Macro flatdata::write_bytes [] [src]

macro_rules! write_bytes {
    ($T:tt; $value:expr, $data:expr, $offset:expr, $num_bits:expr) => { ... };
    ($T:tt; $value:expr, $data:expr, $offset:expr) => { ... };
    ($T:tt; $value:expr, $data:expr) => { ... };

Writes specified number of bits of a given value to a slice at a specified offset in portable way.

This macro is used by ArchiveBuilder to serialize data to storage. It ensures that the data is written in a portable way independent of the platform and compiler. To read the data written by this macro, use read_bytes.

The maximum amount of bits which can be written is 64. If $num_bits is not specified, std::mem::size_of::<T> is used.


  • T – integer type of the value to write (signed or unsigned),
  • value – value to write,
  • data – slice for writing to,
  • offset – offset in bits in the slice, where the value should be written,
  • num_bits – how many bits of the value to write.