[][src]Struct gdnative_bindings::OS

pub struct OS { /* fields omitted */ }

core singleton class OS inherits Object (unsafe).

Official documentation

See the documentation of this class in the Godot engine's official documentation.

Class hierarchy

OS inherits methods from:


impl OS[src]


pub const DAY_SATURDAY: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_DECEMBER: i64[src]

pub const DAY_WEDNESDAY: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_JULY: i64[src]

pub const VIDEO_DRIVER_GLES3: i64[src]


pub const MONTH_JANUARY: i64[src]

pub const POWERSTATE_CHARGING: i64[src]

pub const DAY_FRIDAY: i64[src]

pub const DAY_THURSDAY: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_SEPTEMBER: i64[src]

pub const SYSTEM_DIR_MUSIC: i64[src]

pub const DAY_MONDAY: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_JUNE: i64[src]

pub const POWERSTATE_NO_BATTERY: i64[src]


pub const VIDEO_DRIVER_GLES2: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_APRIL: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_MAY: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_NOVEMBER: i64[src]

pub const POWERSTATE_UNKNOWN: i64[src]


pub const SYSTEM_DIR_PICTURES: i64[src]

pub const DAY_TUESDAY: i64[src]

pub const SYSTEM_DIR_RINGTONES: i64[src]

pub const DAY_SUNDAY: i64[src]

pub const POWERSTATE_ON_BATTERY: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_OCTOBER: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_FEBRUARY: i64[src]

pub const POWERSTATE_CHARGED: i64[src]

pub const SYSTEM_DIR_DOWNLOADS: i64[src]

pub const SYSTEM_DIR_DOCUMENTS: i64[src]


pub const MONTH_AUGUST: i64[src]



pub const SYSTEM_DIR_DESKTOP: i64[src]

pub const MONTH_MARCH: i64[src]

pub const SYSTEM_DIR_DCIM: i64[src]


pub const SYSTEM_DIR_MOVIES: i64[src]

impl OS[src]

pub fn godot_singleton() -> Self[src]

pub fn alert(&mut self, text: GodotString, title: GodotString)[src]

pub fn can_draw(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn can_use_threads(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn center_window(&mut self)[src]

pub fn close_midi_inputs(&mut self)[src]

pub fn delay_msec(&self, msec: i64)[src]

pub fn delay_usec(&self, usec: i64)[src]

pub fn dump_memory_to_file(&mut self, file: GodotString)[src]

pub fn dump_resources_to_file(&mut self, file: GodotString)[src]

pub fn execute(
    &mut self,
    path: GodotString,
    arguments: StringArray,
    blocking: bool,
    output: VariantArray
) -> i64

pub fn find_scancode_from_string(&self, string: GodotString) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_audio_driver_count(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_audio_driver_name(&self, driver: i64) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_borderless_window(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn get_clipboard(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_cmdline_args(&mut self) -> StringArray[src]

pub fn get_connected_midi_inputs(&mut self) -> StringArray[src]

pub fn get_current_screen(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_current_video_driver(&self) -> OSVideoDriver[src]

pub fn get_date(&self, utc: bool) -> Dictionary[src]

pub fn get_datetime(&self, utc: bool) -> Dictionary[src]

pub fn get_datetime_from_unix_time(&self, unix_time_val: i64) -> Dictionary[src]

pub fn get_dynamic_memory_usage(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_environment(&self, environment: GodotString) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_executable_path(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_exit_code(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_ime_selection(&self) -> Vector2[src]

pub fn get_ime_text(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_latin_keyboard_variant(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_locale(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_model_name(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_name(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_power_percent_left(&mut self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_power_seconds_left(&mut self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_power_state(&mut self) -> OSPowerState[src]

pub fn get_process_id(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_processor_count(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_real_window_size(&self) -> Vector2[src]

pub fn get_scancode_string(&self, code: i64) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_screen_count(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_screen_dpi(&self, screen: i64) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_screen_orientation(&self) -> OSScreenOrientation[src]

pub fn get_screen_position(&self, screen: i64) -> Vector2[src]

pub fn get_screen_size(&self, screen: i64) -> Vector2[src]

pub fn get_splash_tick_msec(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_static_memory_peak_usage(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_static_memory_usage(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_system_dir(&self, dir: i64) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_system_time_msecs(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_system_time_secs(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_ticks_msec(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_ticks_usec(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_time(&self, utc: bool) -> Dictionary[src]

pub fn get_time_zone_info(&self) -> Dictionary[src]

pub fn get_unique_id(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_unix_time(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_unix_time_from_datetime(&self, datetime: Dictionary) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_user_data_dir(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_video_driver_count(&self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_video_driver_name(&self, driver: i64) -> GodotString[src]

pub fn get_virtual_keyboard_height(&mut self) -> i64[src]

pub fn get_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn get_window_position(&self) -> Vector2[src]

pub fn get_window_safe_area(&self) -> Rect2[src]

pub fn get_window_size(&self) -> Vector2[src]

pub fn has_environment(&self, environment: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub fn has_feature(&self, tag_name: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub fn has_touchscreen_ui_hint(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn has_virtual_keyboard(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn hide_virtual_keyboard(&mut self)[src]

pub fn is_debug_build(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_in_low_processor_usage_mode(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_keep_screen_on(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_ok_left_and_cancel_right(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_scancode_unicode(&self, code: i64) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_stdout_verbose(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_userfs_persistent(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_vsync_enabled(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_window_always_on_top(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_window_fullscreen(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_window_maximized(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_window_minimized(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn is_window_resizable(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn kill(&mut self, pid: i64) -> GodotResult[src]

pub fn move_window_to_foreground(&mut self)[src]

pub fn native_video_is_playing(&mut self) -> bool[src]

pub fn native_video_pause(&mut self)[src]

pub fn native_video_play(
    &mut self,
    path: GodotString,
    volume: f64,
    audio_track: GodotString,
    subtitle_track: GodotString
) -> GodotResult

pub fn native_video_stop(&mut self)[src]

pub fn native_video_unpause(&mut self)[src]

pub fn open_midi_inputs(&mut self)[src]

pub fn print_all_resources(&mut self, tofile: GodotString)[src]

pub fn print_all_textures_by_size(&mut self)[src]

pub fn print_resources_by_type(&mut self, types: StringArray)[src]

pub fn print_resources_in_use(&mut self, short: bool)[src]

pub fn request_attention(&mut self)[src]

pub fn request_permission(&mut self, name: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub fn set_borderless_window(&mut self, borderless: bool)[src]

pub fn set_clipboard(&mut self, clipboard: GodotString)[src]

pub fn set_current_screen(&mut self, screen: i64)[src]

pub fn set_exit_code(&mut self, code: i64)[src]

pub fn set_icon(&mut self, icon: Option<Image>)[src]

pub fn set_ime_active(&mut self, active: bool)[src]

pub fn set_ime_position(&mut self, position: Vector2)[src]

pub fn set_keep_screen_on(&mut self, enabled: bool)[src]

pub fn set_low_processor_usage_mode(&mut self, enable: bool)[src]

pub fn set_screen_orientation(&mut self, orientation: i64)[src]

pub fn set_thread_name(&mut self, name: GodotString) -> GodotResult[src]

pub fn set_use_file_access_save_and_swap(&mut self, enabled: bool)[src]

pub fn set_use_vsync(&mut self, enable: bool)[src]

pub fn set_window_always_on_top(&mut self, enabled: bool)[src]

pub fn set_window_fullscreen(&mut self, enabled: bool)[src]

pub fn set_window_maximized(&mut self, enabled: bool)[src]

pub fn set_window_minimized(&mut self, enabled: bool)[src]

pub fn set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool)[src]

pub fn set_window_position(&mut self, position: Vector2)[src]

pub fn set_window_resizable(&mut self, enabled: bool)[src]

pub fn set_window_size(&mut self, size: Vector2)[src]

pub fn set_window_title(&mut self, title: GodotString)[src]

pub fn shell_open(&mut self, uri: GodotString) -> GodotResult[src]

pub fn show_virtual_keyboard(&mut self, existing_text: GodotString)[src]

pub fn to_object(&self) -> Object[src]


pub fn cast<T: GodotObject>(&self) -> Option<T>[src]

Generic dynamic cast.

Methods from Deref<Target = Object>

pub unsafe fn _get(&mut self, property: GodotString) -> Variant[src]

pub unsafe fn _get_property_list(&mut self) -> VariantArray[src]

pub unsafe fn _init(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn _notification(&mut self, what: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn _set(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn add_user_signal(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    arguments: VariantArray

pub unsafe fn call(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

pub unsafe fn call_deferred(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

pub unsafe fn callv(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    arg_array: VariantArray
) -> Variant

pub unsafe fn can_translate_messages(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn connect(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString,
    binds: VariantArray,
    flags: i64
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

pub unsafe fn disconnect(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString

pub unsafe fn emit_signal(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

pub unsafe fn get(&self, property: GodotString) -> Variant[src]

pub unsafe fn get_class(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub unsafe fn get_incoming_connections(&self) -> VariantArray[src]

pub unsafe fn get_indexed(&self, property: NodePath) -> Variant[src]

pub unsafe fn get_instance_id(&self) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_meta(&self, name: GodotString) -> Variant[src]

pub unsafe fn get_meta_list(&self) -> StringArray[src]

pub unsafe fn get_method_list(&self) -> VariantArray[src]

pub unsafe fn get_property_list(&self) -> VariantArray[src]

pub unsafe fn get_script(&self) -> Option<Reference>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_signal_connection_list(
    signal: GodotString
) -> VariantArray

pub unsafe fn get_signal_list(&self) -> VariantArray[src]

pub unsafe fn has_meta(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_method(&self, method: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_user_signal(&self, signal: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn is_blocking_signals(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn is_class(&self, _type: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn is_connected(
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString
) -> bool

pub unsafe fn is_queued_for_deletion(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn notification(&mut self, what: i64, reversed: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn property_list_changed_notify(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn set(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_block_signals(&mut self, enable: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_deferred(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_indexed(&mut self, property: NodePath, value: Variant)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_message_translation(&mut self, enable: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_meta(&mut self, name: GodotString, value: Variant)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_script(&mut self, script: Option<Reference>)[src]

pub unsafe fn tr(&self, message: GodotString) -> GodotString[src]

pub unsafe fn cast<T>(&self) -> Option<T> where
    T: GodotObject

Generic dynamic cast.

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for OS[src]

impl Copy for OS[src]

impl Debug for OS[src]

impl Deref for OS[src]

type Target = Object

The resulting type after dereferencing.

impl DerefMut for OS[src]

impl FromVariant for OS[src]

impl GodotObject for OS[src]

impl ToVariant for OS[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for OS

impl !Send for OS

impl !Sync for OS

impl Unpin for OS

impl UnwindSafe for OS

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.