Crate encoding_c

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The C API for encoding_rs.

Mapping from Rust

Naming convention

The wrapper function for each method has a name that starts with the name of the struct lower-cased, followed by an underscore and ends with the name of the method.

For example, Encoding::for_label() is wrapped as encoding_for_label().


Functions that wrap non-static methods take the self object as their first argument.

Slice argument foo is decomposed into a pointer foo and a length foo_len.

Return values

Multiple return values become out-params. When an out-param is length-related, foo_len for a slice becomes a pointer in order to become an in/out-param.

DecoderResult, EncoderResult and CoderResult become uint32_t. InputEmpty becomes INPUT_EMPTY. OutputFull becomes OUTPUT_FULL. Unmappable becomes the scalar value of the unmappable character. Malformed becomes a number whose lowest 8 bits, which can have the decimal value 0, 1, 2 or 3, indicate the number of bytes that were consumed after the malformed sequence and whose next-lowest 8 bits, when shifted right by 8 indicate the length of the malformed byte sequence (possible decimal values 1, 2, 3 or 4). The maximum possible sum of the two is 6.


Newtype for *const Encoding in order to be able to implement Sync for it.


The minimum length of buffers that may be passed to encoding_name().
Return value for *_decode_* and *_encode_* functions that indicates that the input has been exhausted.
Return value for *_decode_* and *_encode_* functions that indicates that the output space has been exhausted.


The Big5 encoding.
The EUC-JP encoding.
The EUC-KR encoding.
The gb18030 encoding.
The GBK encoding.
The IBM866 encoding.
The ISO-2022-JP encoding.
The ISO-8859-2 encoding.
The ISO-8859-3 encoding.
The ISO-8859-4 encoding.
The ISO-8859-5 encoding.
The ISO-8859-6 encoding.
The ISO-8859-7 encoding.
The ISO-8859-8 encoding.
The ISO-8859-8-I encoding.
The ISO-8859-10 encoding.
The ISO-8859-13 encoding.
The ISO-8859-14 encoding.
The ISO-8859-15 encoding.
The ISO-8859-16 encoding.
The KOI8-R encoding.
The KOI8-U encoding.
The macintosh encoding.
The replacement encoding.
The Shift_JIS encoding.
The UTF-8 encoding.
The UTF-16BE encoding.
The UTF-16LE encoding.
The windows-874 encoding.
The windows-1250 encoding.
The windows-1251 encoding.
The windows-1252 encoding.
The windows-1253 encoding.
The windows-1254 encoding.
The windows-1255 encoding.
The windows-1256 encoding.
The windows-1257 encoding.
The windows-1258 encoding.
The x-mac-cyrillic encoding.
The x-user-defined encoding.


Incrementally decode a byte stream into UTF-8 with malformed sequences replaced with the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.
Incrementally decode a byte stream into UTF-8 without replacement.
Incrementally decode a byte stream into UTF-16 with malformed sequences replaced with the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.
Incrementally decode a byte stream into UTF-16 without replacement.
The Encoding this Decoder is for.
Deallocates a Decoder previously allocated by encoding_new_decoder().
Query the worst-case UTF-8 output size with replacement.
Query the worst-case UTF-8 output size without replacement.
Query the worst-case UTF-16 output size (with or without replacement).
Incrementally encode into byte stream from UTF-8 with unmappable characters replaced with HTML (decimal) numeric character references.
Incrementally encode into byte stream from UTF-8 without replacement.
Incrementally encode into byte stream from UTF-16 with unmappable characters replaced with HTML (decimal) numeric character references.
Incrementally encode into byte stream from UTF-16 without replacement.
The Encoding this Encoder is for.
Deallocates an Encoder previously allocated by encoding_new_encoder().
Returns true if this is an ISO-2022-JP encoder that’s not in the ASCII state and false otherwise.
Query the worst-case output size when encoding from UTF-8 with replacement.
Query the worst-case output size when encoding from UTF-8 without replacement.
Query the worst-case output size when encoding from UTF-16 with replacement.
Query the worst-case output size when encoding from UTF-16 without replacement.
Validates ASCII.
Checks whether the output encoding of this encoding can encode every Unicode scalar. (Only true if the output encoding is UTF-8.)
Performs non-incremental BOM sniffing.
Implements the get an encoding algorithm.
This function behaves the same as encoding_for_label(), except when encoding_for_label() would return REPLACEMENT_ENCODING, this method returns NULL instead.
Checks whether the bytes 0x00…0x7F map exclusively to the characters U+0000…U+007F and vice versa.
Checks whether this encoding maps one byte to one Basic Multilingual Plane code point (i.e. byte length equals decoded UTF-16 length) and vice versa (for mappable characters).
Validates ISO-2022-JP ASCII-state data.
Writes the name of the given Encoding to a caller-supplied buffer as ASCII and returns the number of bytes / ASCII characters written.
Allocates a new Decoder for the given Encoding on the heap with BOM sniffing enabled and returns a pointer to the newly-allocated Decoder.
Allocates a new Decoder for the given Encoding into memory provided by the caller with BOM sniffing enabled. (In practice, the target should likely be a pointer previously returned by encoding_new_decoder().)
Allocates a new Decoder for the given Encoding on the heap with BOM removal and returns a pointer to the newly-allocated Decoder.
Allocates a new Decoder for the given Encoding into memory provided by the caller with BOM removal.
Allocates a new Decoder for the given Encoding on the heap with BOM handling disabled and returns a pointer to the newly-allocated Decoder.
Allocates a new Decoder for the given Encoding into memory provided by the caller with BOM handling disabled.
Allocates a new Encoder for the given Encoding on the heap and returns a pointer to the newly-allocated Encoder. (Exception, if the Encoding is replacement, a new Decoder for UTF-8 is instantiated (and that Decoder reports UTF_8 as its Encoding).
Allocates a new Encoder for the given Encoding into memory provided by the caller. (In practice, the target should likely be a pointer previously returned by encoding_new_encoder().)
Returns the output encoding of this encoding. This is UTF-8 for UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE and replacement and the encoding itself otherwise.
Validates UTF-8.