[][src]Type Definition esp32::uart::uart_flow_conf_reg::R

type R = R<u32, UART_FLOW_CONF_REG>;

Reader of register UART_FLOW_CONF_REG


impl R[src]

pub fn uart_send_xoff(&self) -> UART_SEND_XOFF_R[src]

Bit 5 - Set this bit to send xoff char. it is cleared by hardware automatically.

pub fn uart_send_xon(&self) -> UART_SEND_XON_R[src]

Bit 4 - Set this bit to send xon char. it is cleared by hardware automatically.

pub fn uart_force_xoff(&self) -> UART_FORCE_XOFF_R[src]

Bit 3 - Set this bit to set ctsn to enable the transmitter to go on sending data.

pub fn uart_force_xon(&self) -> UART_FORCE_XON_R[src]

Bit 2 - Set this bit to clear ctsn to stop the transmitter from sending data.

pub fn uart_xonoff_del(&self) -> UART_XONOFF_DEL_R[src]

Bit 1 - Set this bit to remove flow control char from the received data.

pub fn uart_sw_flow_con_en(&self) -> UART_SW_FLOW_CON_EN_R[src]

Bit 0 - Set this bit to enable software flow control. it is used with register sw_xon or sw_xoff .