Struct csv_index::RandomAccessSimple [] [src]

pub struct RandomAccessSimple<R> { /* fields omitted */ }

A simple index for random access to CSV records.

This index permits seeking to the start of any CSV record with a constant number of operations.

The format of the index is simplistic and amenable to serializing to disk. It consists of exactly N+1 64 bit big-endian integers, where N is the number of records in the CSV data that is indexed. Each ith integer corresponds to the approximate byte offset where the ith record in the CSV data begins. One additional integer is written to the end of the index which indicates the total number of records in the CSV data.

This indexing format does not store the line numbers of CSV records, so using the positions returned by this index to seek a CSV reader will likely cause any future line numbers reported by that reader to be incorrect.

This format will never change.

N.B. The format of this indexing scheme matches the format of the old the csv::Indexed type in pre-1.0 versions of the csv crate.


impl<W: Write> RandomAccessSimple<W>


Write a simple index to the given writer for the given CSV reader.

If there was a problem reading CSV records or writing to the given writer, then an error is returned.

That the given CSV reader is read as given until EOF. The index produced includes all records, including the first record even if the CSV reader is configured to interpret the first record as a header record.

Example: in memory index

This example shows how to create a simple random access index, open it and query the number of records in the index.

extern crate csv;
extern crate csv_index;

use std::io;
use csv_index::RandomAccessSimple;

fn example() -> csv::Result<()> {
    let data = "\
Boston,United States,4628910
Concord,United States,42695
    let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(data.as_bytes());
    let mut wtr = io::Cursor::new(vec![]);
    RandomAccessSimple::create(&mut rdr, &mut wtr)?;

    let idx = RandomAccessSimple::open(wtr)?;
    assert_eq!(idx.len(), 3);

Example: file backed index

This is like the previous example, but instead of creating the index in memory with std::io::Cursor, we write the index to a file.

extern crate csv;
extern crate csv_index;

use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use csv_index::RandomAccessSimple;

fn example() -> csv::Result<()> {
    let data = "\
Boston,United States,4628910
Concord,United States,42695
    let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(data.as_bytes());
    let mut wtr = File::create("data.csv.idx")?;
    RandomAccessSimple::create(&mut rdr, &mut wtr)?;

    let fileidx = File::open("data.csv.idx")?;
    let idx = RandomAccessSimple::open(fileidx)?;
    assert_eq!(idx.len(), 3);

impl<R: Read + Seek> RandomAccessSimple<R>


Open an existing simple CSV index.

The reader given must be seekable and should contain an index written by RandomAccessSimple::create.


This example shows how to create a simple random access index, open it and query the number of records in the index.

extern crate csv;
extern crate csv_index;

use std::io;
use csv_index::RandomAccessSimple;

fn example() -> csv::Result<()> {
    let data = "\
Boston,United States,4628910
Concord,United States,42695
    let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(data.as_bytes());
    let mut wtr = io::Cursor::new(vec![]);
    RandomAccessSimple::create(&mut rdr, &mut wtr)?;

    let idx = RandomAccessSimple::open(wtr)?;
    assert_eq!(idx.len(), 3);


Get the position of the record at index i.

The first record has index 0.

If the position returned is used to seek the CSV reader that was used to create this index, then the next record read by the CSV reader will be the ith record.

Note that since this index does not store the line number of each record, the position returned will always have a line number equivalent to 1. This in turn will cause the CSV reader to report all subsequent line numbers incorrectly.


This example shows how to create a simple random access index, open it and use it to seek a CSV reader to read an arbitrary record.

extern crate csv;
extern crate csv_index;

use std::error::Error;
use std::io;
use csv_index::RandomAccessSimple;

fn example() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
    let data = "\
Boston,United States,4628910
Concord,United States,42695
    // Note that we wrap our CSV data in an io::Cursor, which makes it
    // seekable. If you're opening CSV data from a file, then this is
    // not needed since a `File` is already seekable.
    let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(io::Cursor::new(data));
    let mut wtr = io::Cursor::new(vec![]);
    RandomAccessSimple::create(&mut rdr, &mut wtr)?;

    // Open the index we just created, get the position of the last
    // record and seek the CSV reader.
    let mut idx = RandomAccessSimple::open(wtr)?;
    let pos = idx.get(2)?;;

    // Read the next record.
    if let Some(result) = rdr.records().next() {
        let record = result?;
        assert_eq!(record, vec!["Concord", "United States", "42695"]);
    } else {
        Err(From::from("expected at least one record but got none"))


Return the number of records (including the header record) in this index.


Return true if and only if this index has zero records.