
Struct Quote

pub struct Quote {
Show 176 fields pub quote_req_id: Option<FixString>, pub quote_id: FixString, pub quote_msg_id: Option<FixString>, pub quote_resp_id: Option<FixString>, pub quote_type: Option<QuoteType>, pub private_quote: Option<Boolean>, pub quot_qual_grp: Option<Vec<QuotQualGrp>>, pub quote_response_level: Option<QuoteResponseLevel>, pub parties: Option<Vec<Parties>>, pub trading_session_id: Option<TradingSessionId>, pub trading_session_sub_id: Option<TradingSessionSubId>, pub symbol: Option<FixString>, pub symbol_sfx: Option<SymbolSfx>, pub security_id: Option<FixString>, pub security_id_source: Option<SecurityIdSource>, pub sec_alt_id_grp: Option<Vec<SecAltIdGrp>>, pub product: Option<Product>, pub product_complex: Option<FixString>, pub security_group: Option<FixString>, pub cfi_code: Option<FixString>, pub security_type: Option<SecurityType>, pub security_sub_type: Option<FixString>, pub maturity_month_year: Option<MonthYear>, pub maturity_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub maturity_time: Option<TzTimeOnly>, pub settle_on_open_flag: Option<FixString>, pub instrmt_assignment_method: Option<InstrmtAssignmentMethod>, pub security_status: Option<SecurityStatus>, pub coupon_payment_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub issue_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub repo_collateral_security_type: Option<FixString>, pub repurchase_term: Option<Int>, pub repurchase_rate: Option<Percentage>, pub factor: Option<Float>, pub credit_rating: Option<FixString>, pub instr_registry: Option<FixString>, pub country_of_issue: Option<Country>, pub state_or_province_of_issue: Option<FixString>, pub locale_of_issue: Option<FixString>, pub redemption_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub strike_price: Option<Price>, pub strike_currency: Option<Currency>, pub strike_multiplier: Option<Float>, pub strike_value: Option<Float>, pub opt_attribute: Option<Char>, pub contract_multiplier: Option<Float>, pub min_price_increment: Option<Float>, pub min_price_increment_amount: Option<Amt>, pub unit_of_measure: Option<UnitOfMeasure>, pub unit_of_measure_qty: Option<Qty>, pub price_unit_of_measure: Option<FixString>, pub price_unit_of_measure_qty: Option<Qty>, pub settl_method: Option<SettlMethod>, pub exercise_style: Option<ExerciseStyle>, pub opt_payout_amount: Option<Amt>, pub price_quote_method: Option<PriceQuoteMethod>, pub valuation_method: Option<ValuationMethod>, pub list_method: Option<ListMethod>, pub cap_price: Option<Price>, pub floor_price: Option<Price>, pub put_or_call: Option<PutOrCall>, pub flexible_indicator: Option<Boolean>, pub flex_product_eligibility_indicator: Option<Boolean>, pub time_unit: Option<TimeUnit>, pub coupon_rate: Option<Percentage>, pub security_exchange: Option<Exchange>, pub position_limit: Option<Int>, pub nt_position_limit: Option<Int>, pub issuer: Option<FixString>, pub encoded_issuer: Option<Data>, pub security_desc: Option<FixString>, pub encoded_security_desc: Option<Data>, pub security_xml: Option<XmlData>, pub security_xml_schema: Option<FixString>, pub pool: Option<FixString>, pub contract_settl_month: Option<MonthYear>, pub cp_program: Option<CpProgram>, pub cp_reg_type: Option<FixString>, pub evnt_grp: Option<Vec<EvntGrp>>, pub dated_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub interest_accrual_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub instrument_parties: Option<Vec<InstrumentParties>>, pub contract_multiplier_unit: Option<ContractMultiplierUnit>, pub flow_schedule_type: Option<FlowScheduleType>, pub restructuring_type: Option<RestructuringType>, pub seniority: Option<Seniority>, pub notional_percentage_outstanding: Option<Percentage>, pub original_notional_percentage_outstanding: Option<Percentage>, pub attachment_point: Option<Percentage>, pub detachment_point: Option<Percentage>, pub strike_price_determination_method: Option<StrikePriceDeterminationMethod>, pub strike_price_boundary_method: Option<StrikePriceBoundaryMethod>, pub strike_price_boundary_precision: Option<Percentage>, pub underlying_price_determination_method: Option<UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethod>, pub opt_payout_type: Option<OptPayoutType>, pub complex_events: Option<Vec<ComplexEvents>>, pub agreement_desc: Option<FixString>, pub agreement_id: Option<FixString>, pub agreement_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub agreement_currency: Option<Currency>, pub termination_type: Option<TerminationType>, pub start_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub end_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub delivery_type: Option<DeliveryType>, pub margin_ratio: Option<Percentage>, pub und_instrmt_grp: Option<Vec<UndInstrmtGrp>>, pub side: Option<Side>, pub order_qty: Option<Qty>, pub cash_order_qty: Option<Qty>, pub order_percent: Option<Percentage>, pub rounding_direction: Option<RoundingDirection>, pub rounding_modulus: Option<Float>, pub settl_type: Option<SettlType>, pub settl_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub settl_date_2: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub order_qty_2: Option<Qty>, pub currency: Option<Currency>, pub stipulations: Option<Vec<Stipulations>>, pub account: Option<FixString>, pub acct_id_source: Option<AcctIdSource>, pub account_type: Option<AccountType>, pub leg_quot_grp: Option<Vec<LegQuotGrp>>, pub bid_px: Option<Price>, pub offer_px: Option<Price>, pub mkt_bid_px: Option<Price>, pub mkt_offer_px: Option<Price>, pub min_bid_size: Option<Qty>, pub bid_size: Option<Qty>, pub min_offer_size: Option<Qty>, pub offer_size: Option<Qty>, pub min_qty: Option<Qty>, pub valid_until_time: Option<UtcTimestamp>, pub bid_spot_rate: Option<Price>, pub offer_spot_rate: Option<Price>, pub bid_forward_points: Option<PriceOffset>, pub offer_forward_points: Option<PriceOffset>, pub bid_swap_points: Option<PriceOffset>, pub offer_swap_points: Option<PriceOffset>, pub mid_px: Option<Price>, pub bid_yield: Option<Percentage>, pub mid_yield: Option<Percentage>, pub offer_yield: Option<Percentage>, pub transact_time: Option<UtcTimestamp>, pub ord_type: Option<OrdType>, pub bid_forward_points_2: Option<PriceOffset>, pub offer_forward_points_2: Option<PriceOffset>, pub settl_curr_bid_fx_rate: Option<Float>, pub settl_curr_offer_fx_rate: Option<Float>, pub settl_curr_fx_rate_calc: Option<SettlCurrFxRateCalc>, pub comm_type: Option<CommType>, pub commission: Option<Amt>, pub cust_order_capacity: Option<CustOrderCapacity>, pub ex_destination: Option<Exchange>, pub ex_destination_id_source: Option<ExDestinationIdSource>, pub order_capacity: Option<OrderCapacity>, pub price_type: Option<PriceType>, pub spread: Option<PriceOffset>, pub benchmark_curve_currency: Option<Currency>, pub benchmark_curve_name: Option<BenchmarkCurveName>, pub benchmark_curve_point: Option<FixString>, pub benchmark_price: Option<Price>, pub benchmark_price_type: Option<Int>, pub benchmark_security_id: Option<FixString>, pub benchmark_security_id_source: Option<FixString>, pub yield_type: Option<YieldType>, pub yield_: Option<Percentage>, pub yield_calc_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub yield_redemption_date: Option<LocalMktDate>, pub yield_redemption_price: Option<Price>, pub yield_redemption_price_type: Option<Int>, pub text: Option<FixString>, pub encoded_text: Option<Data>, pub booking_type: Option<BookingType>, pub order_restrictions: Option<Vec<OrderRestrictions>>, pub settl_currency: Option<Currency>, pub rate_source: Option<Vec<RateSource>>,


§quote_req_id: Option<FixString>

Tag 131.

§quote_id: FixString

Tag 117.

§quote_msg_id: Option<FixString>

Tag 1166.

§quote_resp_id: Option<FixString>

Tag 693.

§quote_type: Option<QuoteType>

Tag 537.

§private_quote: Option<Boolean>

Tag 1171.

§quot_qual_grp: Option<Vec<QuotQualGrp>>

Tag 735.

§quote_response_level: Option<QuoteResponseLevel>

Tag 301.

§parties: Option<Vec<Parties>>

Tag 453.

§trading_session_id: Option<TradingSessionId>

Tag 336.

§trading_session_sub_id: Option<TradingSessionSubId>

Tag 625.

§symbol: Option<FixString>

Tag 55.

§symbol_sfx: Option<SymbolSfx>

Tag 65.

§security_id: Option<FixString>

Tag 48.

§security_id_source: Option<SecurityIdSource>

Tag 22.

§sec_alt_id_grp: Option<Vec<SecAltIdGrp>>

Tag 454.

§product: Option<Product>

Tag 460.

§product_complex: Option<FixString>

Tag 1227.

§security_group: Option<FixString>

Tag 1151.

§cfi_code: Option<FixString>

Tag 461.

§security_type: Option<SecurityType>

Tag 167.

§security_sub_type: Option<FixString>

Tag 762.

§maturity_month_year: Option<MonthYear>

Tag 200.

§maturity_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 541.

§maturity_time: Option<TzTimeOnly>

Tag 1079.

§settle_on_open_flag: Option<FixString>

Tag 966.

§instrmt_assignment_method: Option<InstrmtAssignmentMethod>

Tag 1049.

§security_status: Option<SecurityStatus>

Tag 965.

§coupon_payment_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 224.

§issue_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 225.

§repo_collateral_security_type: Option<FixString>

Tag 239.

§repurchase_term: Option<Int>

Tag 226.

§repurchase_rate: Option<Percentage>

Tag 227.

§factor: Option<Float>

Tag 228.

§credit_rating: Option<FixString>

Tag 255.

§instr_registry: Option<FixString>

Tag 543.

§country_of_issue: Option<Country>

Tag 470.

§state_or_province_of_issue: Option<FixString>

Tag 471.

§locale_of_issue: Option<FixString>

Tag 472.

§redemption_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 240.

§strike_price: Option<Price>

Tag 202.

§strike_currency: Option<Currency>

Tag 947.

§strike_multiplier: Option<Float>

Tag 967.

§strike_value: Option<Float>

Tag 968.

§opt_attribute: Option<Char>

Tag 206.

§contract_multiplier: Option<Float>

Tag 231.

§min_price_increment: Option<Float>

Tag 969.

§min_price_increment_amount: Option<Amt>

Tag 1146.

§unit_of_measure: Option<UnitOfMeasure>

Tag 996.

§unit_of_measure_qty: Option<Qty>

Tag 1147.

§price_unit_of_measure: Option<FixString>

Tag 1191.

§price_unit_of_measure_qty: Option<Qty>

Tag 1192.

§settl_method: Option<SettlMethod>

Tag 1193.

§exercise_style: Option<ExerciseStyle>

Tag 1194.

§opt_payout_amount: Option<Amt>

Tag 1195.

§price_quote_method: Option<PriceQuoteMethod>

Tag 1196.

§valuation_method: Option<ValuationMethod>

Tag 1197.

§list_method: Option<ListMethod>

Tag 1198.

§cap_price: Option<Price>

Tag 1199.

§floor_price: Option<Price>

Tag 1200.

§put_or_call: Option<PutOrCall>

Tag 201.

§flexible_indicator: Option<Boolean>

Tag 1244.

§flex_product_eligibility_indicator: Option<Boolean>

Tag 1242.

§time_unit: Option<TimeUnit>

Tag 997.

§coupon_rate: Option<Percentage>

Tag 223.

§security_exchange: Option<Exchange>

Tag 207.

§position_limit: Option<Int>

Tag 970.

§nt_position_limit: Option<Int>

Tag 971.

§issuer: Option<FixString>

Tag 106.

§encoded_issuer: Option<Data>

Tag 349.

§security_desc: Option<FixString>

Tag 107.

§encoded_security_desc: Option<Data>

Tag 351.

§security_xml: Option<XmlData>

Tag 1185.

§security_xml_schema: Option<FixString>

Tag 1186.

§pool: Option<FixString>

Tag 691.

§contract_settl_month: Option<MonthYear>

Tag 667.

§cp_program: Option<CpProgram>

Tag 875.

§cp_reg_type: Option<FixString>

Tag 876.

§evnt_grp: Option<Vec<EvntGrp>>

Tag 864.

§dated_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 873.

§interest_accrual_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 874.

§instrument_parties: Option<Vec<InstrumentParties>>

Tag 1018.

§contract_multiplier_unit: Option<ContractMultiplierUnit>

Tag 1435.

§flow_schedule_type: Option<FlowScheduleType>

Tag 1439.

§restructuring_type: Option<RestructuringType>

Tag 1449.

§seniority: Option<Seniority>

Tag 1450.

§notional_percentage_outstanding: Option<Percentage>

Tag 1451.

§original_notional_percentage_outstanding: Option<Percentage>

Tag 1452.

§attachment_point: Option<Percentage>

Tag 1457.

§detachment_point: Option<Percentage>

Tag 1458.

§strike_price_determination_method: Option<StrikePriceDeterminationMethod>

Tag 1478.

§strike_price_boundary_method: Option<StrikePriceBoundaryMethod>

Tag 1479.

§strike_price_boundary_precision: Option<Percentage>

Tag 1480.

§underlying_price_determination_method: Option<UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethod>

Tag 1481.

§opt_payout_type: Option<OptPayoutType>

Tag 1482.

§complex_events: Option<Vec<ComplexEvents>>

Tag 1483.

§agreement_desc: Option<FixString>

Tag 913.

§agreement_id: Option<FixString>

Tag 914.

§agreement_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 915.

§agreement_currency: Option<Currency>

Tag 918.

§termination_type: Option<TerminationType>

Tag 788.

§start_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 916.

§end_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 917.

§delivery_type: Option<DeliveryType>

Tag 919.

§margin_ratio: Option<Percentage>

Tag 898.

§und_instrmt_grp: Option<Vec<UndInstrmtGrp>>

Tag 711.

§side: Option<Side>

Tag 54.

§order_qty: Option<Qty>

Tag 38.

§cash_order_qty: Option<Qty>

Tag 152.

§order_percent: Option<Percentage>

Tag 516.

§rounding_direction: Option<RoundingDirection>

Tag 468.

§rounding_modulus: Option<Float>

Tag 469.

§settl_type: Option<SettlType>

Tag 63.

§settl_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 64.

§settl_date_2: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 193.

§order_qty_2: Option<Qty>

Tag 192.

§currency: Option<Currency>

Tag 15.

§stipulations: Option<Vec<Stipulations>>

Tag 232.

§account: Option<FixString>

Tag 1.

§acct_id_source: Option<AcctIdSource>

Tag 660.

§account_type: Option<AccountType>

Tag 581.

§leg_quot_grp: Option<Vec<LegQuotGrp>>

Tag 555.

§bid_px: Option<Price>

Tag 132.

§offer_px: Option<Price>

Tag 133.

§mkt_bid_px: Option<Price>

Tag 645.

§mkt_offer_px: Option<Price>

Tag 646.

§min_bid_size: Option<Qty>

Tag 647.

§bid_size: Option<Qty>

Tag 134.

§min_offer_size: Option<Qty>

Tag 648.

§offer_size: Option<Qty>

Tag 135.

§min_qty: Option<Qty>

Tag 110.

§valid_until_time: Option<UtcTimestamp>

Tag 62.

§bid_spot_rate: Option<Price>

Tag 188.

§offer_spot_rate: Option<Price>

Tag 190.

§bid_forward_points: Option<PriceOffset>

Tag 189.

§offer_forward_points: Option<PriceOffset>

Tag 191.

§bid_swap_points: Option<PriceOffset>

Tag 1065.

§offer_swap_points: Option<PriceOffset>

Tag 1066.

§mid_px: Option<Price>

Tag 631.

§bid_yield: Option<Percentage>

Tag 632.

§mid_yield: Option<Percentage>

Tag 633.

§offer_yield: Option<Percentage>

Tag 634.

§transact_time: Option<UtcTimestamp>

Tag 60.

§ord_type: Option<OrdType>

Tag 40.

§bid_forward_points_2: Option<PriceOffset>

Tag 642.

§offer_forward_points_2: Option<PriceOffset>

Tag 643.

§settl_curr_bid_fx_rate: Option<Float>

Tag 656.

§settl_curr_offer_fx_rate: Option<Float>

Tag 657.

§settl_curr_fx_rate_calc: Option<SettlCurrFxRateCalc>

Tag 156.

§comm_type: Option<CommType>

Tag 13.

§commission: Option<Amt>

Tag 12.

§cust_order_capacity: Option<CustOrderCapacity>

Tag 582.

§ex_destination: Option<Exchange>

Tag 100.

§ex_destination_id_source: Option<ExDestinationIdSource>

Tag 1133.

§order_capacity: Option<OrderCapacity>

Tag 528.

§price_type: Option<PriceType>

Tag 423.

§spread: Option<PriceOffset>

Tag 218.

§benchmark_curve_currency: Option<Currency>

Tag 220.

§benchmark_curve_name: Option<BenchmarkCurveName>

Tag 221.

§benchmark_curve_point: Option<FixString>

Tag 222.

§benchmark_price: Option<Price>

Tag 662.

§benchmark_price_type: Option<Int>

Tag 663.

§benchmark_security_id: Option<FixString>

Tag 699.

§benchmark_security_id_source: Option<FixString>

Tag 761.

§yield_type: Option<YieldType>

Tag 235.

§yield_: Option<Percentage>

Tag 236.

§yield_calc_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 701.

§yield_redemption_date: Option<LocalMktDate>

Tag 696.

§yield_redemption_price: Option<Price>

Tag 697.

§yield_redemption_price_type: Option<Int>

Tag 698.

§text: Option<FixString>

Tag 58.

§encoded_text: Option<Data>

Tag 355.

§booking_type: Option<BookingType>

Tag 775.

§order_restrictions: Option<Vec<OrderRestrictions>>

Tag 529.

§settl_currency: Option<Currency>

Tag 120.

§rate_source: Option<Vec<RateSource>>

Tag 1445.



impl Quote


pub const fn msg_type(&self) -> MsgType


pub const fn msg_cat(&self) -> MsgCat

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Quote


fn clone(&self) -> Quote

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Quote


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for Quote


fn default() -> Quote

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl From<Quote> for Message


fn from(msg: Quote) -> Message

Converts to this type from the input type.

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Quote


impl RefUnwindSafe for Quote


impl Send for Quote


impl Sync for Quote


impl Unpin for Quote


impl UnwindSafe for Quote

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more