Struct differential_dataflow::Collection [] [src]

pub struct Collection<G: Scope, D: Data> {
    pub inner: Stream<G, (D, Delta)>,

A mutable collection of values of type D


Underlying timely dataflow stream.


impl<G: Scope, D: Data> Collection<G, D>

Creates a new collection from a timely dataflow stream.

Applies the supplied function to each element of the collection.

Applies the supplied function to each element of the collection, re-using allocated memory.

Applies the supplied function to each element of the collection.

Negates the counts of each element in the collection.

Retains only the elements of the collection satisifying the supplied predicate.

Adds the counts of elements from each collection.

Brings a collection into a nested scope.

Brings a collection into a nested scope, at varying times.

The initial function indicates the time at which each element of the collection should appear.

Applies a supplied function to each update. Diagnostic.

Applies a supplied function to each batch of updates. Diagnostic.

Attaches a timely dataflow probe to the output of a collection.

This probe is used to determine when the state of the collection has stabilized and can be read out.

The scope containing the underlying timely dataflow stream.

impl<'a, G: Scope, T: Timestamp, D: Data> Collection<Child<'a, G, T>, D>

Returns the final value of a collection from a nested scope to its containing scope.

Trait Implementations

impl<G: Scope, K: Data, V: Data> ArrangeByKey<G, K, V> for Collection<G, (K, V)> where
    G::Timestamp: Lattice

Arranges a stream of (Key, Val) updates by Key. Read more

impl<G: Scope, K: Data> ArrangeBySelf<G, K> for Collection<G, K> where
    G::Timestamp: Lattice

Arranges a stream of (Key, ())) updates by Key. Read more

impl<G: Scope, K: Data + Default> Threshold<G, K> for Collection<G, K> where
    G::Timestamp: Lattice

Groups records by their first field, and applies reduction logic to the associated values. Read more

Groups records by their first field, when this field implements Unsigned. Read more

Collects distinct elements.

Collects distinct elements, when they implement Unsigned.

impl<G: Scope, K: Data + Default, V: Data + Default> Group<G, K, V> for Collection<G, (K, V)> where
    G::Timestamp: Lattice

Groups records by their first field, and applies reduction logic to the associated values. Read more

Groups records by their first field, when this field implements Unsigned. Read more

impl<G: Scope, K: Data + Default> Count<G, K> for Collection<G, K> where
    K: Unsigned + Default,
    G::Timestamp: Lattice

Counts the number of occurrences of each element.

Counts the number of occurrences of each unsigned element.

impl<G: Scope, D: Ord + Data + Debug> ConsolidateExt<D> for Collection<G, D>

Aggregates the weights of equal records into at most one record. Read more

Aggregates the weights of equal records into at most one record, partitions the data using the supplied partition function. Read more

impl<G: Scope, D: Ord + Data + Debug> IterateExt<G, D> for Collection<G, D>

Iteratively apply logic to the source collection until convergence.

impl<G: Scope, K: Data, V: Data> Join<G, K, V> for Collection<G, (K, V)> where
    G::Timestamp: Lattice

Matches pairs of (key,val1) and (key,val2) records based on key and applies a reduction function.

Matches pairs (key,val1) and key based on key, filtering the first collection by values present in the second. Read more

Matches pairs (key,val1) and key based on key, discarding values in the first collection if their key is present in the second. Read more

Joins two collections with dense unsigned integer keys and then applies a map function. Read more

Semijoins a collection with dense unsigned integer keys against a set of such keys. Read more

Antijoins a collection with dense unsigned integer keys against a set of such keys. Read more

Matches pairs (key,val1) and (key,val2) based on key. Read more

Joins two collections with dense unsigned integer keys. Read more

impl<G: Clone + Scope, D: Clone + Data> Clone for Collection<G, D>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more