pub trait ForEachBroadcast1<Sm, Lg, const I: isize> {
    fn foreach_mb<F>(a: &mut Sm, b: &Lg, f: &mut F)
        F: FnMut(&mut f32, &f32)
; fn foreach_br<F>(a: &mut Lg, b: &Sm, f: &mut F)
        F: FnMut(&mut f32, &f32)
; fn broadcast_copy(a: &mut Lg, b: &Sm) { ... } fn broadcast_add(a: &mut Sm, b: &Lg) { ... } }
Expand description

Foreach methods with 1 axis broadcasted. Sm is Lg with the Ith axis reduced.

E.g. Sm = [f32; M], Lg = [[f32; N]; M], I = 1

Required Methods

Provided Methods
