flatdata 0.1.1

Rust implementation of heremaps/flatdata

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Implementation of heremaps/flatdata in Rust.

Flatdata is a library providing data structures for convenient creation, storage and access of packed memory-mappable structures with minimal overhead.

The idea is, that the user defines a schema of the data format using flatdata's very simple schema language supporting plain structs, vectors, and multivectors. The schema is then used to generate builders and readers for serialization and deserialization of the data. The data is serialized in a portable way which allows zero-overhead random access to it by using memory mapped storage. Memory mapped approach makes it possible to use the operating system facilities for loading, caching and paging of the data, and most important, accessing it as if it were in memory. Read more in "[Why flatdata?]".


The folder tests/coappearances contains a graph of character coappearances in Tolstoi's Anna Karenina described in flatdata together with the serialized data. The example is taken from the original flatdata repository. It also contains a Rust module which implements the schema. Usually, this code would be generated automatically by flatdata's generator.

The standalone tests read and write all different types of data and check that the data was de/serialized correctly. Run them simply with:

cargo test

Implementation of heremaps/flatdata in Rust.



  • flatdata's schema to Rust generator (implemented, but the code is not yet merge into the flatdata main repository).
  • Support for namespaces.
  • Support for constants.



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