pub trait ApiMut {
    type Error;
Show 96 methods fn create_account(
        &mut self,
        body: AccountRequest
    ) -> Result<Account, Self::Error>;
fn delete_account(&mut self, account_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_account(&mut self, account_id: Uuid) -> Result<Account, Self::Error>;
fn get_accounts(&mut self) -> Result<AccountListResponse, Self::Error>;
fn select_account(&mut self, account_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn update_account(
        &mut self,
        account_id: Uuid,
        body: AccountUpdateRequest
    ) -> Result<Account, Self::Error>;
fn add_application(&mut self, body: AppRequest) -> Result<App, Self::Error>;
fn delete_app(&mut self, app_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_all_apps(
        &mut self,
        name: Option<String>,
        description: Option<String>,
        all_search: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>,
        sort_by: Option<String>
    ) -> Result<GetAllAppsResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_app(&mut self, app_id: Uuid) -> Result<App, Self::Error>;
fn get_app_certificate(
        &mut self,
        node_id: Uuid,
        app_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<Certificate, Self::Error>;
fn get_app_node_certificate_details(
        &mut self,
        node_id: Uuid,
        app_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<CertificateDetails, Self::Error>;
fn get_apps_unique_labels(&mut self) -> Result<LabelsCount, Self::Error>;
fn update_app(
        &mut self,
        app_id: Uuid,
        body: AppBodyUpdateRequest
    ) -> Result<App, Self::Error>;
fn create_application_config(
        &mut self,
        body: ApplicationConfig
    ) -> Result<ApplicationConfigResponse, Self::Error>;
fn delete_application_config(
        &mut self,
        config_id: String
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_all_application_configs(
        &mut self,
        name: Option<String>,
        description: Option<String>,
        image_id: Option<Uuid>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>
    ) -> Result<GetAllApplicationConfigsResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_application_config(
        &mut self,
        config_id: String
    ) -> Result<ApplicationConfigResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_runtime_application_config(
        &mut self
    ) -> Result<RuntimeAppConfig, Self::Error>;
fn get_specific_runtime_application_config(
        &mut self,
        config_id: String
    ) -> Result<RuntimeAppConfig, Self::Error>;
fn update_application_config(
        &mut self,
        config_id: String,
        body: UpdateApplicationConfigRequest
    ) -> Result<ApplicationConfigResponse, Self::Error>;
fn approve_approval_request(
        &mut self,
        request_id: Uuid,
        body: Option<ApproveRequest>
    ) -> Result<ApprovalRequest, Self::Error>;
fn create_approval_request(
        &mut self,
        body: ApprovalRequestRequest
    ) -> Result<ApprovalRequest, Self::Error>;
fn delete_approval_request(
        &mut self,
        request_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn deny_approval_request(
        &mut self,
        request_id: Uuid,
        body: Option<DenyRequest>
    ) -> Result<ApprovalRequest, Self::Error>;
fn get_all_approval_requests(
        &mut self,
        requester: Option<Uuid>,
        reviewer: Option<Uuid>,
        subject: Option<Uuid>,
        status: Option<String>,
        all_search: Option<String>,
        sort_by: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>
    ) -> Result<GetAllApprovalRequests, Self::Error>;
fn get_approval_request(
        &mut self,
        request_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<ApprovalRequest, Self::Error>;
fn get_approval_request_result(
        &mut self,
        request_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<ApprovableResult, Self::Error>;
fn authenticate_user(
        &mut self,
        body: Option<AuthRequest>
    ) -> Result<AuthResponse, Self::Error>;
fn convert_app_build(
        &mut self,
        body: ConvertAppBuildRequest
    ) -> Result<Build, Self::Error>;
fn create_build(
        &mut self,
        body: CreateBuildRequest
    ) -> Result<Build, Self::Error>;
fn delete_build(&mut self, build_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_all_builds(
        &mut self,
        all_search: Option<String>,
        docker_image_name: Option<String>,
        config_id: Option<String>,
        deployed_status: Option<String>,
        status: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>,
        sort_by: Option<String>
    ) -> Result<GetAllBuildsResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_build(&mut self, build_id: Uuid) -> Result<Build, Self::Error>;
fn get_build_deployments(
        &mut self,
        build_id: Uuid,
        status: Option<String>,
        all_search: Option<String>,
        sort_by: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>
    ) -> Result<GetAllBuildDeploymentsResponse, Self::Error>;
fn update_build(
        &mut self,
        build_id: Uuid,
        body: BuildUpdateRequest
    ) -> Result<Build, Self::Error>;
fn get_certificate(
        &mut self,
        cert_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<Certificate, Self::Error>;
fn new_certificate(
        &mut self,
        body: NewCertificateRequest
    ) -> Result<TaskResult, Self::Error>;
fn create_dataset(
        &mut self,
        body: CreateDatasetRequest
    ) -> Result<Dataset, Self::Error>;
fn delete_dataset(&mut self, dataset_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_all_datasets(
        &mut self,
        name: Option<String>,
        description: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>
    ) -> Result<GetAllDatasetsResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_dataset(&mut self, dataset_id: Uuid) -> Result<Dataset, Self::Error>;
fn update_dataset(
        &mut self,
        dataset_id: Uuid,
        body: DatasetUpdateRequest
    ) -> Result<Dataset, Self::Error>;
fn deactivate_node(&mut self, node_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_all_nodes(
        &mut self,
        name: Option<String>,
        description: Option<String>,
        sgx_version: Option<String>,
        all_search: Option<String>,
        status: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>,
        sort_by: Option<String>
    ) -> Result<GetAllNodesResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_node(&mut self, node_id: Uuid) -> Result<Node, Self::Error>;
fn get_node_certificate(
        &mut self,
        node_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<Certificate, Self::Error>;
fn get_node_certificate_details(
        &mut self,
        node_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<CertificateDetails, Self::Error>;
fn get_nodes_unique_labels(&mut self) -> Result<LabelsCount, Self::Error>;
fn provision_node(
        &mut self,
        body: NodeProvisionRequest
    ) -> Result<TaskResult, Self::Error>;
fn update_node(
        &mut self,
        node_id: Uuid,
        body: NodeUpdateRequest
    ) -> Result<Node, Self::Error>;
fn update_node_status(
        &mut self,
        body: NodeStatusRequest
    ) -> Result<NodeStatusResponse, Self::Error>;
fn create_registry(
        &mut self,
        registry_request: RegistryRequest
    ) -> Result<Registry, Self::Error>;
fn delete_registry(&mut self, registry_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_all_registries(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Registry>, Self::Error>;
fn get_registry(
        &mut self,
        registry_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<Registry, Self::Error>;
fn get_registry_for_app(
        &mut self,
        app_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<AppRegistryResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_registry_for_image(
        &mut self,
        image_name: String
    ) -> Result<ImageRegistryResponse, Self::Error>;
fn update_registry(
        &mut self,
        registry_id: Uuid,
        body: UpdateRegistryRequest
    ) -> Result<Registry, Self::Error>;
fn get_manager_version(&mut self) -> Result<VersionResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_all_tasks(
        &mut self,
        task_type: Option<String>,
        status: Option<String>,
        requester: Option<String>,
        approver: Option<String>,
        all_search: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>,
        sort_by: Option<String>,
        base_filters: Option<String>
    ) -> Result<GetAllTasksResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_task(&mut self, task_id: Uuid) -> Result<Task, Self::Error>;
fn get_task_status(
        &mut self,
        task_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<TaskResult, Self::Error>;
fn update_task(
        &mut self,
        task_id: Uuid,
        body: TaskUpdateRequest
    ) -> Result<TaskResult, Self::Error>;
fn convert_app(
        &mut self,
        body: ConversionRequest
    ) -> Result<ConversionResponse, Self::Error>;
fn accept_terms_and_conditions(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn change_password(
        &mut self,
        body: PasswordChangeRequest
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn confirm_email(
        &mut self,
        body: ConfirmEmailRequest
    ) -> Result<ConfirmEmailResponse, Self::Error>;
fn create_user(&mut self, body: SignupRequest) -> Result<User, Self::Error>;
fn delete_user_account(&mut self, user_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn delete_user_from_account(
        &mut self,
        user_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn forgot_password(
        &mut self,
        body: ForgotPasswordRequest
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_all_users(
        &mut self,
        all_search: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>,
        sort_by: Option<String>
    ) -> Result<GetAllUsersResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_logged_in_user(&mut self) -> Result<User, Self::Error>;
fn get_user(&mut self, user_id: Uuid) -> Result<User, Self::Error>;
fn invite_user(
        &mut self,
        body: InviteUserRequest
    ) -> Result<User, Self::Error>;
fn process_invitations(
        &mut self,
        body: ProcessInviteRequest
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn resend_confirm_email(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn resend_invitation(&mut self, user_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn reset_password(
        &mut self,
        user_id: Uuid,
        body: PasswordResetRequest
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn update_user(
        &mut self,
        user_id: Uuid,
        body: UpdateUserRequest
    ) -> Result<User, Self::Error>;
fn validate_password_reset_token(
        &mut self,
        user_id: Uuid,
        body: ValidateTokenRequest
    ) -> Result<ValidateTokenResponse, Self::Error>;
fn create_workflow_graph(
        &mut self,
        body: CreateWorkflowGraph
    ) -> Result<WorkflowGraph, Self::Error>;
fn delete_workflow_graph(
        &mut self,
        graph_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_all_workflow_graphs(
        &mut self,
        name: Option<String>,
        description: Option<String>,
        all_search: Option<String>,
        parent_graph_id: Option<String>,
        sort_by: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>
    ) -> Result<GetAllWorkflowGraphsResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_workflow_graph(
        &mut self,
        graph_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<WorkflowGraph, Self::Error>;
fn update_workflow_graph(
        &mut self,
        graph_id: Uuid,
        body: UpdateWorkflowGraph
    ) -> Result<WorkflowGraph, Self::Error>;
fn create_final_workflow_graph(
        &mut self,
        body: CreateFinalWorkflowGraph
    ) -> Result<FinalWorkflow, Self::Error>;
fn delete_final_workflow_graph(
        &mut self,
        graph_id: Uuid,
        version: String
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get_all_final_workflow_graphs(
        &mut self,
        name: Option<String>,
        description: Option<String>,
        all_search: Option<String>,
        sort_by: Option<String>,
        limit: Option<i32>,
        offset: Option<i32>
    ) -> Result<GetAllFinalWorkflowGraphsResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_final_workflow_graph(
        &mut self,
        graph_id: Uuid,
        version: String
    ) -> Result<VersionInFinalWorkflow, Self::Error>;
fn get_full_final_workflow_graph(
        &mut self,
        graph_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<FinalWorkflow, Self::Error>;
fn update_final_workflow_graph(
        &mut self,
        graph_id: Uuid,
        body: CreateWorkflowVersionRequest
    ) -> Result<VersionInFinalWorkflow, Self::Error>;
fn get_zone(&mut self, zone_id: Uuid) -> Result<Zone, Self::Error>;
fn get_zone_join_token(
        &mut self,
        zone_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<ZoneJoinToken, Self::Error>;
fn get_zones(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Zone>, Self::Error>;
Expand description

API trait with mutable receivers i.e. fn api_call(&mut self, ...)

Associated Types

Required methods

Create a new account.

Delete an account.

Get a specific account.

Get all accounts.

Select a user’s account to work on.

Update an account.

Add an application.

Delete a particular app

Get all apps information.

Get details of a particular app.

Get an attested app’s certificate.

Get an app’s certificate for a compute node.

Get all the unique labels across all the applications within selected account

Update details of a particular app.

Add an app config.

Delete a particular app config

Get all app configs

Get details of a particular app config.

Get app config

Get details of a particular runtime app config.

Update details of a particular app config.

Approve a request.

Create approval request.

Delete an approval request.

Deny a request.

Get all approval requests

Get an approval request.

Get the result for an approved or failed request.

User authentication

Convert a docker image and create a new image.

Create a new image.

Delete a particular image.

Get all images information.

Get details of a particular image.

Get all deployments of an image.

Update details of a particular image.

Retrieve a certificate.

Request a new certificate for an Enclave application

Get all datasets

Deactivate a particular compute node.

Get all compute nodes information.

Get details of a particular compute node.

Get an attested compute node’s certificate.

Get a compute node’s certificate.

Get all the unique labels across all the nodes within selected account

Provision a new compute node.

Update details of a particular compute node.

Called periodically by a compute node.

Add a new registry to an account

Delete registry

Get details of all registry in the account

Get details of a particular registry

Get details of the registry that will be used for the particular app images

Get details of the registry that will be used for the particular image

Update a particular registry details

Get Manager Version.

Get all the tasks.

Get details of a particular task.

Get status and result of a particular task.

Update status of approver and task.

Convert an application to run in EnclaveOS.

Current user accepts latest terms and conditions.

Change user password.

Confirms user’s email address.

Create a new user.

Completely delete a user profile from system

Removed user’s association with an account.

Initiate password reset sequence for a user.

Get all user’s information.

Get details of the current logged in user.

Get details of a particular user.

Invite a user.

Process a user’s pending account invitations.

Resend email with link to confirm user’s email address.

Resend invite to the user to join a specific account.

Reset a user’s password.

Update status, name, and the role of a user. User with MANAGER access role can only update another user.

Validates password reset token for the user.

Delete a particular draft workflow

Get details of a particular draft workflow

Delete a particular final workflow

Get details of a particular final workflow version

Get details of a particular final workflow

Create a new version for a particular final workflow

Get zone details.

Get the authentication token.

Get all zones.


Implements with functions of the form fn api_call(&mut self, ...) { self.api_call(...) }