zvariant 2.6.0

D-Bus & GVariant encoding & decoding
#[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
use crate::{signature_parser::SignatureParser, Error};
use crate::{Basic, EncodingFormat, Fd, ObjectPath, Signature};

/// The prefix of ARRAY type signature, as a character. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const ARRAY_SIGNATURE_CHAR: char = 'a';
/// The prefix of ARRAY type signature, as a string. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const ARRAY_SIGNATURE_STR: &str = "a";
pub(crate) const ARRAY_ALIGNMENT_DBUS: usize = 4;
/// The opening character of STRUCT type signature. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const STRUCT_SIG_START_CHAR: char = '(';
/// The closing character of STRUCT type signature. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const STRUCT_SIG_END_CHAR: char = ')';
/// The opening character of STRUCT type signature, as a string. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const STRUCT_SIG_START_STR: &str = "(";
/// The closing character of STRUCT type signature, as a string. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const STRUCT_SIG_END_STR: &str = ")";
pub(crate) const STRUCT_ALIGNMENT_DBUS: usize = 8;
/// The opening character of DICT_ENTRY type signature. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const DICT_ENTRY_SIG_START_CHAR: char = '{';
/// The closing character of DICT_ENTRY type signature. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const DICT_ENTRY_SIG_END_CHAR: char = '}';
/// The opening character of DICT_ENTRY type signature, as a string. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const DICT_ENTRY_SIG_START_STR: &str = "{";
/// The closing character of DICT_ENTRY type signature, as a string. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const DICT_ENTRY_SIG_END_STR: &str = "}";
pub(crate) const DICT_ENTRY_ALIGNMENT_DBUS: usize = 8;
/// The VARIANT type signature. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const VARIANT_SIGNATURE_CHAR: char = 'v';
/// The VARIANT type signature, as a string. Provided for manual signature creation.
pub const VARIANT_SIGNATURE_STR: &str = "v";
pub(crate) const VARIANT_ALIGNMENT_DBUS: usize = 1;
#[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
pub(crate) const VARIANT_ALIGNMENT_GVARIANT: usize = 8;
/// The prefix of MAYBE (GVariant-specific) type signature, as a character. Provided for manual
/// signature creation.
#[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
pub const MAYBE_SIGNATURE_CHAR: char = 'm';
/// The prefix of MAYBE (GVariant-specific) type signature, as a string. Provided for manual
/// signature creation.
#[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
pub const MAYBE_SIGNATURE_STR: &str = "m";

pub(crate) fn padding_for_n_bytes(value: usize, align: usize) -> usize {
    let len_rounded_up = value.wrapping_add(align).wrapping_sub(1) & !align.wrapping_sub(1);


pub(crate) fn usize_to_u32(value: usize) -> u32 {
    if value > (std::u32::MAX as usize) {
        panic!("{} too large for `u32`", value);

    value as u32

pub(crate) fn usize_to_u8(value: usize) -> u8 {
    if value > (std::u8::MAX as usize) {
        panic!("{} too large for `u8`", value);

    value as u8

pub(crate) fn f64_to_f32(value: f64) -> f32 {
    if value > (std::f32::MAX as f64) {
        panic!("{} too large for `f32`", value);

    value as f32

// `signature` must be **one** complete and correct signature. Expect panics otherwise!
pub(crate) fn alignment_for_signature(signature: &Signature<'_>, format: EncodingFormat) -> usize {
    match signature
        .map(|b| *b as char)
        .expect("alignment_for_signature expects **one** complete & correct signature")
        u8::SIGNATURE_CHAR => u8::alignment(format),
        bool::SIGNATURE_CHAR => bool::alignment(format),
        i16::SIGNATURE_CHAR => i16::alignment(format),
        u16::SIGNATURE_CHAR => u16::alignment(format),
        i32::SIGNATURE_CHAR => i32::alignment(format),
        u32::SIGNATURE_CHAR | Fd::SIGNATURE_CHAR => u32::alignment(format),
        i64::SIGNATURE_CHAR => i64::alignment(format),
        u64::SIGNATURE_CHAR => u64::alignment(format),
        f64::SIGNATURE_CHAR => f64::alignment(format),
        <&str>::SIGNATURE_CHAR => <&str>::alignment(format),
        ObjectPath::SIGNATURE_CHAR => ObjectPath::alignment(format),
        Signature::SIGNATURE_CHAR => Signature::alignment(format),
        VARIANT_SIGNATURE_CHAR => match format {
            EncodingFormat::DBus => VARIANT_ALIGNMENT_DBUS,
            #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
            EncodingFormat::GVariant => VARIANT_ALIGNMENT_GVARIANT,
        ARRAY_SIGNATURE_CHAR => alignment_for_array_signature(signature, format),
        STRUCT_SIG_START_CHAR => alignment_for_struct_signature(signature, format),
        DICT_ENTRY_SIG_START_CHAR => alignment_for_dict_entry_signature(signature, format),
        #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
        MAYBE_SIGNATURE_CHAR => alignment_for_maybe_signature(signature, format),
        _ => {
            println!("WARNING: Unsupported signature: {}", signature);


#[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
pub(crate) fn is_fixed_sized_signature<'a>(signature: &'a Signature<'a>) -> Result<bool, Error> {
    match signature
        .map(|b| *b as char)
        .ok_or_else(|| -> Error { serde::de::Error::invalid_length(0, &">= 1 character") })?
        | bool::SIGNATURE_CHAR
        | i16::SIGNATURE_CHAR
        | u16::SIGNATURE_CHAR
        | i32::SIGNATURE_CHAR
        | u32::SIGNATURE_CHAR
        | i64::SIGNATURE_CHAR
        | u64::SIGNATURE_CHAR
        | f64::SIGNATURE_CHAR
        | Fd::SIGNATURE_CHAR => Ok(true),
        STRUCT_SIG_START_CHAR => is_fixed_sized_struct_signature(signature),
        DICT_ENTRY_SIG_START_CHAR => is_fixed_sized_dict_entry_signature(signature),
        _ => Ok(false),

// Given an &str, create an owned (String-based) Signature w/ appropriate capacity
macro_rules! signature_string {
    ($signature:expr) => {{
        let mut s = String::with_capacity(255);


macro_rules! check_child_value_signature {
    ($expected_signature:expr, $child_signature:expr, $child_name:literal) => {{
        if $child_signature != $expected_signature {
            let unexpected = format!("{} with signature `{}`", $child_name, $child_signature,);
            let expected = format!("{} with signature `{}`", $child_name, $expected_signature);

            return Err(serde::de::Error::invalid_type(

fn alignment_for_single_child_type_signature(
    #[allow(unused)] signature: &Signature<'_>,
    format: EncodingFormat,
    dbus_align: usize,
) -> usize {
    match format {
        EncodingFormat::DBus => dbus_align,
        #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
        EncodingFormat::GVariant => {
            let child_signature = Signature::from_str_unchecked(&signature[1..]);

            alignment_for_signature(&child_signature, format)

fn alignment_for_array_signature(signature: &Signature<'_>, format: EncodingFormat) -> usize {
    alignment_for_single_child_type_signature(signature, format, ARRAY_ALIGNMENT_DBUS)

#[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
fn alignment_for_maybe_signature(signature: &Signature<'_>, format: EncodingFormat) -> usize {
    alignment_for_single_child_type_signature(signature, format, 1)

fn alignment_for_struct_signature(
    #[allow(unused)] signature: &Signature<'_>,
    format: EncodingFormat,
) -> usize {
    match format {
        EncodingFormat::DBus => STRUCT_ALIGNMENT_DBUS,
        #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
        EncodingFormat::GVariant => {
            let inner_signature = Signature::from_str_unchecked(&signature[1..signature.len() - 1]);
            let mut sig_parser = SignatureParser::new(inner_signature);
            let mut alignment = 0;

            while !sig_parser.done() {
                let child_signature = sig_parser
                    .expect("invalid signature");

                let child_alignment = alignment_for_signature(&child_signature, format);
                if child_alignment > alignment {
                    alignment = child_alignment;

                    if alignment == 8 {
                        // 8 bytes is max alignment so we can short-circuit here


fn alignment_for_dict_entry_signature(
    #[allow(unused)] signature: &Signature<'_>,
    format: EncodingFormat,
) -> usize {
    match format {
        EncodingFormat::DBus => DICT_ENTRY_ALIGNMENT_DBUS,
        #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
        EncodingFormat::GVariant => {
            let key_signature = Signature::from_str_unchecked(&signature[1..2]);
            let key_alignment = alignment_for_signature(&key_signature, format);
            if key_alignment == 8 {
                // 8 bytes is max alignment so we can short-circuit here
                return 8;

            let value_signature = Signature::from_str_unchecked(&signature[2..signature.len() - 1]);
            let value_alignment = alignment_for_signature(&value_signature, format);
            if value_alignment > key_alignment {
            } else {

#[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
fn is_fixed_sized_struct_signature<'a>(signature: &'a Signature<'a>) -> Result<bool, Error> {
    let inner_signature = Signature::from_str_unchecked(&signature[1..signature.len() - 1]);
    let mut sig_parser = SignatureParser::new(inner_signature);
    let mut fixed_sized = true;

    while !sig_parser.done() {
        let child_signature = sig_parser
            .expect("invalid signature");

        if !is_fixed_sized_signature(&child_signature)? {
            // STRUCT is fixed-sized only if all its children are
            fixed_sized = false;



#[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
fn is_fixed_sized_dict_entry_signature<'a>(signature: &'a Signature<'a>) -> Result<bool, Error> {
    let key_signature = Signature::from_str_unchecked(&signature[1..2]);
    if !is_fixed_sized_signature(&key_signature)? {
        return Ok(false);

    let value_signature = Signature::from_str_unchecked(&signature[2..signature.len() - 1]);
