Struct dimensioned::unit_systems::ucum::UCUM [] [src]

pub struct UCUM<V, U> {
    pub value_unsafe: V,
    pub _marker: PhantomData<U>,

The $System unit system


This is the value of whatever type we're giving units. Using it directly bypasses all of the dimensional analysis that having a unit system provides, and should be avoided whenever possible.

If using this member is necessary, it is strongly encouraged to wrap the calculation in a dimensionally-safe interface.

This member is only temporarily public and so its use is considered unstable. Right now, the only way to create a const with units is with this pattern:

extern crate dimensioned as dim;
use dim::si;

const x: si::Meter<f64> = si::Meter { value_unsafe: 3.4, _marker: std::marker::PhantomData };

Once const_fns is stabilized, that will be able to be replaced with a call to Meter::new and _marker will be made private.


impl<V, U> UCUM<V, U>

Create a new quantity in the $System unit system

Trait Implementations

impl<V: Eq, U: Eq> Eq for UCUM<V, U>

impl<V: PartialEq, U: PartialEq> PartialEq for UCUM<V, U>

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

impl<V: Ord, U: Ord> Ord for UCUM<V, U>

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more

impl<V: PartialOrd, U: PartialOrd> PartialOrd for UCUM<V, U>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl<V: Clone, U: Clone> Clone for UCUM<V, U>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<V: Copy, U: Copy> Copy for UCUM<V, U>

impl<V: Hash, U: Hash> Hash for UCUM<V, U>

Feeds this value into the state given, updating the hasher as necessary.

Feeds a slice of this type into the state provided.

impl<V, U> Dimensioned for UCUM<V, U>

The type of the value of a quantity. E.g. For si::Meter<f64>, Value is f64.

The units of a quanitity. This will be a type-array of type-numbers. E.g. For si::Meter<f64>, Units is tarr![P1, Z0, Z0, Z0, Z0, Z0, Z0]. Read more

Construct a new quantity.

Extract the value from a quantity. As this ignores the units completely, it is dimensionally unsafe. Read more

impl<ValueIn, UnitsIn, ValueOut, UnitsOut> MapUnsafe<ValueOut, UnitsOut> for UCUM<ValueIn, UnitsIn>

The type to which the input is mapped

Perform the map

impl<V, U> Debug for UCUM<V, U> where V: Debug,
        Length<U>: ArrayLength<isize>,
        U: TypeArray + Len + ToGA<Output=GenericArray<isize, Length<U>>>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<V, U> Display for UCUM<V, U> where V: Display,
        Length<U>: ArrayLength<isize>,
        U: TypeArray + Len + ToGA<Output=GenericArray<isize, Length<U>>>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<V, U> Octal for UCUM<V, U> where V: Octal,
        Length<U>: ArrayLength<isize>,
        U: TypeArray + Len + ToGA<Output=GenericArray<isize, Length<U>>>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<V, U> LowerHex for UCUM<V, U> where V: LowerHex,
        Length<U>: ArrayLength<isize>,
        U: TypeArray + Len + ToGA<Output=GenericArray<isize, Length<U>>>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<V, U> UpperHex for UCUM<V, U> where V: UpperHex,
        Length<U>: ArrayLength<isize>,
        U: TypeArray + Len + ToGA<Output=GenericArray<isize, Length<U>>>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<V, U> Pointer for UCUM<V, U> where V: Pointer,
        Length<U>: ArrayLength<isize>,
        U: TypeArray + Len + ToGA<Output=GenericArray<isize, Length<U>>>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<V, U> Binary for UCUM<V, U> where V: Binary,
        Length<U>: ArrayLength<isize>,
        U: TypeArray + Len + ToGA<Output=GenericArray<isize, Length<U>>>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<V, U> LowerExp for UCUM<V, U> where V: LowerExp,
        Length<U>: ArrayLength<isize>,
        U: TypeArray + Len + ToGA<Output=GenericArray<isize, Length<U>>>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<V, U> UpperExp for UCUM<V, U> where V: UpperExp,
        Length<U>: ArrayLength<isize>,
        U: TypeArray + Len + ToGA<Output=GenericArray<isize, Length<U>>>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<V, U> Recip for UCUM<V, U> where V: Recip, U: Neg

The resulting type after taking the reciprocal

The method for taking the reciprocal

impl<Exp, V, U> Pow<Exp> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Pow<Exp>, U: Mul<Exp>

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<Index, V, U> Root<Index> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Root<Index>,
        U: PartialDiv<Index>

The resulting type after taking the Index root

The method for taking the idx root

impl<V, U> Sqrt for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sqrt, U: PartialDiv<P2>

The resulting type after taking the square root

The method for taking the square root

impl<V, U> Cbrt for UCUM<V, U> where V: Cbrt, U: PartialDiv<P3>

The resulting type after taking the cube root

The method for taking the cube root

impl<V, U> Not for UCUM<V, U> where V: Not

The resulting type after applying the ! operator

The method for the unary ! operator

impl<V, U> Neg for UCUM<V, U> where V: Neg

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the unary - operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> Add<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: Add<Vr>

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> AddAssign<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: AddAssign<Vr>

The method for the += operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> Sub<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: Sub<Vr>

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> SubAssign<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: SubAssign<Vr>

The method for the -= operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> BitAnd<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: BitAnd<Vr>

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> BitAndAssign<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: BitAndAssign<Vr>

The method for the &= operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> BitOr<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: BitOr<Vr>

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> BitOrAssign<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: BitOrAssign<Vr>

The method for the |= operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> BitXor<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: BitXor<Vr>

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<Vl, U, Vr> BitXorAssign<UCUM<Vr, U>> for UCUM<Vl, U> where Vl: BitXorAssign<Vr>

The method for the ^= operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> Mul<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: Mul<Vr>,
        Ul: Add<Ur>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> MulAssign<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: MulAssign<Vr>,
        UCUM<Vr, Ur>: Dimensionless

The method for the *= operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> Div<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: Div<Vr>,
        Ul: Sub<Ur>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> DivAssign<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: DivAssign<Vr>,
        UCUM<Vr, Ur>: Dimensionless

The method for the /= operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> Rem<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: Rem<Vr>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> RemAssign<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: RemAssign<Vr>

The method for the %= operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> Shl<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: Shl<Vr>,
        UCUM<Vr, Ur>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> ShlAssign<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: ShlAssign<Vr>,
        UCUM<Vr, Ur>: Dimensionless

The method for the <<= operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> Shr<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: Shr<Vr>,
        UCUM<Vr, Ur>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<Vl, Ul, Vr, Ur> ShrAssign<UCUM<Vr, Ur>> for UCUM<Vl, Ul> where Vl: ShrAssign<Vr>,
        UCUM<Vr, Ur>: Dimensionless

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<f32>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<f32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<f32>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<f32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<f32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<f32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<f32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<f32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<f32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<f32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<f32>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<f32>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<f32>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<f32>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<f32>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<f32>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<f32>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<f32>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<f32>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<f32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<f32>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<f64>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<f64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<f64>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<f64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<f64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<f64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<f64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<f64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<f64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<f64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<f64>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<f64>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<f64>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<f64>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<f64>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<f64>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<f64>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<f64>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<f64>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<f64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<f64>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<i8>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<i8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<i8>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<i8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<i8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<i8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<i8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<i8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<i8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<i8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<i8>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<i8>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<i8>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<i8>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<i8>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<i8>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<i8>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<i8>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<i8>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<i8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<i8>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<i16>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<i16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<i16>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<i16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<i16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<i16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<i16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<i16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<i16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<i16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<i16>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<i16>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<i16>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<i16>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<i16>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<i16>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<i16>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<i16>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<i16>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<i16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<i16>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<i32>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<i32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<i32>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<i32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<i32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<i32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<i32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<i32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<i32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<i32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<i32>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<i32>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<i32>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<i32>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<i32>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<i32>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<i32>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<i32>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<i32>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<i32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<i32>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<i64>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<i64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<i64>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<i64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<i64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<i64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<i64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<i64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<i64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<i64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<i64>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<i64>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<i64>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<i64>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<i64>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<i64>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<i64>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<i64>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<i64>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<i64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<i64>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<isize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<isize>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<isize>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<isize>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<isize>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<isize>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<isize>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<isize>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<isize>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<isize>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<isize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<isize>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<u8>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<u8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<u8>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<u8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<u8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<u8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<u8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<u8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<u8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<u8>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<u8>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<u8>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<u8>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<u8>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<u8>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<u8>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<u8>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<u8>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<u8>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<u8> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<u8>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<u16>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<u16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<u16>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<u16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<u16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<u16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<u16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<u16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<u16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<u16>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<u16>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<u16>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<u16>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<u16>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<u16>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<u16>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<u16>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<u16>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<u16>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<u16> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<u16>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<u32>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<u32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<u32>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<u32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<u32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<u32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<u32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<u32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<u32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<u32>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<u32>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<u32>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<u32>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<u32>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<u32>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<u32>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<u32>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<u32>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<u32>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<u32> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<u32>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<u64>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<u64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<u64>, UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<u64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<u64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<u64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<u64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<u64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<u64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<u64>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<u64>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<u64>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<u64>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<u64>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<u64>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<u64>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<u64>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<u64>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<u64>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<u64> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<u64>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<usize>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<usize>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<usize>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<usize>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<usize>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<usize>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<usize>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<usize>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<usize>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<usize>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<usize> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<usize>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<bool>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<bool>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<bool>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<bool>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<bool>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<bool>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<bool>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<bool>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<bool>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<bool>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<bool> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<bool>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Add<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Add<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the + operator

The method for the + operator

impl<V, U> AddAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: AddAssign<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the += operator

impl<V, U> Sub<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Sub<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the - operator

The method for the - operator

impl<V, U> SubAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: SubAssign<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the -= operator

impl<V, U> BitAnd<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAnd<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the & operator

The method for the & operator

impl<V, U> BitAndAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitAndAssign<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the &= operator

impl<V, U> BitOr<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOr<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the | operator

The method for the | operator

impl<V, U> BitOrAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitOrAssign<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the |= operator

impl<V, U> BitXor<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXor<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator

The method for the ^ operator

impl<V, U> BitXorAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: BitXorAssign<char>,
        UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The method for the ^= operator

impl<V, U> Mul<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Mul<char>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

The method for the * operator

impl<V, U> MulAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: MulAssign<char>

The method for the *= operator

impl<V, U> Div<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Div<char>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

The method for the / operator

impl<V, U> DivAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: DivAssign<char>

The method for the /= operator

impl<V, U> Rem<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Rem<char>

The resulting type after applying the % operator

The method for the % operator

impl<V, U> RemAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: RemAssign<char>

The method for the %= operator

impl<V, U> Shl<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shl<char>

The resulting type after applying the << operator

The method for the << operator

impl<V, U> ShlAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShlAssign<char>

The method for the <<= operator

impl<V, U> Shr<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Shr<char>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator

The method for the >> operator

impl<V, U> ShrAssign<char> for UCUM<V, U> where V: ShrAssign<char>

The method for the >>= operator

impl<V, U> Deref for UCUM<V, U> where UCUM<V, U>: Dimensionless

The resulting type after dereferencing

The method called to dereference a value

impl<V, U, Idx> Index<Idx> for UCUM<V, U> where V: Index<Idx>, V::Output: Sized

The returned type after indexing

The method for the indexing (container[index]) operation

impl<V, U, Idx> IndexMut<Idx> for UCUM<V, U> where UCUM<V, U>: Index<Idx>,
        V: Index<Idx> + IndexMut<Idx>,
        V::Output: Sized,
        UCUM<V, U>::Output: Sized

The method for the mutable indexing (container[index]) operation

impl<V, Meter, Kilogram, Second, Ampere, Kelvin, Candela> From<SI<V, TArr<Meter, TArr<Kilogram, TArr<Second, TArr<Ampere, TArr<Kelvin, TArr<Candela, TArr<Z0, ATerm>>>>>>>>> for UCUM<Prod<V, f64>, TArr<Meter, TArr<Diff<Second, Ampere>, TArr<Kilogram, TArr<Z0, TArr<Kelvin, TArr<Ampere, TArr<Candela, ATerm>>>>>>>> where Meter: Integer,
        Kilogram: Integer,
        Second: Integer + Sub<Ampere>,
        Ampere: Integer,
        Kelvin: Integer,
        Candela: Integer,
        V: Mul<f64>

Performs the conversion.