Struct entity::query::TypedPredicate[][src]

pub struct TypedPredicate<T: ValueLike>(_, _);

Represents a typed Predicate, ensuring that only valid conditions are used for a given type


impl<T: ValueLike> TypedPredicate<T>[src]

pub fn lambda<F: 'static + Fn(T) -> bool>(f: F) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::Lambda


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::lambda(|x| x > 3);
assert_eq!(p.check(4), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(1), false);

impl<T: ValueLike> TypedPredicate<T>[src]

pub fn new(predicate: Predicate) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate from an untyped predicate

pub fn as_untyped(&self) -> &Predicate[src]

Returns a reference to the untyped Predicate wrapped by this typed instance

pub fn check(&self, value: T) -> bool[src]

Checks if the typed predicate is satisfied by the given value

NOTE: This consumes the value instead of the untyped version that merely references the value

pub fn always() -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::Always


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::always();
assert_eq!(p.check(1), true);

pub fn never() -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::Never


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::never();
assert_eq!(p.check(1), false);

pub fn and<P: Into<TypedPredicate<T>>, I: IntoIterator<Item = P>>(i: I) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::And


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::and(vec![
assert_eq!(p.check(2), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(1), false);

pub fn not<P: Into<TypedPredicate<T>>>(p: P) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::Not


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::not(P::greater_than(1));
assert_eq!(p.check(1), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), false);

pub fn or<P: Into<TypedPredicate<T>>, I: IntoIterator<Item = P>>(i: I) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::Or


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::or(vec![P::greater_than(1), P::equals(1)]);
assert_eq!(p.check(1), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(0), false);

pub fn xor<P: Into<TypedPredicate<T>>, I: IntoIterator<Item = P>>(i: I) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::Xor


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::xor(vec![P::greater_than(1), P::greater_than(2)]);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), false);
assert_eq!(p.check(1), false);

impl<T: ValueLike, C: IntoIterator<Item = T> + ValueLike> TypedPredicate<C>[src]

Implementation for collections with a singular type. For std::collections::HashMap and similar types, use the MapTypedPredicate instead.

pub fn any<P: Into<TypedPredicate<T>>>(p: P) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::Any


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::any(P::equals(3));
assert_eq!(p.check(vec![1, 2, 3]), true);

let p = P::any(P::equals(4));
assert_eq!(p.check(vec![1, 2, 3]), false);

pub fn contains(value: T) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::Contains


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::contains(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(vec![1, 2, 3]), true);

let p = P::contains(4);
assert_eq!(p.check(vec![1, 2, 3]), false);

pub fn contains_all<I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(i: I) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::ContainsAll


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::contains_all(vec![1, 3]);
assert_eq!(p.check(vec![1, 2, 3]), true);

let p = P::contains_all(vec![1, 4]);
assert_eq!(p.check(vec![1, 2, 3]), false);

pub fn contains_any<I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(i: I) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::ContainsAny


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::contains_any(vec![1, 4]);
assert_eq!(p.check(vec![1, 2, 3]), true);

let p = P::contains_any(vec![4, 5]);
assert_eq!(p.check(vec![1, 2, 3]), false);

impl<T: ValueLike> TypedPredicate<T>[src]

pub fn equals(value: T) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::Equals


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::equals(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), false);

pub fn greater_than(value: T) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::GreaterThan


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::greater_than(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(4), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), false);

pub fn greater_than_or_equals(value: T) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::GreaterThanOrEquals


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::greater_than_or_equals(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(4), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), false);

pub fn in_range(range: RangeInclusive<T>) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::InRange


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::in_range(3..=5);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), false);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(4), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(5), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(6), false);

pub fn in_set<I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(set: I) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::InSet


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::in_set(vec![1, 2, 3]);
assert_eq!(p.check(0), false);
assert_eq!(p.check(1), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(4), false);

pub fn less_than(value: T) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::LessThan


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::less_than(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), false);

pub fn less_than_or_equals(value: T) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::LessThanOrEquals


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::less_than_or_equals(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(4), false);

pub fn not_equals(value: T) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::NotEquals

use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::not_equals(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), false);

pub fn not_in_range(range: RangeInclusive<T>) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::NotInRange


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::not_in_range(3..=5);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), false);
assert_eq!(p.check(4), false);
assert_eq!(p.check(5), false);
assert_eq!(p.check(6), true);

pub fn not_in_set<I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(set: I) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::NotInSet


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::not_in_set(vec![1, 2, 3]);
assert_eq!(p.check(0), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(1), false);
assert_eq!(p.check(2), false);
assert_eq!(p.check(3), false);
assert_eq!(p.check(4), true);

impl<T: ValueLike> TypedPredicate<HashMap<String, T>>[src]

pub fn has_key<K: Into<String>>(k: K) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::HasKey


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let map: HashMap<String, u32> = vec![
    (String::from("a"), 1),
    (String::from("b"), 2),
    (String::from("c"), 3),

let p = P::has_key("a");
assert_eq!(p.check(map.clone()), true);

let p = P::has_key("d");
assert_eq!(p.check(map), false);

pub fn has_key_where_value<K: Into<String>, P: Into<TypedPredicate<T>>>(
    k: K,
    p: P
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::HasKeyWhereValue


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let map: HashMap<String, u32> = vec![
    (String::from("a"), 1),
    (String::from("b"), 2),
    (String::from("c"), 3),

let p = P::has_key_where_value("a", P::equals(1));
assert_eq!(p.check(map.clone()), true);

let p = P::has_key_where_value("b", P::equals(1));
assert_eq!(p.check(map.clone()), false);

let p = P::has_key_where_value("d", P::equals(1));
assert_eq!(p.check(map), false);

impl<T: ValueLike> TypedPredicate<Option<T>>[src]

pub fn is_none() -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::IsNone


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::is_none();

let v = None::<u32>;
assert_eq!(p.check(v), true);

let v = Some(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(v), false);

pub fn not_none_and<P: Into<TypedPredicate<T>>>(p: P) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::NotNoneAnd


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::not_none_and(P::equals(3));

let v = Some(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(v), true);

let v = Some(2);
assert_eq!(p.check(v), false);

let v = None::<u32>;
assert_eq!(p.check(v), false);

pub fn none_or<P: Into<TypedPredicate<T>>>(p: P) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::NoneOr


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::none_or(P::equals(3));

let v = Some(3);
assert_eq!(p.check(v), true);

let v = None::<u32>;
assert_eq!(p.check(v), true);

let v = Some(2);
assert_eq!(p.check(v), false);

impl TypedPredicate<String>[src]

pub fn text_ends_with<S: Into<String>>(s: S) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextEndsWith


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_ends_with("text");

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("some text")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("text some")), false);

pub fn text_ends_with_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>>(s: S) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextEndsWithCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_ends_with_case_insensitive("text");

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("SOME TEXT")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("TEXT SOME")), false);

pub fn text_equals_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>>(s: S) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextEqualsCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_equals_case_insensitive("text");

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("TEXT")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("OTHER")), false);

pub fn text_in_set_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>, I: IntoIterator<Item = S>>(
    i: I
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextInSetCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_in_set_case_insensitive(vec!["one", "two", "three"]);

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("TWO")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("FOUR")), false);

pub fn text_not_equals_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>>(s: S) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextNotEqualsCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_not_equals_case_insensitive("text");

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("OTHER")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("TEXT")), false);

pub fn text_starts_with<S: Into<String>>(s: S) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextStartsWith


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_starts_with("text");

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("text some")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("some text")), false);

pub fn text_starts_with_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>>(s: S) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextStartsWithCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_starts_with_case_insensitive("text");

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("TEXT SOME")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("SOME TEXT")), false);

pub fn text_contained_in<S: Into<String>>(s: S) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextContainedIn


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_contained_in("text");

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("ex")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("tt")), false);

pub fn text_contained_in_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>>(s: S) -> Self[src]

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextContainedInCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_contained_in_case_insensitive("text");

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("EX")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("TT")), false);

pub fn text_contains_all<S: Into<String>, I: IntoIterator<Item = S>>(
    i: I
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextContainsAll


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_contains_all(vec!["one", "two", "three"]);

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("my one and two and three text")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("my one and two text")), false);

pub fn text_contains_all_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>, I: IntoIterator<Item = S>>(
    i: I
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextContainsAllCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_contains_all_case_insensitive(vec!["one", "two", "three"]);

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("MY ONE AND TWO AND THREE TEXT")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("MY ONE AND TWO TEXT")), false);

pub fn text_contains_any<S: Into<String>, I: IntoIterator<Item = S>>(
    i: I
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextContainsAny


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_contains_any(vec!["one", "two", "three"]);

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("my one text")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("my four text")), false);

pub fn text_contains_any_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>, I: IntoIterator<Item = S>>(
    i: I
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextContainsAnyCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_contains_any_case_insensitive(vec!["one", "two", "three"]);

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("MY ONE TEXT")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("MY FOUR TEXT")), false);

pub fn text_ends_with_any<S: Into<String>, I: IntoIterator<Item = S>>(
    i: I
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextEndsWithAny


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_ends_with_any(vec!["one", "two", "three"]);

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("my text one")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("one my text")), false);

pub fn text_ends_with_any_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>, I: IntoIterator<Item = S>>(
    i: I
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextEndsWithAnyCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_ends_with_any_case_insensitive(vec!["one", "two", "three"]);

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("MY TEXT ONE")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("ONE MY TEXT")), false);

pub fn text_starts_with_any<S: Into<String>, I: IntoIterator<Item = S>>(
    i: I
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextStartsWithAny


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_starts_with_any(vec!["one", "two", "three"]);

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("one my text")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("my text one")), false);

pub fn text_starts_with_any_case_insensitive<S: Into<String>, I: IntoIterator<Item = S>>(
    i: I
) -> Self

Creates a new typed predicate for Predicate::TextStartsWithAnyCaseInsensitive


use entity::TypedPredicate as P;

let p = P::text_starts_with_any_case_insensitive(vec!["one", "two", "three"]);

assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("ONE MY TEXT")), true);
assert_eq!(p.check(String::from("MY TEXT ONE")), false);

Trait Implementations

impl<T: ValueLike> BitAnd<TypedPredicate<T>> for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

fn bitand(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Shorthand to produce Predicate::And

impl<T: ValueLike> BitOr<TypedPredicate<T>> for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

fn bitor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Shorthand to produce Predicate::Or

impl<T: ValueLike> BitXor<TypedPredicate<T>> for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator.

fn bitxor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Shorthand to produce Predicate::Xor

impl<T: Clone + ValueLike> Clone for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

impl<T: Debug + ValueLike> Debug for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

impl<T: ValueLike, C: IntoIterator<Item = (String, T)> + ValueLike> From<MapTypedPredicate<T, C>> for TypedPredicate<C>[src]

impl<T: ValueLike> From<Predicate> for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

impl<T: ValueLike, C: IntoIterator<Item = (String, T)> + ValueLike> From<TypedPredicate<C>> for MapTypedPredicate<T, C>[src]

impl<T: ValueLike> From<TypedPredicate<T>> for Predicate[src]

impl<T: ValueLike> Not for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the ! operator.

fn not(self) -> Self::Output[src]

Shorthand to produce Predicate::Not

impl<T: ValueLike> PartialEq<Predicate> for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

impl<T: ValueLike> PartialEq<TypedPredicate<T>> for Predicate[src]

impl<T: PartialEq + ValueLike> PartialEq<TypedPredicate<T>> for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

impl<T: ValueLike> StructuralPartialEq for TypedPredicate<T>[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<T> !RefUnwindSafe for TypedPredicate<T>

impl<T> !Send for TypedPredicate<T>

impl<T> !Sync for TypedPredicate<T>

impl<T> Unpin for TypedPredicate<T> where
    T: Unpin

impl<T> !UnwindSafe for TypedPredicate<T>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> DynClone for T where
    T: Clone

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.