Trait fixed::traits::FixedOptionalFeatures[][src]

pub trait FixedOptionalFeatures where
    Self: Zero + Bounded + Inv,
    Self: CheckedAdd + CheckedSub + CheckedNeg + CheckedMul,
    Self: CheckedDiv + CheckedRem + CheckedShl + CheckedShr,
    Self: SaturatingAdd + SaturatingSub + SaturatingMul,
    Self: WrappingAdd + WrappingSub + WrappingNeg + WrappingMul,
    Self: WrappingShl + WrappingShr,
    Self: OverflowingAdd + OverflowingSub + OverflowingMul,
    Self: ToPrimitive + FromPrimitive + FloatConst,
    Self: Serialize + for<'de> Deserialize<'de>, 
{ }

This trait is used to provide supertraits to the Fixed trait depending on the crate’s optional features.

  1. If the num-traits experimental feature is enabled, the following are supertraits of Fixed:

    The following are not supertraits of Fixed, even though they are implemented for fixed-point numbers where applicable:

    Similarly, Signed and Unsigned are not supertraits of FixedSigned and FixedUnsigned because they have Num as a supertrait.

  2. If the serde feature is enabled, Serialize and Deserialize are supertraits of Fixed.


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