Trait druid::Data

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pub trait Data: Clone + 'static {
    fn same(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
Expand description

A trait used to represent value types.

These should be cheap to compare and cheap to clone.

See for a well-written explanation of value types (albeit within a C++ context).

Derive macro

In general, you can use derive to generate a Data impl for your types.

#[derive(Clone, Data)]
enum Foo {
    Case1(i32, f32),
    Case2 { a: String, b: Arc<i32> }

Derive macro attributes

There are a number of field attributes available for use with derive(Data).

  • #[data(ignore)]

Skip this field when computing sameness.

If the type you are implementing Data on contains some fields that are not relevant to the Data impl, you can ignore them with this attribute.

  • #[data(same_fn = "path")]

Use a specific function to compute sameness.

By default, derived implementations of Data just call Data::same recursively on each field. With this attribute, you can specify a custom function that will be used instead.

This function must have a signature in the form, fn<T>(&T, &T) -> bool, where T is the type of the field.

Collection types

Data is not implemented for std collection types, because comparing them can be expensive. To use collection types with Druid, there are two easy options: either wrap the collection in an Arc, or build druid with the im feature, which adds Data implementations to the collections from the im crate, a set of immutable data structures that fit nicely with Druid.

If the im feature is used, the im crate is reexported from the root of the druid crate.


#[derive(Clone, Data)]
struct PathEntry {
    // There's no Data impl for PathBuf, but no problem
    path: PathBuf,
    priority: usize,
    // This field is not part of our data model.
    last_read: Instant,

C-style enums

In the case of a “c-style” enum (one that only contains unit variants, that is where no variant has fields), the implementation that is generated checks for equality. Therefore, such types must also implement PartialEq.

Required Methods§

Determine whether two values are the same.

This is intended to always be a fast operation. If it returns true, the two values must be equal, but two equal values need not be considered the same here, as will often be the case when two copies are separately allocated.

Note that “equal” above has a slightly different meaning than PartialEq, for example two floating point NaN values should be considered equal when they have the same bit representation.

Implementations on Foreign Types§

Checks pointer equality. The internal value is not checked.
