pub struct FlacEncoderConfig(_);
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Wrapper around a FLAC encoder for configuring the output settings.

FILE* constructors unsupported, Write+Seek constructors unsupportable due to https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/2035


Initialize the encoder instance to encode native FLAC streams.

This flavor of initialization sets up the encoder to encode to a native FLAC stream. I/O is performed into the specified stream.

The call to init_write() currently will also immediately write several times, once with the fLaC signature, and once for each encoded metadata block.

Initialize the encoder instance to encode Ogg FLAC streams.

This flavor of initialization sets up the encoder to encode to a FLAC stream in an Ogg container. I/O is performed into the specified stream.

The call to init_write_ogg() currently will also immediately write several times, once with the fLaC signature, and once for each encoded metadata block.

Initialize the encoder instance to encode native FLAC files.

This flavor of initialization sets up the encoder to encode to a plain FLAC file. If POSIX fopen() semantics are not sufficient (for example, with Unicode filenames), you must use init_write() and provide the output stream.

The file will be opened with fopen().

Initialize the encoder instance to encode Ogg FLAC files.

This flavor of initialization sets up the encoder to encode to a plain FLAC file. If POSIX fopen() semantics are not sufficient (for example, with Unicode filenames), you must use init_write_ogg() and provide the output stream.

The file will be opened with fopen().

Initialize the encoder instance to encode native FLAC files.

This flavor of initialization sets up the encoder to encode a plain FLAC file to stdout.

Note: a proper SEEKTABLE cannot be created when encoding to stdout since it is not seekable.

Initialize the encoder instance to encode Ogg FLAC files.

This flavor of initialization sets up the encoder to encode a plain OGG FLAC file to stdout.

Note: a proper SEEKTABLE cannot be created when encoding to stdout since it is not seekable.

Set the serial number for the FLAC stream to use in the Ogg container.

This does not need to be set for native FLAC encoding.

It is recommended to set a serial number explicitly as the default of ‘0’ may collide with other streams.

Default: 0

Set the “verify” flag.

If true, the encoder will verify its own encoded output by feeding it through an internal decoder and comparing the original signal against the decoded signal. If a mismatch occurs, the process call will return false. Note that this will slow the encoding process by the extra time required for decoding and comparison.

Default: false

Set the Subset flag.

If true, the encoder will comply with the Subset and will check the settings during init_*() to see if all settings comply. If false, the settings may take advantage of the full range that the format allows.

Make sure you know what it entails before setting this to false.

Default: true

Set the number of channels to be encoded.

Default: 2

Set the sample resolution of the input to be encoded.

Do not feed the encoder data that is wider than the value you set here or you will generate an invalid stream.

Default: 16

Set the sample rate (in Hz) of the input to be encoded.

Default: 44100

Set the compression level

The compression level is roughly proportional to the amount of effort the encoder expends to compress the file. A higher level usually means more computation but higher compression. The default level is suitable for most applications.

Currently the levels range from 0 (fastest, least compression) to 8 (slowest, most compression). A value larger than 8 will be treated as 8.

This function automatically calls the following other set functions with appropriate values, so the client does not need to unless it specifically wants to override them:

The actual values set for each level are:

level do mid-side stereo loose mid-side stereo apodization max lpc order qlp coeff precision qlp coeff prec search escape coding exhaustive model search min residual partition order max residual partition order rice parameter search dist
0 false false tukey(0.5) 0 0 false false false 0 3 0
1 true true tukey(0.5) 0 0 false false false 0 3 0
2 true false tukey(0.5) 0 0 false false false 0 3 0
3 false false tukey(0.5) 6 0 false false false 0 4 0
4 true true tukey(0.5) 8 0 false false false 0 4 0
5 true false tukey(0.5) 8 0 false false false 0 5 0
6 true false tukey(0.5);partial_tukey(2) 8 0 false false false 0 6 0
7 true false tukey(0.5);partial_tukey(2) 12 0 false false false 0 6 0
8 true false tukey(0.5);partial_tukey(2);punchout_tukey(3) 12 0 false false false 0 6 0

Default: 5

Set the blocksize to use while encoding.

The number of samples to use per frame. Use 0 to let the encoder estimate a blocksize; this is usually best.

Default: 0

Set to true to enable mid-side encoding on stereo input.

The number of channels must be 2 for this to have any effect. Set to false to use only independent channel coding.

Default: true

Set to true to enable adaptive switching between mid-side and left-right encoding on stereo input.

Set to false to use exhaustive searching. Setting this to true requires do_mid_side_stereo() to also be set to true in order to have any effect.

Default: false

Sets the apodization function(s) the encoder will use when windowing audio data for LPC analysis.

The specification is a plain ASCII string which specifies exactly which functions to use. There may be more than one (up to 32), separated by ';' characters. Some functions take one or more comma-separated arguments in parentheses.

The available functions are bartlett, bartlett_hann, blackman, blackman_harris_4term_92db, connes, flattop, gauss(STDDEV), hamming, hann, kaiser_bessel, nuttall, rectangle, triangle, tukey(P), partial_tukey(n[/ov[/P]]), punchout_tukey(n[/ov[/P]]), welch.

For gauss(STDDEV), STDDEV specifies the standard deviation (0<STDDEV<=0.5).

For tukey(P), P specifies the fraction of the window that is tapered (0<=P<=1). P=0 corresponds to rectangle and P=1 corresponds to hann.

Specifying partial_tukey or punchout_tukey works a little different. These do not specify a single apodization function, but a series of them with some overlap. partial_tukey specifies a series of small windows (all treated separately) while punchout_tukey specifies a series of windows that have a hole in them. In this way, the predictor is constructed with only a part of the block, which helps in case a block consists of dissimilar parts.

The three parameters that can be specified for the functions are n, ov and P. n is the number of functions to add, ov is the overlap of the windows in case of partial_tukey and the overlap in the gaps in case of punchout_tukey. P is the fraction of the window that is tapered, like with a regular tukey window. The function can be specified with only a number, a number and an overlap, or a number an overlap and a P, for example, partial_tukey(3), partial_tukey(3/0.3) and partial_tukey(3/0.3/0.5) are all valid. ov should be smaller than 1 and can be negative.

Example specifications are "blackman" or "hann;triangle;tukey(0.5);tukey(0.25);tukey(0.125)"

Any function that is specified erroneously is silently dropped. Up to 32 functions are kept, the rest are dropped. If the specification is empty the encoder defaults to "tukey(0.5)".

When more than one function is specified, then for every subframe the encoder will try each of them separately and choose the window that results in the smallest compressed subframe.

Note that each function specified causes the encoder to occupy a floating point array in which to store the window. Also note that the values of P, STDDEV and ov are locale-specific, so if the comma separator specified by the locale is a comma, a comma should be used.

Default: "tukey(0.5)"

Set the maximum LPC order, or 0 to use only the fixed predictors.

Default: 8

Set the precision, in bits, of the quantized linear predictor coefficients, or 0 to let the encoder select it based on the blocksize.

In the current implementation, qlp_coeff_precision + bits_per_sample must be less than 32.

Default: 0

Set to false to use only the specified quantized linear predictor coefficient precision, or true to search neighboring precision values and use the best one.

Default: false

Deprecated. Setting this value has no effect.

Default: false

Set to false to let the encoder estimate the best model order based on the residual signal energy, or true to force the encoder to evaluate all order models and select the best.

Default: false

Set the minimum partition order to search when coding the residual.

This is used in tandem with max_residual_partition_order().

The partition order determines the context size in the residual.

The context size will be approximately blocksize / (2 ^ order).

Set both min and max values to 0 to force a single context, whose Rice parameter is based on the residual signal variance. Otherwise, set a min and max order, and the encoder will search all orders, using the mean of each context for its Rice parameter, and use the best.

Default: 0

Set the maximum partition order to search when coding the residual.

This is used in tandem with min_residual_partition_order().

The partition order determines the context size in the residual. The context size will be approximately blocksize / (2 ^ order).

Set both min and max values to 0 to force a single context, whose Rice parameter is based on the residual signal variance. Otherwise, set a min and max order, and the encoder will search all orders, using the mean of each context for its Rice parameter, and use the best.

Default: 5

Deprecated. Setting this value has no effect.

Default: 0

Set an estimate of the total samples that will be encoded.

This is merely an estimate and may be set to 0 if unknown. This value will be written to the STREAMINFO block before encoding, and can remove the need for the caller to rewrite the value later if the value is known before encoding.

Default: 0

Trait Implementations

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.