[][src]Type Definition esp32::mcpwm::mcpwm_fh1_cfg1_reg::R

type R = R<u32, MCPWM_FH1_CFG1_REG>;

Reader of register MCPWM_FH1_CFG1_REG


impl R[src]

pub fn mcpwm_fh1_force_ost(&self) -> MCPWM_FH1_FORCE_OST_R[src]

Bit 4 - A toggle (software negation of value of this bit) triggers a one-shot mode action

pub fn mcpwm_fh1_force_cbc(&self) -> MCPWM_FH1_FORCE_CBC_R[src]

Bit 3 - A toggle triggers a cycle-by-cycle mode action

pub fn mcpwm_fh1_cbcpulse(&self) -> MCPWM_FH1_CBCPULSE_R[src]

Bits 1:2 - The cycle-by-cycle mode action refresh moment selection. Bit0: TEZ bit1:TEP

pub fn mcpwm_fh1_clr_ost(&self) -> MCPWM_FH1_CLR_OST_R[src]

Bit 0 - A toggle will clear on going one-shot mode action