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A utility crate which implement a simple FromStrSequential trait similar to FromStr. Used on enums with unit and un-named variants, and try to convert the string to each variant sequentially (from top to bottom variant). For unit variant, the string must be the variant name (case-insentive). For un-named variants, the string must match the FromStr implementation of the un-named type.

This crate was initially released to allow multiple input formats for clap::Command


use from_str_sequential::FromStrSequential;

#[derive(Debug, FromStrSequential, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {

assert_eq!(Foo::Bar, Foo::from_str_sequential("bar").unwrap());
assert_eq!(Foo::Bar, Foo::from_str_sequential("BaR").unwrap());
assert_eq!(Foo::Baz(100), Foo::from_str_sequential("100").unwrap());


sibling trait of FromStr. Used on enums with unit and un-named variants, and try to convert the string to each variant sequentially (from top to bottom variant). For unit variant, the string must be the variant name (case-insentive). For un-named variants, the string must match the FromStr implementation of the un-named type.

Derive Macros