[][src]Trait ffsend_api::pipe::prelude::Pipe

pub trait Pipe: Sized {
    type Reader: PipeRead<Self>;
    type Writer: PipeWrite<Self>;
    fn pipe(&mut self, input: &[u8]) -> (usize, Option<Vec<u8>>);

    fn reader(self, inner: Box<dyn Read>) -> Self::Reader { ... }
fn writer(self, inner: Box<dyn Write>) -> Self::Writer { ... }
fn pipe_transparent(&self, input: &[u8]) -> (usize, Option<Vec<u8>>) { ... } }

Something that can pipe given data.

A pipe may monitor, but also transform data flowing through it.

From this pipe, a reader or writer can be created using the corresponding reader and writer functions to wrap an existing reader or writer.

Associated Types

type Reader: PipeRead<Self>

The wrapping reader type used for this pipe.

type Writer: PipeWrite<Self>

The wrapping writer type used for this pipe.

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Required methods

fn pipe(&mut self, input: &[u8]) -> (usize, Option<Vec<u8>>)

Pipe bytes from input, monitor/transform it, return the output.

This should not be used directly, and is automatically used by a PipeRead or PipeWrite object for the actual piping.

This returns a tuple with the number of bytes read from the input, along with transformed data if available in the following format: (read_bytes, transformed_data).

Pipes that just monitor data, immediately return the input. The pipe_transparent helper function can be used for this inside the implementation.

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Provided methods

fn reader(self, inner: Box<dyn Read>) -> Self::Reader

Wrap the inner reader, bytes that are read are transformed through this pipe.

fn writer(self, inner: Box<dyn Write>) -> Self::Writer

Wrap the inner writer, bytes that are read are transformed through this pipe.

fn pipe_transparent(&self, input: &[u8]) -> (usize, Option<Vec<u8>>)

Transparently pipe input by immediately returning it.

This should not be used directly, and is automatically used by a PipeRead or PipeWrite object for the actual piping.

This can be used as helper function inside the pipe function if data is only monitored and not transformed.

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impl Pipe for EceCrypt[src]

type Reader = EceReader

type Writer = EceWriter

impl Pipe for ProgressPipe[src]

type Reader = ProgressReader

type Writer = ProgressWriter

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