[][src]Trait evm::Handler

pub trait Handler {
    type CreateInterrupt;
    type CreateFeedback;
    type CallInterrupt;
    type CallFeedback;
    fn balance(&self, address: H160) -> U256;
fn code_size(&self, address: H160) -> U256;
fn code_hash(&self, address: H160) -> H256;
fn code(&self, address: H160) -> Vec<u8>;
fn storage(&self, address: H160, index: H256) -> H256;
fn original_storage(&self, address: H160, index: H256) -> H256;
fn gas_left(&self) -> U256;
fn gas_price(&self) -> U256;
fn origin(&self) -> H160;
fn block_hash(&self, number: U256) -> H256;
fn block_number(&self) -> U256;
fn block_coinbase(&self) -> H160;
fn block_timestamp(&self) -> U256;
fn block_difficulty(&self) -> U256;
fn block_gas_limit(&self) -> U256;
fn chain_id(&self) -> U256;
fn exists(&self, address: H160) -> bool;
fn deleted(&self, address: H160) -> bool;
fn set_storage(
        &mut self,
        address: H160,
        index: H256,
        value: H256
    ) -> Result<(), ExitError>;
fn log(
        &mut self,
        address: H160,
        topcis: Vec<H256>,
        data: Vec<u8>
    ) -> Result<(), ExitError>;
fn mark_delete(
        &mut self,
        address: H160,
        target: H160
    ) -> Result<(), ExitError>;
fn create(
        &mut self,
        caller: H160,
        scheme: CreateScheme,
        value: U256,
        init_code: Vec<u8>,
        target_gas: Option<usize>
    ) -> Capture<(ExitReason, Option<H160>, Vec<u8>), Self::CreateInterrupt>;
fn call(
        &mut self,
        code_address: H160,
        transfer: Option<Transfer>,
        input: Vec<u8>,
        target_gas: Option<usize>,
        is_static: bool,
        context: Context
    ) -> Capture<(ExitReason, Vec<u8>), Self::CallInterrupt>;
fn pre_validate(
        &mut self,
        context: &Context,
        opcode: Result<Opcode, ExternalOpcode>,
        stack: &Stack
    ) -> Result<(), ExitError>; fn create_feedback(
        &mut self,
        _feedback: Self::CreateFeedback
    ) -> Result<(), ExitError> { ... }
fn call_feedback(
        &mut self,
        _feedback: Self::CallFeedback
    ) -> Result<(), ExitError> { ... }
fn other(
        &mut self,
        _opcode: u8,
        _stack: &mut Machine
    ) -> Result<(), ExitError> { ... } }

EVM context handler.

Associated Types

type CreateInterrupt

Type of CREATE interrupt.

type CreateFeedback

Feedback value for CREATE interrupt.

type CallInterrupt

Type of CALL interrupt.

type CallFeedback

Feedback value of CALL interrupt.

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Required methods

fn balance(&self, address: H160) -> U256

Get balance of address.

fn code_size(&self, address: H160) -> U256

Get code size of address.

fn code_hash(&self, address: H160) -> H256

Get code hash of address.

fn code(&self, address: H160) -> Vec<u8>

Get code of address.

fn storage(&self, address: H160, index: H256) -> H256

Get storage value of address at index.

fn original_storage(&self, address: H160, index: H256) -> H256

Get original storage value of address at index.

fn gas_left(&self) -> U256

Get the gas left value.

fn gas_price(&self) -> U256

Get the gas price value.

fn origin(&self) -> H160

Get execution origin.

fn block_hash(&self, number: U256) -> H256

Get environmental block hash.

fn block_number(&self) -> U256

Get environmental block number.

fn block_coinbase(&self) -> H160

Get environmental coinbase.

fn block_timestamp(&self) -> U256

Get environmental block timestamp.

fn block_difficulty(&self) -> U256

Get environmental block difficulty.

fn block_gas_limit(&self) -> U256

Get environmental gas limit.

fn chain_id(&self) -> U256

Get environmental chain ID.

fn exists(&self, address: H160) -> bool

Check whether an address exists.

fn deleted(&self, address: H160) -> bool

Check whether an address has already been deleted.

fn set_storage(
    &mut self,
    address: H160,
    index: H256,
    value: H256
) -> Result<(), ExitError>

Set storage value of address at index.

fn log(
    &mut self,
    address: H160,
    topcis: Vec<H256>,
    data: Vec<u8>
) -> Result<(), ExitError>

Create a log owned by address with given topics and data.

fn mark_delete(&mut self, address: H160, target: H160) -> Result<(), ExitError>

Mark an address to be deleted, with funds transferred to target.

fn create(
    &mut self,
    caller: H160,
    scheme: CreateScheme,
    value: U256,
    init_code: Vec<u8>,
    target_gas: Option<usize>
) -> Capture<(ExitReason, Option<H160>, Vec<u8>), Self::CreateInterrupt>

Invoke a create operation.

fn call(
    &mut self,
    code_address: H160,
    transfer: Option<Transfer>,
    input: Vec<u8>,
    target_gas: Option<usize>,
    is_static: bool,
    context: Context
) -> Capture<(ExitReason, Vec<u8>), Self::CallInterrupt>

Invoke a call operation.

fn pre_validate(
    &mut self,
    context: &Context,
    opcode: Result<Opcode, ExternalOpcode>,
    stack: &Stack
) -> Result<(), ExitError>

Pre-validation step for the runtime.

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Provided methods

fn create_feedback(
    &mut self,
    _feedback: Self::CreateFeedback
) -> Result<(), ExitError>

Feed in create feedback.

fn call_feedback(
    &mut self,
    _feedback: Self::CallFeedback
) -> Result<(), ExitError>

Feed in call feedback.

fn other(&mut self, _opcode: u8, _stack: &mut Machine) -> Result<(), ExitError>

Handle other unknown xternal opcodes.

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impl<'backend, 'config, B: Backend> Handler for StackExecutor<'backend, 'config, B>[src]

type CreateInterrupt = Infallible

type CreateFeedback = Infallible

type CallInterrupt = Infallible

type CallFeedback = Infallible

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