Trait css::selectors::visitor::SelectorVisitor [] [src]

pub trait SelectorVisitor {
    type Impl: SelectorImpl;
    fn visit_attribute_selector(
        &mut self,
        _namespace: &NamespaceConstraint<&<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::NamespaceUrl>,
        _local_name: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::LocalName,
        _local_name_lower: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::LocalName
    ) -> bool { ... }
fn visit_simple_selector(&mut self, _: &Component<Self::Impl>) -> bool { ... }
fn visit_complex_selector(
        &mut self,
        _combinator_to_right: Option<Combinator>
    ) -> bool { ... } }

A trait to visit selector properties.

All the visit_foo methods return a boolean indicating whether the traversal should continue or not.

Associated Types

The selector implementation this visitor wants to visit.

Provided Methods

Visit an attribute selector that may match (there are other selectors that may never match, like those containing whitespace or the empty string).

Visit a simple selector.

Visits a complex selector.

Gets the combinator to the right of the selector, or None if the selector is the rightmost one.
