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Welcome to crypto_api_osrandom 🎉


This crate implements access to your operating system’s cryptographically secure random number generator via crypto_api.

APIs used

The following native APIs are used:

  • macOS/iOS: SecRandomCopyBytes from the security framework
  • FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD: arc4random_buf (which does not use ARC4 anymore but a secure PRF like ChaCha20)
  • Windows: CryptGenRandom with PROV_RSA_FULL as provider
  • Linux: getrandom for glibc versions >= 2.25 or /dev/urandom for ancient distributions


Implements the crate’s error type


Creates a LEN-sized array filled with crpytographically secure random bytes

Fills the given slice with crpytographically secure random bytes

Creates a len-sized vec filled with crpytographically secure random bytes