null
  • clip_uv - true

pub fn force_update_transform(&self)[src]

Forces the transform to update. Transform changes in physics are not instant for performance reasons. Transforms are accumulated and then set. Use this if you need an up-to-date transform when doing physics operations.

pub fn get_canvas(&self) -> Rid[src]

Returns the [RID] of the [World2D] canvas where this item is in.

pub fn get_canvas_item(&self) -> Rid[src]

Returns the canvas item RID used by [VisualServer] for this item.

pub fn get_canvas_transform(&self) -> Transform2D[src]

Returns the transform matrix of this item's canvas.

pub fn get_global_mouse_position(&self) -> Vector2[src]

Returns the global position of the mouse.

pub fn get_global_transform(&self) -> Transform2D[src]

Returns the global transform matrix of this item.

pub fn get_global_transform_with_canvas(&self) -> Transform2D[src]

Returns the global transform matrix of this item in relation to the canvas.

pub fn light_mask(&self) -> i64[src]

The rendering layers in which this [CanvasItem] responds to [Light2D] nodes.

pub fn get_local_mouse_position(&self) -> Vector2[src]

Returns the mouse position relative to this item's position.

pub fn material(&self) -> Option<Ref<Material, Shared>>[src]

The material applied to textures on this [CanvasItem].

pub fn modulate(&self) -> Color[src]

The color applied to textures on this [CanvasItem].

pub fn self_modulate(&self) -> Color[src]

The color applied to textures on this [CanvasItem]. This is not inherited by children [CanvasItem]s.

pub fn get_transform(&self) -> Transform2D[src]

Returns the transform matrix of this item.

pub fn use_parent_material(&self) -> bool[src]

If [code]true[/code], the parent [CanvasItem]'s [member material] property is used as this one's material.

pub fn get_viewport_rect(&self) -> Rect2[src]

Returns the viewport's boundaries as a [Rect2].

pub fn get_viewport_transform(&self) -> Transform2D[src]

Returns this item's transform in relation to the viewport.

pub fn get_world_2d(&self) -> Option<Ref<World2D, Shared>>[src]

Returns the [World2D] where this item is in.

pub fn hide(&self)[src]

Hide the [CanvasItem] if it's currently visible.

pub fn is_draw_behind_parent_enabled(&self) -> bool[src]

If [code]true[/code], the object draws behind its parent.

pub fn is_local_transform_notification_enabled(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns [code]true[/code] if local transform notifications are communicated to children.

pub fn is_set_as_toplevel(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns [code]true[/code] if the node is set as top-level. See [method set_as_toplevel].

pub fn is_transform_notification_enabled(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns [code]true[/code] if global transform notifications are communicated to children.

pub fn is_visible(&self) -> bool[src]

If [code]true[/code], this [CanvasItem] is drawn. The node is only visible if all of its antecedents are visible as well (in other words, [method is_visible_in_tree] must return [code]true[/code]).
			[b]Note:[/b] For controls that inherit [Popup], the correct way to make them visible is to call one of the multiple [code]popup*()[/code] functions instead.

pub fn is_visible_in_tree(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns [code]true[/code] if the node is present in the [SceneTree], its [member visible] property is [code]true[/code] and all its antecedents are also visible. If any antecedent is hidden, this node will not be visible in the scene tree.

pub fn make_canvas_position_local(&self, screen_point: Vector2) -> Vector2[src]

Assigns [code]screen_point[/code] as this node's new local transform.

pub fn make_input_local(
    event: impl AsArg<InputEvent>
) -> Option<Ref<InputEvent, Shared>>

Transformations issued by [code]event[/code]'s inputs are applied in local space instead of global space.

pub fn set_as_toplevel(&self, enable: bool)[src]

If [code]enable[/code] is [code]true[/code], the node won't inherit its transform from parent canvas items.

pub fn set_draw_behind_parent(&self, enable: bool)[src]

If [code]true[/code], the object draws behind its parent.

pub fn set_light_mask(&self, light_mask: i64)[src]

The rendering layers in which this [CanvasItem] responds to [Light2D] nodes.

pub fn set_material(&self, material: impl AsArg<Material>)[src]

The material applied to textures on this [CanvasItem].

pub fn set_modulate(&self, modulate: Color)[src]

The color applied to textures on this [CanvasItem].

pub fn set_notify_local_transform(&self, enable: bool)[src]

If [code]enable[/code] is [code]true[/code], children will be updated with local transform data.

pub fn set_notify_transform(&self, enable: bool)[src]

If [code]enable[/code] is [code]true[/code], children will be updated with global transform data.

pub fn set_self_modulate(&self, self_modulate: Color)[src]

The color applied to textures on this [CanvasItem]. This is not inherited by children [CanvasItem]s.

pub fn set_use_parent_material(&self, enable: bool)[src]

If [code]true[/code], the parent [CanvasItem]'s [member material] property is used as this one's material.

pub fn set_visible(&self, visible: bool)[src]

If [code]true[/code], this [CanvasItem] is drawn. The node is only visible if all of its antecedents are visible as well (in other words, [method is_visible_in_tree] must return [code]true[/code]).
			[b]Note:[/b] For controls that inherit [Popup], the correct way to make them visible is to call one of the multiple [code]popup*()[/code] functions instead.

pub fn show(&self)[src]

Show the [CanvasItem] if it's currently hidden. For controls that inherit [Popup], the correct way to make them visible is to call one of the multiple [code]popup*()[/code] functions instead.

pub fn update(&self)[src]

Queue the [CanvasItem] for update. [constant NOTIFICATION_DRAW] will be called on idle time to request redraw.

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for Node2D[src]

impl Deref for Node2D[src]

type Target = CanvasItem

The resulting type after dereferencing.

impl DerefMut for Node2D[src]

impl GodotObject for Node2D[src]

type RefKind = ManuallyManaged

The memory management kind of this type. This modifies the behavior of the Ref smart pointer. See its type-level documentation for more information. Read more

impl Instanciable for Node2D[src]

impl QueueFree for Node2D[src]

impl Sealed for Node2D[src]

impl SubClass<CanvasItem> for Node2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node> for Node2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Light2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Area2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for AnimatedSprite[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for StaticBody2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for YSort[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Line2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for PhysicsBody2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Sprite[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Path2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Particles2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Bone2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for CanvasModulate[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for MeshInstance2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for PinJoint2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for VisibilityEnabler2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Camera2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for VisibilityNotifier2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Joint2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Skeleton2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for NavigationPolygonInstance[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for KinematicBody2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for TileMap[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for GrooveJoint2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for MultiMeshInstance2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for RigidBody2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for ParallaxLayer[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for RemoteTransform2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for PathFollow2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for DampedSpringJoint2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for CollisionShape2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for CPUParticles2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for BackBufferCopy[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for CollisionObject2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Polygon2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Position2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for Navigation2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for AudioStreamPlayer2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for TouchScreenButton[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for RayCast2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for CollisionPolygon2D[src]

impl SubClass<Node2D> for LightOccluder2D[src]

impl SubClass<Object> for Node2D[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for Node2D

impl !Send for Node2D

impl !Sync for Node2D

impl Unpin for Node2D

impl UnwindSafe for Node2D

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> SubClass<T> for T where
    T: GodotObject

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.