Macro flatdata::read_bytes [] [src]

macro_rules! read_bytes {
    (bool, $data:expr, $offset:expr, $num_bits:expr) => { ... };
    ($T:tt, $data:expr, $offset:expr, $num_bits:expr) => { ... };
    ($T:tt, $data:expr, $offset:expr) => { ... };
    ($T:tt, $data:expr) => { ... };

Reads specified number of bits from data at specified offset in portable way.

This macro is the counterpart of the macro write_bytes. It is used by Archive to read data from storage, which was serialized by the corresponding ArchiveBuilder. The latter uses write_bytes for writing the data.


  • T – type of the value of the read data,
  • data – type convertible to *const u8 address to read the data from,
  • offset – offset in bits in data, where the value should be read,
  • num_bits – number of bits to read.