pub trait ValueType: ToValue + for<'a> FromValue<'a> + 'static {
    type Type: StaticType;
Expand description

A type that can be stored in Values.

Required Associated Types§

type Type: StaticType

Type to get the Type from.

This exists only for handling optional types.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl ValueType for SpinButtonUpdatePolicy


type Type = SpinButtonUpdatePolicy


impl ValueType for WidgetHelpType


type Type = WidgetHelpType


impl ValueType for DeleteType


type Type = DeleteType


impl ValueType for CalendarDisplayOptions


type Type = CalendarDisplayOptions


impl ValueType for PrintStatus


type Type = PrintStatus


impl ValueType for CornerType


type Type = CornerType


impl ValueType for PrintPages


type Type = PrintPages


impl ValueType for Unit


type Type = Unit


impl ValueType for FileChooserError


type Type = FileChooserError


impl ValueType for Align


type Type = Align


impl ValueType for DialogFlags


type Type = DialogFlags


impl ValueType for TreeModelFlags


type Type = TreeModelFlags


impl ValueType for CellRendererState


type Type = CellRendererState


impl ValueType for ResponseType


type Type = ResponseType


impl ValueType for SensitivityType


type Type = SensitivityType


impl ValueType for WrapMode


type Type = WrapMode


impl ValueType for LevelBarMode


type Type = LevelBarMode


impl ValueType for ShadowType


type Type = ShadowType


impl ValueType for PageOrientation


type Type = PageOrientation


impl ValueType for RecentSortType


type Type = RecentSortType


impl ValueType for TargetFlags


type Type = TargetFlags


impl ValueType for IconSize


type Type = IconSize


impl ValueType for BuilderError


type Type = BuilderError


impl ValueType for TextExtendSelection


type Type = TextExtendSelection


impl ValueType for CellRendererAccelMode


type Type = CellRendererAccelMode


impl ValueType for TextSearchFlags


type Type = TextSearchFlags


impl ValueType for DragResult


type Type = DragResult


impl ValueType for RecentFilterFlags


type Type = RecentFilterFlags


impl ValueType for ButtonRole


type Type = ButtonRole


impl ValueType for ArrowType


type Type = ArrowType


impl ValueType for TextDirection


type Type = TextDirection


impl ValueType for JunctionSides


type Type = JunctionSides


impl ValueType for ButtonsType


type Type = ButtonsType


impl ValueType for PlacesOpenFlags


type Type = PlacesOpenFlags


impl ValueType for EntryIconPosition


type Type = EntryIconPosition


impl ValueType for PadActionType


type Type = PadActionType


impl ValueType for ToolbarStyle


type Type = ToolbarStyle


impl ValueType for DestDefaults


type Type = DestDefaults


impl ValueType for PrintQuality


type Type = PrintQuality


impl ValueType for SortType


type Type = SortType


impl ValueType for MenuDirectionType


type Type = MenuDirectionType


impl ValueType for SelectionMode


type Type = SelectionMode


impl ValueType for NumberUpLayout


type Type = NumberUpLayout


impl ValueType for TreeViewColumnSizing


type Type = TreeViewColumnSizing


impl ValueType for TextViewLayer


type Type = TextViewLayer


impl ValueType for TreeViewGridLines


type Type = TreeViewGridLines


impl ValueType for ReliefStyle


type Type = ReliefStyle


impl ValueType for PositionType


type Type = PositionType


impl ValueType for MessageType


type Type = MessageType


impl ValueType for BaselinePosition


type Type = BaselinePosition


impl ValueType for ScrollStep


type Type = ScrollStep


impl ValueType for ShortcutType


type Type = ShortcutType


impl ValueType for SizeRequestMode


type Type = SizeRequestMode


impl ValueType for InputPurpose


type Type = InputPurpose


impl ValueType for FileChooserConfirmation


type Type = FileChooserConfirmation


impl ValueType for ResizeMode


type Type = ResizeMode


impl ValueType for ApplicationInhibitFlags


type Type = ApplicationInhibitFlags


impl ValueType for RevealerTransitionType


type Type = RevealerTransitionType


impl ValueType for PackDirection


type Type = PackDirection


impl ValueType for StateFlags


type Type = StateFlags


impl ValueType for IconThemeError


type Type = IconThemeError


impl ValueType for StackTransitionType


type Type = StackTransitionType


impl ValueType for DirectionType


type Type = DirectionType


impl ValueType for RecentChooserError


type Type = RecentChooserError


impl ValueType for FileFilterFlags


type Type = FileFilterFlags


impl ValueType for TreeViewDropPosition


type Type = TreeViewDropPosition


impl ValueType for PackType


type Type = PackType


impl ValueType for ImageType


type Type = ImageType


impl ValueType for PrintOperationResult


type Type = PrintOperationResult


impl ValueType for StyleContextPrintFlags


type Type = StyleContextPrintFlags


impl ValueType for SpinType


type Type = SpinType


impl ValueType for IconViewDropPosition


type Type = IconViewDropPosition


impl ValueType for AssistantPageType


type Type = AssistantPageType


impl ValueType for IconLookupFlags


type Type = IconLookupFlags


impl ValueType for RecentManagerError


type Type = RecentManagerError


impl ValueType for InputHints


type Type = InputHints


impl ValueType for ScrollablePolicy


type Type = ScrollablePolicy


impl ValueType for WindowType


type Type = WindowType


impl ValueType for PanDirection


type Type = PanDirection


impl ValueType for AccelFlags


type Type = AccelFlags


impl ValueType for CssProviderError


type Type = CssProviderError


impl ValueType for CellRendererMode


type Type = CellRendererMode


impl ValueType for ButtonBoxStyle


type Type = ButtonBoxStyle


impl ValueType for PrintDuplex


type Type = PrintDuplex


impl ValueType for License


type Type = License


impl ValueType for PropagationPhase


type Type = PropagationPhase


impl ValueType for PrintError


type Type = PrintError


impl ValueType for Justification


type Type = Justification


impl ValueType for Orientation


type Type = Orientation


impl ValueType for NotebookTab


type Type = NotebookTab


impl ValueType for PageSet


type Type = PageSet


impl ValueType for CssSectionType


type Type = CssSectionType


impl ValueType for PopoverConstraint


type Type = PopoverConstraint


impl ValueType for SizeGroupMode


type Type = SizeGroupMode


impl ValueType for FileChooserAction


type Type = FileChooserAction


impl ValueType for TextWindowType


type Type = TextWindowType


impl ValueType for WindowPosition


type Type = WindowPosition


impl ValueType for MovementStep


type Type = MovementStep


impl ValueType for PolicyType


type Type = PolicyType


impl ValueType for ToolPaletteDragTargets


type Type = ToolPaletteDragTargets


impl ValueType for RegionFlags


type Type = RegionFlags


impl ValueType for EventSequenceState


type Type = EventSequenceState


impl ValueType for BorderStyle


type Type = BorderStyle


impl ValueType for PrintOperationAction


type Type = PrintOperationAction


impl ValueType for ScrollType


type Type = ScrollType


impl ValueType for TextBoundary


type Type = TextBoundary


impl ValueType for HyperlinkStateFlags


type Type = HyperlinkStateFlags


impl ValueType for StateType


type Type = StateType


impl ValueType for TextAttribute


type Type = TextAttribute


impl ValueType for TextClipType


type Type = TextClipType


impl ValueType for Layer


type Type = Layer


impl ValueType for CoordType


type Type = CoordType


impl ValueType for RelationType


type Type = RelationType


impl ValueType for TextGranularity


type Type = TextGranularity


impl ValueType for ValueType


type Type = ValueType


impl ValueType for Role


type Type = Role


impl ValueType for Vec<String, Global>


impl ValueType for f64


type Type = f64


impl ValueType for i64


type Type = i64


impl ValueType for bool


type Type = bool


impl ValueType for *mut c_void


impl ValueType for u64


type Type = u64


impl ValueType for String


type Type = String


impl ValueType for f32


type Type = f32


impl ValueType for u32


type Type = u32


impl ValueType for char


type Type = u32


impl ValueType for Vec<GString, Global>


impl ValueType for i32


type Type = i32


impl ValueType for u8


type Type = u8


impl ValueType for i8


type Type = i8


impl ValueType for WindowWindowClass


type Type = WindowWindowClass


impl ValueType for PropMode


type Type = PropMode


impl ValueType for GrabOwnership


type Type = GrabOwnership


impl ValueType for WindowHints


type Type = WindowHints


impl ValueType for InputMode


type Type = InputMode


impl ValueType for WMDecoration


type Type = WMDecoration


impl ValueType for DragCancelReason


type Type = DragCancelReason


impl ValueType for DragAction


type Type = DragAction


impl ValueType for CursorType


type Type = CursorType


impl ValueType for EventMask


type Type = EventMask


impl ValueType for SubpixelLayout


type Type = SubpixelLayout


impl ValueType for NotifyType


type Type = NotifyType


impl ValueType for GLError


type Type = GLError


impl ValueType for OwnerChange


type Type = OwnerChange


impl ValueType for WindowEdge


type Type = WindowEdge


impl ValueType for ModifierIntent


type Type = ModifierIntent


impl ValueType for ScrollDirection


type Type = ScrollDirection


impl ValueType for FullscreenMode


type Type = FullscreenMode


impl ValueType for WindowTypeHint


type Type = WindowTypeHint


impl ValueType for ByteOrder


type Type = ByteOrder


impl ValueType for DeviceType


type Type = DeviceType


impl ValueType for InputSource


type Type = InputSource


impl ValueType for FrameClockPhase


type Type = FrameClockPhase


impl ValueType for AxisFlags


type Type = AxisFlags


impl ValueType for EventType


type Type = EventType


impl ValueType for WMFunction


type Type = WMFunction


impl ValueType for VisualType


type Type = VisualType


impl ValueType for DeviceToolType


type Type = DeviceToolType


impl ValueType for AnchorHints


type Type = AnchorHints


impl ValueType for ModifierType


type Type = ModifierType


impl ValueType for VisibilityState


type Type = VisibilityState


impl ValueType for SeatCapabilities


type Type = SeatCapabilities


impl ValueType for WindowType


type Type = WindowType


impl ValueType for Gravity


type Type = Gravity


impl ValueType for AxisUse


type Type = AxisUse


impl ValueType for DragProtocol


type Type = DragProtocol


impl ValueType for WindowState


type Type = WindowState


impl ValueType for GrabStatus


type Type = GrabStatus


impl ValueType for PropertyState


type Type = PropertyState


impl ValueType for CrossingMode


type Type = CrossingMode


impl ValueType for DevicePadFeature


type Type = DevicePadFeature


impl ValueType for SettingAction


type Type = SettingAction


impl ValueType for PixbufError


type Type = PixbufError


impl ValueType for PixbufRotation


type Type = PixbufRotation


impl ValueType for PixbufAlphaMode


type Type = PixbufAlphaMode


impl ValueType for Colorspace


type Type = Colorspace


impl ValueType for InterpType


type Type = InterpType


impl ValueType for DriveStartStopType


type Type = DriveStartStopType


impl ValueType for TlsCertificateRequestFlags


type Type = TlsCertificateRequestFlags


impl ValueType for FileMeasureFlags


type Type = FileMeasureFlags


impl ValueType for DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags


type Type = DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags


impl ValueType for DBusServerFlags


type Type = DBusServerFlags


impl ValueType for DBusSendMessageFlags


type Type = DBusSendMessageFlags


impl ValueType for DBusMessageHeaderField


type Type = DBusMessageHeaderField


impl ValueType for FileAttributeType


type Type = FileAttributeType


impl ValueType for ResourceLookupFlags


type Type = ResourceLookupFlags


impl ValueType for TlsCertificateFlags


type Type = TlsCertificateFlags


impl ValueType for DriveStartFlags


type Type = DriveStartFlags


impl ValueType for SubprocessFlags


type Type = SubprocessFlags


impl ValueType for TlsError


type Type = TlsError


impl ValueType for ConverterFlags


type Type = ConverterFlags


impl ValueType for SocketClientEvent


type Type = SocketClientEvent


impl ValueType for DBusMessageFlags


type Type = DBusMessageFlags


impl ValueType for MountMountFlags


type Type = MountMountFlags


impl ValueType for ConverterResult


type Type = ConverterResult


impl ValueType for FileQueryInfoFlags


type Type = FileQueryInfoFlags


impl ValueType for PasswordSave


type Type = PasswordSave


impl ValueType for TlsDatabaseLookupFlags


type Type = TlsDatabaseLookupFlags


impl ValueType for FileMonitorFlags


type Type = FileMonitorFlags


impl ValueType for BusType


type Type = BusType


impl ValueType for DBusConnectionFlags


type Type = DBusConnectionFlags


impl ValueType for TlsPasswordFlags


type Type = TlsPasswordFlags


impl ValueType for BusNameWatcherFlags


type Type = BusNameWatcherFlags


impl ValueType for CredentialsType


type Type = CredentialsType


impl ValueType for SocketFamily


type Type = SocketFamily


impl ValueType for UnixSocketAddressType


type Type = UnixSocketAddressType


impl ValueType for DBusMessageByteOrder


type Type = DBusMessageByteOrder


impl ValueType for ZlibCompressorFormat


type Type = ZlibCompressorFormat


impl ValueType for FileAttributeStatus


type Type = FileAttributeStatus


impl ValueType for DataStreamByteOrder


type Type = DataStreamByteOrder


impl ValueType for DBusProxyFlags


type Type = DBusProxyFlags


impl ValueType for FileAttributeInfoFlags


type Type = FileAttributeInfoFlags


impl ValueType for SocketProtocol


type Type = SocketProtocol


impl ValueType for AskPasswordFlags


type Type = AskPasswordFlags


impl ValueType for NotificationPriority


type Type = NotificationPriority


impl ValueType for DBusSignalFlags


type Type = DBusSignalFlags


impl ValueType for EmblemOrigin


type Type = EmblemOrigin


impl ValueType for FileCreateFlags


type Type = FileCreateFlags


impl ValueType for SocketListenerEvent


type Type = SocketListenerEvent


impl ValueType for DataStreamNewlineType


type Type = DataStreamNewlineType


impl ValueType for AppInfoCreateFlags


type Type = AppInfoCreateFlags


impl ValueType for ResolverError


type Type = ResolverError


impl ValueType for NetworkConnectivity


type Type = NetworkConnectivity


impl ValueType for MountUnmountFlags


type Type = MountUnmountFlags


impl ValueType for ResolverRecordType


type Type = ResolverRecordType


impl ValueType for DBusCallFlags


type Type = DBusCallFlags


impl ValueType for OutputStreamSpliceFlags


type Type = OutputStreamSpliceFlags


impl ValueType for TlsAuthenticationMode


type Type = TlsAuthenticationMode


impl ValueType for FileMonitorEvent


type Type = FileMonitorEvent


impl ValueType for ResourceError


type Type = ResourceError


impl ValueType for BusNameOwnerFlags


type Type = BusNameOwnerFlags


impl ValueType for DBusCapabilityFlags


type Type = DBusCapabilityFlags


impl ValueType for DBusMessageType


type Type = DBusMessageType


impl ValueType for MountOperationResult


type Type = MountOperationResult


impl ValueType for TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags


type Type = TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags


impl ValueType for ApplicationFlags


type Type = ApplicationFlags


impl ValueType for TlsRehandshakeMode


type Type = TlsRehandshakeMode


impl ValueType for IOStreamSpliceFlags


type Type = IOStreamSpliceFlags


impl ValueType for TlsInteractionResult


type Type = TlsInteractionResult


impl ValueType for SocketType


type Type = SocketType


impl ValueType for FileCopyFlags


type Type = FileCopyFlags


impl ValueType for IOErrorEnum


type Type = IOErrorEnum


impl ValueType for SettingsBindFlags


type Type = SettingsBindFlags


impl ValueType for FileType


type Type = FileType


impl ValueType for Underline


type Type = Underline


impl ValueType for Style


type Type = Style


impl ValueType for ShowFlags


type Type = ShowFlags


impl ValueType for BidiType


type Type = BidiType


impl ValueType for Alignment


type Type = Alignment


impl ValueType for Weight


type Type = Weight


impl ValueType for Direction


type Type = Direction


impl ValueType for Variant


type Type = Variant


impl ValueType for Gravity


type Type = Gravity


impl ValueType for ShapeFlags


type Type = ShapeFlags


impl ValueType for RenderPart


type Type = RenderPart


impl ValueType for Stretch


type Type = Stretch


impl ValueType for TabAlign


type Type = TabAlign


impl ValueType for Script


type Type = Script


impl ValueType for EllipsizeMode


type Type = EllipsizeMode


impl ValueType for WrapMode


type Type = WrapMode


impl ValueType for AttrType


type Type = AttrType


impl ValueType for FontMask


type Type = FontMask


impl ValueType for GravityHint


type Type = GravityHint


impl ValueType for CoverageLevel


type Type = CoverageLevel



impl ValueType for Antialias


impl ValueType for Content


impl ValueType for druid::piet::cairo::DeviceType


impl ValueType for Extend


type Type = Extend


impl ValueType for FillRule


impl ValueType for Filter


type Type = Filter


impl ValueType for FontSlant


impl ValueType for FontType


impl ValueType for FontWeight


impl ValueType for Format


type Type = Format


impl ValueType for HintMetrics


impl ValueType for HintStyle


impl ValueType for LineCap


impl ValueType for LineJoin


impl ValueType for Operator


impl ValueType for PathDataType


impl ValueType for PatternType


impl ValueType for RegionOverlap


impl ValueType for SubpixelOrder


impl ValueType for SurfaceType


impl ValueType for TextClusterFlags


impl ValueType for Context


impl ValueType for Device


type Type = Device


impl ValueType for ImageSurface


impl ValueType for Matrix


type Type = Matrix


impl ValueType for RecordingSurface


impl ValueType for Rectangle


impl ValueType for RectangleInt


impl ValueType for Region


type Type = Region


impl ValueType for Surface


impl ValueType for XCBSurface


impl ValueType for NonNull<c_void>


impl ValueType for BindingFlags


impl ValueType for BoxedValue


impl ValueType for GString


type Type = String


impl ValueType for ILong


type Type = ILong


impl ValueType for IOCondition


impl ValueType for ULong


type Type = ULong


impl<T, C, E> ValueType for Option<T>where T: for<'a> FromValue<'a, Checker = C> + ValueTypeOptional + StaticType + 'static, C: ValueTypeChecker<Error = ValueTypeMismatchOrNoneError<E>>, E: Error + Send + 'static,


type Type = <T as ValueType>::Type