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Contains all structures and methods to create and manage particle systems. See ParticleSystem docs for more info and usage examples.


  • Emitter is an enum over all possible emitter types, they all must use BaseEmitter which contains base functionality.
  • Particle is a quad with texture and various other parameters, such as position, velocity, size, lifetime, etc.


  • Particle system used to create visual effects that consists of many small parts, this can be smoke, fire, dust, sparks, etc. Particle system optimized to operate on many small parts, so it is much efficient to use particle system instead of separate scene nodes. Downside of particle system is that there almost no way to control separate particles, all particles controlled by parameters of particle emitters.
  • Particle system builder allows you to construct particle system in declarative manner. This is typical implementation of Builder pattern.
  • Pseudo-random numbers generator for particle systems.