Trait druid::piet::cairo::glib::bitflags::_core::ops::Add

1.0.0 · source ·
pub trait Add<Rhs = Self> {
    type Output;

    // Required method
    fn add(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
Expand description

The addition operator +.

Note that Rhs is Self by default, but this is not mandatory. For example, std::time::SystemTime implements Add<Duration>, which permits operations of the form SystemTime = SystemTime + Duration.


Addable points

use std::ops::Add;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

impl Add for Point {
    type Output = Self;

    fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        Self {
            x: self.x + other.x,
            y: self.y + other.y,

assert_eq!(Point { x: 1, y: 0 } + Point { x: 2, y: 3 },
           Point { x: 3, y: 3 });

Implementing Add with generics

Here is an example of the same Point struct implementing the Add trait using generics.

use std::ops::Add;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Point<T> {
    x: T,
    y: T,

// Notice that the implementation uses the associated type `Output`.
impl<T: Add<Output = T>> Add for Point<T> {
    type Output = Self;

    fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self::Output {
        Self {
            x: self.x + other.x,
            y: self.y + other.y,

assert_eq!(Point { x: 1, y: 0 } + Point { x: 2, y: 3 },
           Point { x: 3, y: 3 });

Required Associated Types§


type Output

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Required Methods§


fn add(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output

Performs the + operation.

assert_eq!(12 + 1, 13);


const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&f32> for &f32


type Output = <f32 as Add<f32>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&f32> for f32


type Output = <f32 as Add<f32>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&f64> for &f64


type Output = <f64 as Add<f64>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&f64> for f64


type Output = <f64 as Add<f64>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i8> for &i8


type Output = <i8 as Add<i8>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i8> for i8


type Output = <i8 as Add<i8>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i16> for &i16


type Output = <i16 as Add<i16>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i16> for i16


type Output = <i16 as Add<i16>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i32> for &i32


type Output = <i32 as Add<i32>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i32> for i32


type Output = <i32 as Add<i32>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i64> for &i64


type Output = <i64 as Add<i64>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i64> for i64


type Output = <i64 as Add<i64>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i128> for &i128


type Output = <i128 as Add<i128>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&i128> for i128


type Output = <i128 as Add<i128>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&isize> for &isize


type Output = <isize as Add<isize>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&isize> for isize


type Output = <isize as Add<isize>>::Output


impl Add<&str> for String

Implements the + operator for concatenating two strings.

This consumes the String on the left-hand side and re-uses its buffer (growing it if necessary). This is done to avoid allocating a new String and copying the entire contents on every operation, which would lead to O(n^2) running time when building an n-byte string by repeated concatenation.

The string on the right-hand side is only borrowed; its contents are copied into the returned String.


Concatenating two Strings takes the first by value and borrows the second:

let a = String::from("hello");
let b = String::from(" world");
let c = a + &b;
// `a` is moved and can no longer be used here.

If you want to keep using the first String, you can clone it and append to the clone instead:

let a = String::from("hello");
let b = String::from(" world");
let c = a.clone() + &b;
// `a` is still valid here.

Concatenating &str slices can be done by converting the first to a String:

let a = "hello";
let b = " world";
let c = a.to_string() + b;
const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u8> for &u8


type Output = <u8 as Add<u8>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u8> for u8


type Output = <u8 as Add<u8>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u16> for &u16


type Output = <u16 as Add<u16>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u16> for u16


type Output = <u16 as Add<u16>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u32> for &u32


type Output = <u32 as Add<u32>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u32> for u32


type Output = <u32 as Add<u32>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u64> for &u64


type Output = <u64 as Add<u64>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u64> for u64


type Output = <u64 as Add<u64>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u128> for &u128


type Output = <u128 as Add<u128>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&u128> for u128


type Output = <u128 as Add<u128>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&usize> for &usize


type Output = <usize as Add<usize>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<&usize> for usize


type Output = <usize as Add<usize>>::Output


impl Add<&Saturating<i8>> for &Saturating<i8>


impl Add<&Saturating<i8>> for Saturating<i8>


impl Add<&Saturating<i16>> for &Saturating<i16>


impl Add<&Saturating<i16>> for Saturating<i16>


impl Add<&Saturating<i32>> for &Saturating<i32>


impl Add<&Saturating<i32>> for Saturating<i32>


impl Add<&Saturating<i64>> for &Saturating<i64>


impl Add<&Saturating<i64>> for Saturating<i64>


impl Add<&Saturating<i128>> for &Saturating<i128>


impl Add<&Saturating<i128>> for Saturating<i128>


impl Add<&Saturating<isize>> for &Saturating<isize>


impl Add<&Saturating<isize>> for Saturating<isize>


impl Add<&Saturating<u8>> for &Saturating<u8>


impl Add<&Saturating<u8>> for Saturating<u8>


impl Add<&Saturating<u16>> for &Saturating<u16>


impl Add<&Saturating<u16>> for Saturating<u16>


impl Add<&Saturating<u32>> for &Saturating<u32>


impl Add<&Saturating<u32>> for Saturating<u32>


impl Add<&Saturating<u64>> for &Saturating<u64>


impl Add<&Saturating<u64>> for Saturating<u64>


impl Add<&Saturating<u128>> for &Saturating<u128>


impl Add<&Saturating<u128>> for Saturating<u128>


impl Add<&Saturating<usize>> for &Saturating<usize>


impl Add<&Saturating<usize>> for Saturating<usize>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i8>> for &Wrapping<i8>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i8>> for Wrapping<i8>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i16>> for &Wrapping<i16>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i16>> for Wrapping<i16>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i32>> for &Wrapping<i32>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i32>> for Wrapping<i32>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i64>> for &Wrapping<i64>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i64>> for Wrapping<i64>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i128>> for &Wrapping<i128>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<i128>> for Wrapping<i128>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<isize>> for &Wrapping<isize>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<isize>> for Wrapping<isize>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u8>> for &Wrapping<u8>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u8>> for Wrapping<u8>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u16>> for &Wrapping<u16>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u16>> for Wrapping<u16>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u32>> for &Wrapping<u32>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u32>> for Wrapping<u32>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u64>> for &Wrapping<u64>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u64>> for Wrapping<u64>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u128>> for &Wrapping<u128>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<u128>> for Wrapping<u128>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<usize>> for &Wrapping<usize>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl Add<&Wrapping<usize>> for Wrapping<usize>


impl Add<&Rgb> for &Rgb


type Output = Rgb


impl Add<&Rgb> for Rgb


type Output = Rgb


impl Add<(f64, f64)> for druid::Point


impl Add<(f64, f64)> for Point


type Output = Point

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<f32> for f32


type Output = f32

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<f64> for f64


type Output = f64

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<i8> for i8


type Output = i8

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<i16> for i16


type Output = i16

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<i32> for i32


type Output = i32

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<i64> for i64


type Output = i64

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<i128> for i128


type Output = i128

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<isize> for isize

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<u8> for u8


type Output = u8

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<u16> for u16


type Output = u16

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<u32> for u32


type Output = u32

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<u64> for u64


type Output = u64

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<u128> for u128


type Output = u128

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<usize> for usize


impl Add<Insets> for druid::Rect


type Output = Rect


impl Add<Rect> for druid::Insets


type Output = Rect


impl Add<Size> for druid::Size


type Output = Size


impl Add<Vec2> for druid::Point


impl Add<Vec2> for druid::Rect


type Output = Rect


impl Add<Vec2> for druid::Vec2


type Output = Vec2


impl Add<Vec2> for druid::piet::kurbo::Circle


impl Add<Vec2> for druid::piet::kurbo::CircleSegment


impl Add<Vec2> for druid::piet::kurbo::Ellipse


impl Add<Vec2> for druid::piet::kurbo::Line


type Output = Line


impl Add<Vec2> for druid::piet::kurbo::RoundedRect


impl Add<Vec2> for druid::piet::kurbo::TranslateScale


impl Add<TranslateScale> for druid::Vec2

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Assume> for Assume


impl Add<Saturating<i8>> for Saturating<i8>


impl Add<Saturating<i16>> for Saturating<i16>


impl Add<Saturating<i32>> for Saturating<i32>


impl Add<Saturating<i64>> for Saturating<i64>


impl Add<Saturating<i128>> for Saturating<i128>


impl Add<Saturating<isize>> for Saturating<isize>


impl Add<Saturating<u8>> for Saturating<u8>


impl Add<Saturating<u16>> for Saturating<u16>


impl Add<Saturating<u32>> for Saturating<u32>


impl Add<Saturating<u64>> for Saturating<u64>


impl Add<Saturating<u128>> for Saturating<u128>


impl Add<Saturating<usize>> for Saturating<usize>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<i8>> for Wrapping<i8>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<i16>> for Wrapping<i16>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<i32>> for Wrapping<i32>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<i64>> for Wrapping<i64>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<i128>> for Wrapping<i128>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<isize>> for Wrapping<isize>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<u8>> for Wrapping<u8>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<u16>> for Wrapping<u16>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<u32>> for Wrapping<u32>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<u64>> for Wrapping<u64>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<u128>> for Wrapping<u128>

const: unstable · source§

impl Add<Wrapping<usize>> for Wrapping<usize>

1.3.0 · source§

impl Add<Duration> for Duration

1.8.0 · source§

impl Add<Duration> for Instant

1.8.0 · source§

impl Add<Duration> for SystemTime


impl Add<ATerm> for ATerm


impl Add<B0> for UTerm

UTerm + B0 = UTerm


impl Add<B1> for UTerm

UTerm + B1 = UInt<UTerm, B1>


impl Add<Insets> for Rect


type Output = Rect


impl Add<Point> for Point


type Output = Point


impl Add<Rect> for Insets


type Output = Rect


impl Add<Rgb> for &Rgb


type Output = Rgb


impl Add<Rgb> for Rgb


type Output = Rgb


impl Add<Size> for Size


type Output = Size


impl Add<TranslateScale> for Vec2


type Output = TranslateScale


impl Add<Vec2> for Circle


type Output = Circle


impl Add<Vec2> for CircleSegment


type Output = CircleSegment


impl Add<Vec2> for Ellipse


type Output = Ellipse


impl Add<Vec2> for Line


type Output = Line


impl Add<Vec2> for Point


type Output = Point


impl Add<Vec2> for Rect


type Output = Rect


impl Add<Vec2> for RoundedRect


type Output = RoundedRect


impl Add<Vec2> for TranslateScale


type Output = TranslateScale


impl Add<Vec2> for Vec2


type Output = Vec2


impl Add<f32x2> for f32x2


type Output = f32x2

1.14.0 · source§

impl<'a> Add<&'a str> for Cow<'a, str>


type Output = Cow<'a, str>

1.14.0 · source§

impl<'a> Add<Cow<'a, str>> for Cow<'a, str>


type Output = Cow<'a, str>

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<f32> for &'a f32


type Output = <f32 as Add<f32>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<f64> for &'a f64


type Output = <f64 as Add<f64>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<i8> for &'a i8


type Output = <i8 as Add<i8>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<i16> for &'a i16


type Output = <i16 as Add<i16>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<i32> for &'a i32


type Output = <i32 as Add<i32>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<i64> for &'a i64


type Output = <i64 as Add<i64>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<i128> for &'a i128


type Output = <i128 as Add<i128>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<isize> for &'a isize


type Output = <isize as Add<isize>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<u8> for &'a u8


type Output = <u8 as Add<u8>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<u16> for &'a u16


type Output = <u16 as Add<u16>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<u32> for &'a u32


type Output = <u32 as Add<u32>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<u64> for &'a u64


type Output = <u64 as Add<u64>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<u128> for &'a u128


type Output = <u128 as Add<u128>>::Output

const: unstable · source§

impl<'a> Add<usize> for &'a usize


type Output = <usize as Add<usize>>::Output


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<i8>> for &'a Saturating<i8>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<i16>> for &'a Saturating<i16>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<i32>> for &'a Saturating<i32>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<i64>> for &'a Saturating<i64>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<i128>> for &'a Saturating<i128>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<isize>> for &'a Saturating<isize>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<u8>> for &'a Saturating<u8>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<u16>> for &'a Saturating<u16>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<u32>> for &'a Saturating<u32>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<u64>> for &'a Saturating<u64>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<u128>> for &'a Saturating<u128>


impl<'a> Add<Saturating<usize>> for &'a Saturating<usize>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<i8>> for &'a Wrapping<i8>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<i16>> for &'a Wrapping<i16>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<i32>> for &'a Wrapping<i32>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<i64>> for &'a Wrapping<i64>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<i128>> for &'a Wrapping<i128>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<isize>> for &'a Wrapping<isize>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<u8>> for &'a Wrapping<u8>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<u16>> for &'a Wrapping<u16>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<u32>> for &'a Wrapping<u32>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<u64>> for &'a Wrapping<u64>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<u128>> for &'a Wrapping<u128>

1.14.0 (const: unstable) · source§

impl<'a> Add<Wrapping<usize>> for &'a Wrapping<usize>


impl<'a, 'b, T> Add<&'b Ratio<T>> for &'a Ratio<T>where T: Clone + Integer,


type Output = Ratio<T>


impl<'a, 'b, T> Add<&'b T> for &'a Ratio<T>where T: Clone + Integer,


type Output = Ratio<T>


impl<'a, A> Add<&'a OrdSet<A>> for &'a OrdSet<A>where A: Ord + Clone,


type Output = OrdSet<A>


impl<'a, A> Add<&'a Vector<A>> for &'a Vector<A>where A: Clone,


type Output = Vector<A>


impl<'a, A, S> Add<&'a HashSet<A, S>> for &'a HashSet<A, S>where A: Hash + Eq + Clone, S: BuildHasher,


type Output = HashSet<A, S>


impl<'a, K, V> Add<&'a OrdMap<K, V>> for &'a OrdMap<K, V>where K: Ord + Clone, V: Clone,


type Output = OrdMap<K, V>


impl<'a, K, V, S> Add<&'a HashMap<K, V, S>> for &'a HashMap<K, V, S>where K: Hash + Eq + Clone, V: Clone, S: BuildHasher,


type Output = HashMap<K, V, S>


impl<'a, T> Add<&'a Ratio<T>> for Ratio<T>where T: Clone + Integer,


type Output = Ratio<T>


impl<'a, T> Add<&'a T> for Ratio<T>where T: Clone + Integer,


type Output = Ratio<T>


impl<'a, T> Add<Ratio<T>> for &'a Ratio<T>where T: Clone + Integer,


type Output = Ratio<T>


impl<'a, T> Add<T> for &'a Ratio<T>where T: Clone + Integer,


type Output = Ratio<T>


impl<'lhs, 'rhs, T, const LANES: usize> Add<&'rhs Simd<T, LANES>> for &'lhs Simd<T, LANES>where T: SimdElement, Simd<T, LANES>: Add<Simd<T, LANES>, Output = Simd<T, LANES>>, LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<T, LANES>


impl<A> Add<OrdSet<A>> for OrdSet<A>where A: Ord + Clone,


type Output = OrdSet<A>


impl<A> Add<Vector<A>> for Vector<A>where A: Clone,


type Output = Vector<A>


impl<A, S> Add<HashSet<A, S>> for HashSet<A, S>where A: Hash + Eq + Clone, S: BuildHasher,


type Output = HashSet<A, S>


impl<Al, Vl, Ar, Vr> Add<TArr<Vr, Ar>> for TArr<Vl, Al>where Al: Add<Ar>, Vl: Add<Vr>,


type Output = TArr<<Vl as Add<Vr>>::Output, <Al as Add<Ar>>::Output>


impl<I> Add<I> for Z0where I: Integer,

Z0 + I = I


type Output = I


impl<K, V> Add<OrdMap<K, V>> for OrdMap<K, V>where K: Ord + Clone, V: Clone,


type Output = OrdMap<K, V>


impl<K, V, S> Add<HashMap<K, V, S>> for HashMap<K, V, S>where K: Hash + Eq + Clone, V: Clone, S: BuildHasher,


type Output = HashMap<K, V, S>


impl<T> Add<Ratio<T>> for Ratio<T>where T: Clone + Integer,


type Output = Ratio<T>


impl<T> Add<Gray<T>> for Gray<T>where T: Add<T>,

px + px


type Output = Gray<<T as Add<T>>::Output>


impl<T> Add<RGB<T>> for RGB<T>where T: Add<T>,

px + px


type Output = RGB<<T as Add<T>>::Output>


impl<T> Add<T> for Ratio<T>where T: Clone + Integer,


type Output = Ratio<T>


impl<T> Add<T> for Gray<T>where T: Copy + Add<T, Output = T>,

px + 1


type Output = Gray<T>


impl<T> Add<T> for GrayAlpha<T, T>where T: Copy + Add<T, Output = T>,

px + 1


type Output = GrayAlpha<T, T>


impl<T> Add<T> for RGB<T>where T: Copy + Add<T, Output = T>,

px + 1


type Output = RGB<T>


impl<T> Add<T> for RGBA<T, T>where T: Copy + Add<T, Output = T>,

px + 1


type Output = RGBA<T, T>


impl<T, A> Add<GrayAlpha<T, A>> for GrayAlpha<T, A>where T: Add<T>, A: Add<A>,

px + px


type Output = GrayAlpha<<T as Add<T>>::Output, <A as Add<A>>::Output>


impl<T, A> Add<RGBA<T, A>> for RGBA<T, A>where T: Add<T>, A: Add<A>,

px + px


type Output = RGBA<<T as Add<T>>::Output, <A as Add<A>>::Output>


impl<T, U, V> Add<FieldOffset<U, V, AllowPin>> for FieldOffset<T, U, AllowPin>


type Output = FieldOffset<T, V, AllowPin>


impl<T, U, V> Add<FieldOffset<U, V, AllowPin>> for FieldOffset<T, U, NotPinned>


type Output = FieldOffset<T, V, NotPinned>


impl<T, U, V> Add<FieldOffset<U, V, NotPinned>> for FieldOffset<T, U, AllowPin>


type Output = FieldOffset<T, V, NotPinned>


impl<T, U, V> Add<FieldOffset<U, V, NotPinned>> for FieldOffset<T, U, NotPinned>

Allow chaining pointer-to-members.

Applying the resulting field offset is equivalent to applying the first field offset, then applying the second field offset.

The requirements on the generic type parameters ensure this is a safe operation.


type Output = FieldOffset<T, V, NotPinned>


impl<T, const LANES: usize> Add<&Simd<T, LANES>> for Simd<T, LANES>where T: SimdElement, Simd<T, LANES>: Add<Simd<T, LANES>, Output = Simd<T, LANES>>, LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<T, LANES>


impl<T, const LANES: usize> Add<Simd<T, LANES>> for &Simd<T, LANES>where T: SimdElement, Simd<T, LANES>: Add<Simd<T, LANES>, Output = Simd<T, LANES>>, LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<T, LANES>


impl<U> Add<B1> for UInt<U, B0>where U: Unsigned,

UInt<U, B0> + B1 = UInt<U + B1>


type Output = UInt<U, B1>


impl<U> Add<B1> for UInt<U, B1>where U: Unsigned + Add<B1>, <U as Add<B1>>::Output: Unsigned,

UInt<U, B1> + B1 = UInt<U + B1, B0>


type Output = UInt<<U as Add<B1>>::Output, B0>


impl<U> Add<Z0> for NInt<U>where U: Unsigned + NonZero,

NInt + Z0 = NInt


type Output = NInt<U>


impl<U> Add<Z0> for PInt<U>where U: Unsigned + NonZero,

PInt + Z0 = PInt


type Output = PInt<U>


impl<U> Add<U> for UTermwhere U: Unsigned,

UTerm + U = U


type Output = U


impl<U, B> Add<B0> for UInt<U, B>where U: Unsigned, B: Bit,

U + B0 = U


type Output = UInt<U, B>


impl<U, B> Add<UTerm> for UInt<U, B>where U: Unsigned, B: Bit,

UInt<U, B> + UTerm = UInt<U, B>


type Output = UInt<U, B>


impl<Ul, Ur> Add<NInt<Ur>> for NInt<Ul>where Ul: Unsigned + NonZero + Add<Ur>, Ur: Unsigned + NonZero, <Ul as Add<Ur>>::Output: Unsigned + NonZero,

N(Ul) + N(Ur) = N(Ul + Ur)


type Output = NInt<<Ul as Add<Ur>>::Output>


impl<Ul, Ur> Add<NInt<Ur>> for PInt<Ul>where Ul: Unsigned + NonZero + Cmp<Ur> + PrivateIntegerAdd<<Ul as Cmp<Ur>>::Output, Ur>, Ur: Unsigned + NonZero,

P(Ul) + N(Ur): We resolve this with our PrivateAdd


type Output = <Ul as PrivateIntegerAdd<<Ul as Cmp<Ur>>::Output, Ur>>::Output


impl<Ul, Ur> Add<PInt<Ur>> for NInt<Ul>where Ul: Unsigned + NonZero, Ur: Unsigned + NonZero + Cmp<Ul> + PrivateIntegerAdd<<Ur as Cmp<Ul>>::Output, Ul>,

N(Ul) + P(Ur): We resolve this with our PrivateAdd


type Output = <Ur as PrivateIntegerAdd<<Ur as Cmp<Ul>>::Output, Ul>>::Output


impl<Ul, Ur> Add<PInt<Ur>> for PInt<Ul>where Ul: Unsigned + NonZero + Add<Ur>, Ur: Unsigned + NonZero, <Ul as Add<Ur>>::Output: Unsigned + NonZero,

P(Ul) + P(Ur) = P(Ul + Ur)


type Output = PInt<<Ul as Add<Ur>>::Output>


impl<Ul, Ur> Add<UInt<Ur, B0>> for UInt<Ul, B0>where Ul: Unsigned + Add<Ur>, Ur: Unsigned,

UInt<Ul, B0> + UInt<Ur, B0> = UInt<Ul + Ur, B0>


type Output = UInt<<Ul as Add<Ur>>::Output, B0>


impl<Ul, Ur> Add<UInt<Ur, B0>> for UInt<Ul, B1>where Ul: Unsigned + Add<Ur>, Ur: Unsigned,

UInt<Ul, B1> + UInt<Ur, B0> = UInt<Ul + Ur, B1>


type Output = UInt<<Ul as Add<Ur>>::Output, B1>


impl<Ul, Ur> Add<UInt<Ur, B1>> for UInt<Ul, B0>where Ul: Unsigned + Add<Ur>, Ur: Unsigned,

UInt<Ul, B0> + UInt<Ur, B1> = UInt<Ul + Ur, B1>


type Output = UInt<<Ul as Add<Ur>>::Output, B1>


impl<Ul, Ur> Add<UInt<Ur, B1>> for UInt<Ul, B1>where Ul: Unsigned + Add<Ur>, Ur: Unsigned, <Ul as Add<Ur>>::Output: Add<B1>,

UInt<Ul, B1> + UInt<Ur, B1> = UInt<(Ul + Ur) + B1, B0>


type Output = UInt<<<Ul as Add<Ur>>::Output as Add<B1>>::Output, B0>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<f32, N>> for Simd<f32, N>where f32: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<f32, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<f64, N>> for Simd<f64, N>where f64: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<f64, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<i8, N>> for Simd<i8, N>where i8: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<i8, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<i16, N>> for Simd<i16, N>where i16: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<i16, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<i32, N>> for Simd<i32, N>where i32: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<i32, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<i64, N>> for Simd<i64, N>where i64: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<i64, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<isize, N>> for Simd<isize, N>where isize: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<isize, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<u8, N>> for Simd<u8, N>where u8: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<u8, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<u16, N>> for Simd<u16, N>where u16: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<u16, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<u32, N>> for Simd<u32, N>where u32: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<u32, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<u64, N>> for Simd<u64, N>where u64: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<u64, N>


impl<const N: usize> Add<Simd<usize, N>> for Simd<usize, N>where usize: SimdElement, LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,


type Output = Simd<usize, N>