[][src]Type Definition esp32::uart::uart_conf0_reg::W

type W = W<u32, UART_CONF0_REG>;

Writer for register UART_CONF0_REG


impl W[src]

pub fn uart_tick_ref_always_on(&mut self) -> UART_TICK_REF_ALWAYS_ON_W[src]

Bit 27 - This register is used to select the clock.1.apb clock 0:ref_tick

pub fn uart_err_wr_mask(&mut self) -> UART_ERR_WR_MASK_W[src]

Bit 26 - 1.receiver stops storing data int fifo when data is wrong. 0.receiver stores the data even if the received data is wrong.

pub fn uart_clk_en(&mut self) -> UART_CLK_EN_W[src]

Bit 25 - 1.force clock on for registers.support clock only when write registers

pub fn uart_dtr_inv(&mut self) -> UART_DTR_INV_W[src]

Bit 24 - Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart dtr signal.

pub fn uart_rts_inv(&mut self) -> UART_RTS_INV_W[src]

Bit 23 - Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart rts signal.

pub fn uart_txd_inv(&mut self) -> UART_TXD_INV_W[src]

Bit 22 - Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart txd signal.

pub fn uart_dsr_inv(&mut self) -> UART_DSR_INV_W[src]

Bit 21 - Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart dsr signal.

pub fn uart_cts_inv(&mut self) -> UART_CTS_INV_W[src]

Bit 20 - Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart cts signal.

pub fn uart_rxd_inv(&mut self) -> UART_RXD_INV_W[src]

Bit 19 - Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart rxd signal.

pub fn uart_txfifo_rst(&mut self) -> UART_TXFIFO_RST_W[src]

Bit 18 - Set this bit to reset uart transmitter's fifo.

pub fn uart_rxfifo_rst(&mut self) -> UART_RXFIFO_RST_W[src]

Bit 17 - Set this bit to reset uart receiver's fifo.

pub fn uart_irda_en(&mut self) -> UART_IRDA_EN_W[src]

Bit 16 - Set this bit to enable irda protocol.

pub fn uart_tx_flow_en(&mut self) -> UART_TX_FLOW_EN_W[src]

Bit 15 - Set this bit to enable transmitter's flow control function.

pub fn uart_loopback(&mut self) -> UART_LOOPBACK_W[src]

Bit 14 - Set this bit to enable uart loopback test mode.

pub fn uart_irda_rx_inv(&mut self) -> UART_IRDA_RX_INV_W[src]

Bit 13 - Set this bit to inverse the level value of irda receiver's level.

pub fn uart_irda_tx_inv(&mut self) -> UART_IRDA_TX_INV_W[src]

Bit 12 - Set this bit to inverse the level value of irda transmitter's level.

pub fn uart_irda_wctl(&mut self) -> UART_IRDA_WCTL_W[src]

Bit 11 - 1.the irda transmitter's 11th bit is the same to the 10th bit. 0.set irda transmitter's 11th bit to 0.

pub fn uart_irda_tx_en(&mut self) -> UART_IRDA_TX_EN_W[src]

Bit 10 - This is the start enable bit for irda transmitter.

pub fn uart_irda_dplx(&mut self) -> UART_IRDA_DPLX_W[src]

Bit 9 - Set this bit to enable irda loopback mode.

pub fn uart_txd_brk(&mut self) -> UART_TXD_BRK_W[src]

Bit 8 - Set this bit to enbale transmitter to send 0 when the process of sending data is done.

pub fn uart_sw_dtr(&mut self) -> UART_SW_DTR_W[src]

Bit 7 - This register is used to configure the software dtr signal which is used in software flow control..

pub fn uart_sw_rts(&mut self) -> UART_SW_RTS_W[src]

Bit 6 - This register is used to configure the software rts signal which is used in software flow control.

pub fn uart_stop_bit_num(&mut self) -> UART_STOP_BIT_NUM_W[src]

Bits 4:5 - This register is used to set the length of stop bit. 1:1bit 2:1.5bits 3:2bits

pub fn uart_bit_num(&mut self) -> UART_BIT_NUM_W[src]

Bits 2:3 - This registe is used to set the length of data: 0:5bits 1:6bits 2:7bits 3:8bits

pub fn uart_parity_en(&mut self) -> UART_PARITY_EN_W[src]

Bit 1 - Set this bit to enable uart parity check.

pub fn uart_parity(&mut self) -> UART_PARITY_W[src]

Bit 0 - This register is used to configure the parity check mode. 0:even 1:odd