Expand description

This crate implements an external sort for arbitrary iterators of any size, assuming they fit on disk.

use extsort_iter::*;

let sequence = [3,21,42,9,5];

// the default configuration will sort with up to 10M in buffered in Memory
// and place the files under /tmp
// you will most likely want to change at least the location.
let config = ExtsortConfig::default_for::<i32>();

let data = sequence
assert_eq!(&data, &[3,5,9,21,42]);

When not to use this crate

When your source iterator is big because each item owns large amounts of heap memory. That means the following case will result in memory exhaustion:

let data = "somestring".to_owned();
let iterator = std::iter::from_fn(|| Some(data.clone())).take(1_000_000);
let sorted  = iterator.external_sort(ExtsortConfig::default_for::<String>());

The reason for that is that we are not dropping the values from the source iterator until they are yielded by the result iterator.

You can think of it as buffering the entire input iterator, with the values themselves living on disk but all memory the values point to still living on the heap.


pub use extension_trait::*;



The configuration for the external sorting.