[][src]Struct dprint_plugin_typescript::TypeScriptConfiguration

pub struct TypeScriptConfiguration { /* fields omitted */ }

TypeScript formatting configuration builder.


let config = TypeScriptConfiguration::new()


impl TypeScriptConfiguration[src]

pub fn new() -> TypeScriptConfiguration[src]

Constructs a new TypeScriptConfiguration

pub fn resolve(&self) -> ResolvedTypeScriptConfiguration[src]

Gets the final configuration that can be used to format a file.

pub fn line_width(&mut self, value: u32) -> &mut Self[src]

The width of a line the printer will try to stay under. Note that the printer may exceed this width in certain cases. Default: 120

pub fn use_tabs(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

Whether to use tabs (true) or spaces (false). Default: false

pub fn indent_width(&mut self, value: u8) -> &mut Self[src]

The number of columns for an indent. Default: 4

pub fn single_quotes(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

Whether to use single quotes (true) or double quotes (false). Default: false

pub fn new_line_kind(&mut self, value: NewLineKind) -> &mut Self[src]

The kind of newline to use. Default: NewLineKind::Auto

pub fn semi_colons(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

Whether statements should end in a semi-colon. Default: true

pub fn force_multi_line_arguments(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

Forces an argument list to be multi-line when it exceeds the line width. Note: When false, it will be hanging when the first argument is on the same line as the open parenthesis and multi-line when on a different line. Default: false

pub fn force_multi_line_parameters(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

Forces a parameter list to be multi-line when it exceeds the line width. Note: When false, it will be hanging when the first parameter is on the same line as the open parenthesis and multi-line when on a different line. Default: false

pub fn brace_position(&mut self, value: BracePosition) -> &mut Self[src]

Where to place the opening brace. Default: BracePosition::NextLineIfHanging

pub fn next_control_flow_position(
    &mut self,
    value: NextControlFlowPosition
) -> &mut Self

Where to place the next control flow within a control flow statement. Default: NextControlFlowPosition::NextLine

pub fn operator_position(&mut self, value: OperatorPosition) -> &mut Self[src]

Where to place the operator for expressions that span multiple lines. Default: OperatorPosition::NextLine

pub fn single_body_position(&mut self, value: SingleBodyPosition) -> &mut Self[src]

Where to place the expression of a statement that could possibly be on one line (ex. if (true) console.log(5);). Default: SingleBodyPosition::Maintain

pub fn trailing_commas(&mut self, value: TrailingCommas) -> &mut Self[src]

If trailing commas should be used. Default: TrailingCommas::Never

pub fn use_braces(&mut self, value: UseBraces) -> &mut Self[src]

If braces should be used or not. Default: UseBraces::WhenNotSingleLine

pub fn binary_expression_space_surrounding_bitwise_and_arithmetic_operator(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to surround bitwise and arithmetic operators in a binary expression with spaces.

  • true (default) - Ex. 1 + 2
  • false - Ex. 1+2

pub fn construct_signature_space_after_new_keyword(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space after the new keyword in a construct signature. true - Ex. new (): MyClass; false (default) - Ex. new(): MyClass;

pub fn constructor_space_before_parentheses(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a constructor. true - Ex. constructor () false (false) - Ex. constructor()

pub fn constructor_type_space_after_new_keyword(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space after the new keyword in a constructor type. true - Ex. type MyClassCtor = new () => MyClass; false (default) - Ex. type MyClassCtor = new() => MyClass;

pub fn do_while_statement_space_after_while_keyword(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space after the while keyword in a do while statement. true (true) - Ex. do {\n} while (condition); false - Ex. do {\n} while(condition);

pub fn export_declaration_space_surrounding_named_exports(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add spaces around named exports in an export declaration.

  • true (default) - Ex. export { SomeExport, OtherExport };
  • false - Ex. export {SomeExport, OtherExport};

pub fn for_statement_space_after_for_keyword(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space after the for keyword in a "for" statement.

  • true (default) - Ex. for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  • false - Ex. for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++)

pub fn for_statement_space_after_semi_colons(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space after the semi-colons in a "for" statement.

  • true (default) - Ex. for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  • false - Ex. for (let i = 0;i < 5;i++)

pub fn for_in_statement_space_after_for_keyword(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space after the for keyword in a "for in" statement.

  • true (default) - Ex. for (const prop in obj)
  • false - Ex. for(const prop in obj)

pub fn for_of_statement_space_after_for_keyword(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space after the for keyword in a "for of" statement.

  • true (default) - Ex. for (const value of myArray)
  • false - Ex. for(const value of myArray)

pub fn function_declaration_space_before_parentheses(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a function declaration.

  • true - Ex. function myFunction ()
  • false (default) - Ex. function myFunction()

pub fn function_expression_space_before_parentheses(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a function expression. true - Ex. function () false (default) - Ex. function()

pub fn get_accessor_space_before_parentheses(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a get accessor. true - Ex. get myProp () false (false) - Ex. get myProp()

pub fn if_statement_space_after_if_keyword(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

Whether to add a space after the if keyword in an "if" statement. true (default) - Ex. if (true) false - Ex. if(true)

pub fn import_declaration_space_surrounding_named_imports(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add spaces around named imports in an import declaration.

  • true (default) - Ex. import { SomeExport, OtherExport } from "my-module";
  • false - Ex. import {SomeExport, OtherExport} from "my-module";

pub fn jsx_expression_container_space_surrounding_expression(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space surrounding the expression of a JSX container.

  • true - Ex. { myValue }
  • false (default) - Ex. {myValue}

pub fn method_space_before_parentheses(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a method. true - Ex. myMethod () false - Ex. myMethod()

pub fn set_accessor_space_before_parentheses(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a set accessor. true - Ex. set myProp (value: string) false (default) - Ex. set myProp(value: string)

pub fn type_annotation_space_before_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

Whether to add a space before the colon of a type annotation.

  • true - Ex. function myFunction() : string
  • false (default) - Ex. function myFunction(): string

pub fn type_assertion_space_before_expression(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space before the expression in a type assertion.

  • true (default) - Ex. <string> myValue
  • false - Ex. <string>myValue

pub fn while_statement_space_after_while_keyword(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

Whether to add a space after the while keyword in a while statement.

  • true (default) - Ex. while (true)
  • false - Ex. while(true)

pub fn arrow_function_expression_use_parentheses(
    &mut self,
    value: UseParentheses
) -> &mut Self

pub fn arrow_function_expression_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn class_declaration_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn class_expression_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn constructor_brace_position(&mut self, value: BracePosition) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn do_while_statement_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn enum_declaration_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn for_statement_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn for_in_statement_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn for_of_statement_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn get_accessor_brace_position(&mut self, value: BracePosition) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn if_statement_brace_position(&mut self, value: BracePosition) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn interface_declaration_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn function_declaration_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn function_expression_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn method_brace_position(&mut self, value: BracePosition) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn module_declaration_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn set_accessor_brace_position(&mut self, value: BracePosition) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn switch_case_brace_position(&mut self, value: BracePosition) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn switch_statement_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn try_statement_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn while_statement_brace_position(
    &mut self,
    value: BracePosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn call_expression_force_multi_line_arguments(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn new_expression_force_multi_line_arguments(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn arrow_function_expression_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn call_signature_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn construct_signature_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn constructor_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn constructor_type_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn function_declaration_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn function_expression_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn function_type_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn get_accessor_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn method_force_multi_line_parameters(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn method_signature_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn set_accessor_force_multi_line_parameters(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn enum_declaration_member_spacing(
    &mut self,
    value: MemberSpacing
) -> &mut Self

pub fn if_statement_next_control_flow_position(
    &mut self,
    value: NextControlFlowPosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn try_statement_next_control_flow_position(
    &mut self,
    value: NextControlFlowPosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn binary_expression_operator_position(
    &mut self,
    value: OperatorPosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn conditional_expression_operator_position(
    &mut self,
    value: OperatorPosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn break_statement_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn call_signature_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn class_property_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn construct_signature_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn constructor_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn continue_statement_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn debugger_statement_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn do_while_statement_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn export_all_declaration_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn export_assignment_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn export_default_expression_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn export_named_declaration_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn expression_statement_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn function_declaration_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn get_accessor_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn import_declaration_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn import_equals_declaration_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn index_signature_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn mapped_type_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn method_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn method_signature_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn module_declaration_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn namespace_export_declaration_semi_colon(
    &mut self,
    value: bool
) -> &mut Self

pub fn property_signature_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn return_statement_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn set_accessor_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn throw_statement_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn type_alias_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn variable_statement_semi_colon(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn if_statement_single_body_position(
    &mut self,
    value: SingleBodyPosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn for_statement_single_body_position(
    &mut self,
    value: SingleBodyPosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn for_in_statement_single_body_position(
    &mut self,
    value: SingleBodyPosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn for_of_statement_single_body_position(
    &mut self,
    value: SingleBodyPosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn while_statement_single_body_position(
    &mut self,
    value: SingleBodyPosition
) -> &mut Self

pub fn array_expression_trailing_commas(
    &mut self,
    value: TrailingCommas
) -> &mut Self

pub fn array_pattern_trailing_commas(
    &mut self,
    value: TrailingCommas
) -> &mut Self

pub fn enum_declaration_trailing_commas(
    &mut self,
    value: TrailingCommas
) -> &mut Self

pub fn object_expression_trailing_commas(
    &mut self,
    value: TrailingCommas
) -> &mut Self

pub fn tuple_type_trailing_commas(&mut self, value: TrailingCommas) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn if_statement_use_braces(&mut self, value: UseBraces) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn for_statement_use_braces(&mut self, value: UseBraces) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn for_in_statement_use_braces(&mut self, value: UseBraces) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn for_of_statement_use_braces(&mut self, value: UseBraces) -> &mut Self[src]

pub fn while_statement_use_braces(&mut self, value: UseBraces) -> &mut Self[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Erased for T

impl<T> Erased for T

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.