pub trait PartitionEvaluator: Debug + Send {
    // Provided methods
    fn update_state(
        &mut self,
        _state: &WindowAggState,
        _idx: usize,
        _range_columns: &[Arc<dyn Array>],
        _sort_partition_points: &[Range<usize>]
    ) -> Result<(), DataFusionError> { ... }
    fn memoize(
        &mut self,
        _state: &mut WindowAggState
    ) -> Result<(), DataFusionError> { ... }
    fn get_range(
        idx: usize,
        _n_rows: usize
    ) -> Result<Range<usize>, DataFusionError> { ... }
    fn evaluate_all(
        &mut self,
        values: &[Arc<dyn Array>],
        num_rows: usize
    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn Array>, DataFusionError> { ... }
    fn evaluate(
        &mut self,
        _values: &[Arc<dyn Array>],
        _range: &Range<usize>
    ) -> Result<ScalarValue, DataFusionError> { ... }
    fn evaluate_all_with_rank(
        _num_rows: usize,
        _ranks_in_partition: &[Range<usize>]
    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn Array>, DataFusionError> { ... }
    fn supports_bounded_execution(&self) -> bool { ... }
    fn uses_window_frame(&self) -> bool { ... }
    fn include_rank(&self) -> bool { ... }
Expand description

Partition evaluator for Window Functions


An implementation of this trait is created and used for each partition defined by an OVER clause and is instantiated by the DataFusion runtime.

For example, evaluating window_func(val) OVER (PARTITION BY col) on the following data:

col | val
--- + ----
 A  | 10
 A  | 10
 C  | 20
 D  | 30
 D  | 30

Will instantiate three PartitionEvaluators, one each for the partitions defined by col=A, col=B, and col=C.

col | val
--- + ----
 A  | 10     <--- partition 1
 A  | 10

col | val
--- + ----
 C  | 20     <--- partition 2

col | val
--- + ----
 D  | 30     <--- partition 3
 D  | 30

Different methods on this trait will be called depending on the capabilities described by Self::supports_bounded_execution, Self::uses_window_frame, and Self::include_rank,

Stateless PartitionEvaluator

In this case, either Self::evaluate_all or Self::evaluate_all_with_rank is called with values for the entire partition.

Stateful PartitionEvaluator

In this case, Self::evaluate is called to calculate the results of the window function incrementally for each new batch.

For example, when computing ROW_NUMBER incrementally, Self::evaluate will be called multiple times with different batches. For all batches after the first, the output row_number must start from last row_number produced for the previous batch. The previous row number is saved and restored as the state.

When implementing a new PartitionEvaluator, uses_window_frame and supports_bounded_execution flags determine which evaluation method will be called during runtime. Implement corresponding evaluator according to table below.

falsefalseevaluate_all (if we were to implement PERCENT_RANK it would end up in this quadrant, we cannot produce any result without seeing whole data)
falsetrueevaluate (optionally can also implement evaluate_all for more optimized implementation. However, there will be default implementation that is suboptimal) . If we were to implement ROW_NUMBER it will end up in this quadrant. Example OddRowNumber showcases this use case
truefalseevaluate (I think as long as uses_window_frame is true. There is no way for supports_bounded_execution to be false). I couldn’t come up with any example for this quadrant
truetrueevaluate. If we were to implement FIRST_VALUE, it would end up in this quadrant

Provided Methods§


fn update_state( &mut self, _state: &WindowAggState, _idx: usize, _range_columns: &[Arc<dyn Array>], _sort_partition_points: &[Range<usize>] ) -> Result<(), DataFusionError>

Updates the internal state for window function

Only used for stateful evaluation

state: is useful to update internal state for window function. idx: is the index of last row for which result is calculated. range_columns: is the result of order by column values. It is used to calculate rank boundaries sort_partition_points: is the boundaries of each rank in the range_column. It is used to update rank.


fn memoize( &mut self, _state: &mut WindowAggState ) -> Result<(), DataFusionError>

When the window frame has a fixed beginning (e.g UNBOUNDED PRECEDING), some functions such as FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE and NTH_VALUE do not need the (unbounded) input once they have seen a certain amount of input.

memoize is called after each input batch is processed, and such functions can save whatever they need and modify WindowAggState appropriately to allow rows to be pruned


fn get_range( &self, idx: usize, _n_rows: usize ) -> Result<Range<usize>, DataFusionError>

If uses_window_frame flag is false. This method is used to calculate required range for the window function Generally there is no required range, hence by default this returns smallest range(current row). e.g seeing current row is enough to calculate window result (such as row_number, rank, etc)


fn evaluate_all( &mut self, values: &[Arc<dyn Array>], num_rows: usize ) -> Result<Arc<dyn Array>, DataFusionError>

Evaluate a window function on an entire input partition.

This function is called once per input partition for window functions that do not use values from the window frame, such as ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK, PERCENT_RANK, CUME_DIST, LEAD, LAG).

It produces the result of all rows in a single pass. It expects to receive the entire partition as the value and must produce an output column with one output row for every input row.

num_rows is requied to correctly compute the output in case values.len() == 0

Implementing this function is an optimization: certain window functions are not affected by the window frame definition or the query doesn’t have a frame, and evaluate skips the (costly) window frame boundary calculation and the overhead of calling evaluate for each output row.

For example, the LAG built in window function does not use the values of its window frame (it can be computed in one shot on the entire partition with Self::evaluate_all regardless of the window defined in the OVER clause)


However, avg() computes the average in the window and thus does use its window frame


fn evaluate( &mut self, _values: &[Arc<dyn Array>], _range: &Range<usize> ) -> Result<ScalarValue, DataFusionError>

Evaluate window function on a range of rows in an input partition.x

This is the simplest and most general function to implement but also the least performant as it creates output one row at a time. It is typically much faster to implement stateful evaluation using one of the other specialized methods on this trait.

Returns a ScalarValue that is the value of the window function within range for the entire partition


fn evaluate_all_with_rank( &self, _num_rows: usize, _ranks_in_partition: &[Range<usize>] ) -> Result<Arc<dyn Array>, DataFusionError>

PartitionEvaluator::evaluate_all_with_rank is called for window functions that only need the rank of a row within its window frame.

Evaluate the partition evaluator against the partition using the row ranks. For example, RANK(col) produces

col | rank
--- + ----
 A  | 1
 A  | 1
 C  | 3
 D  | 4
 D  | 5

For this case, num_rows would be 5 and the ranks_in_partition would be called with


fn supports_bounded_execution(&self) -> bool

Can the window function be incrementally computed using bounded memory?

If this function returns true, implement PartitionEvaluator::evaluate and PartitionEvaluator::update_state.


fn uses_window_frame(&self) -> bool

Does the window function use the values from the window frame, if one is specified?

If this function returns true, implement PartitionEvaluator::evaluate_all.

See details and examples on PartitionEvaluator::evaluate_all.


fn include_rank(&self) -> bool

Can this function be evaluated with (only) rank

If include_rank is true, implement PartitionEvaluator::evaluate_all_with_rank
