Crate doxygen_rs

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Simple Doxygen to Rustdoc translation.

Provides a simple and straightforward API to translate raw Doxygen comments to Rustdoc comments. Purely experimental right now, maybe practical in a future?


use doxygen_rs::transform;

let rustdoc = transform("@brief Example Doxygen brief");
assert_eq!(rustdoc, "Example Doxygen brief\n\n");

Usage with bindgen >= 0.63

struct Cb;

impl ParseCallbacks for Cb {
    fn process_comment(&self, comment: &str) -> Option<String> {

Supported commands

See the tracking issue for the exhaustive list


This module contains functions that generate ASTs from Vec of crate::parser::Value
Generate raw Rustdoc comments from a given crate::ast::ParsedDoxygen
This module contains functions to generate a Vec of Value from a given input


Transforms raw Doxygen comments to raw Rustdoc comments