Trait datafusion_execution::memory_pool::MemoryPool

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pub trait MemoryPool: Send + Sync + Debug {
    // Required methods
    fn grow(&self, reservation: &MemoryReservation, additional: usize);
    fn shrink(&self, reservation: &MemoryReservation, shrink: usize);
    fn try_grow(
        reservation: &MemoryReservation,
        additional: usize
    ) -> Result<()>;
    fn reserved(&self) -> usize;

    // Provided methods
    fn register(&self, _consumer: &MemoryConsumer) { ... }
    fn unregister(&self, _consumer: &MemoryConsumer) { ... }
Expand description

Tracks and potentially limits memory use across operators during execution.

§Memory Management Overview

DataFusion is a streaming query engine, processing most queries without buffering the entire input. Most operators require a fixed amount of memory based on the schema and target batch size. However, certain operations such as sorting and grouping/joining, require buffering intermediate results, which can require memory proportional to the number of input rows.

Rather than tracking all allocations, DataFusion takes a pragmatic approach: Intermediate memory used as data streams through the system is not accounted (it assumed to be “small”) but the large consumers of memory must register and constrain their use. This design trades off the additional code complexity of memory tracking with limiting resource usage.

When limiting memory with a MemoryPool you should typically reserve some overhead (e.g. 10%) for the “small” memory allocations that are not tracked.

§Memory Management Design

As explained above, DataFusion’s design ONLY limits operators that require “large” amounts of memory (proportional to number of input rows), such as GroupByHashExec. It does NOT track and limit memory used internally by other operators such as ParquetExec or the RecordBatches that flow between operators.

In order to avoid allocating memory until the OS or the container system kills the process, DataFusion ExecutionPlans (operators) that consume large amounts of memory must first request their desired allocation from a MemoryPool before allocating more. The request is typically managed via a MemoryReservation and MemoryConsumer.

If the allocation is successful, the operator should proceed and allocate the desired memory. If the allocation fails, the operator must either first free memory (e.g. by spilling to local disk) and try again, or error.

Note that a MemoryPool can be shared by concurrently executing plans, which can be used to control memory usage in a multi-tenant system.

§Implementing MemoryPool

You can implement a custom allocation policy by implementing the MemoryPool trait and configuring a SessionContext appropriately. However, mDataFusion comes with the following simple memory pool implementations that handle many common cases:

  • UnboundedMemoryPool: no memory limits (the default)

  • GreedyMemoryPool: Limits memory usage to a fixed size using a “first come first served” policy

  • FairSpillPool: Limits memory usage to a fixed size, allocating memory to all spilling operators fairly

Required Methods§


fn grow(&self, reservation: &MemoryReservation, additional: usize)

Infallibly grow the provided reservation by additional bytes

This must always succeed


fn shrink(&self, reservation: &MemoryReservation, shrink: usize)

Infallibly shrink the provided reservation by shrink bytes


fn try_grow( &self, reservation: &MemoryReservation, additional: usize ) -> Result<()>

Attempt to grow the provided reservation by additional bytes

On error the allocation will not be increased in size


fn reserved(&self) -> usize

Return the total amount of memory reserved

Provided Methods§


fn register(&self, _consumer: &MemoryConsumer)

Registers a new MemoryConsumer

Note: Subsequent calls to Self::grow must be made to reserve memory


fn unregister(&self, _consumer: &MemoryConsumer)

Records the destruction of a MemoryReservation with MemoryConsumer

Note: Prior calls to Self::shrink must be made to free any reserved memory
