zss 1.0.1

Scrolling wallpaper based on X screens.
//! Zss

// Features
#![feature(format_args_capture, try_blocks, drain_filter)]
// Warnings
// `match` can look better than `if` + `else`
#![allow(clippy::single_match_else, clippy::match_bool)]
// Some false positives
// Our module organization makes this happen a lot, but struct names should be consistent
// We can't super control this, and it shouldn't be a big issue

// Modules
mod args;
mod glium_backend;
mod glium_facade;
mod images;
mod uvs;
mod window;

// Imports
use crate::{glium_backend::GliumBackend, glium_facade::GliumFacade, images::Images, uvs::ImageUvs};
use anyhow::Context;
use args::Args;
use glium::Surface;
use std::{mem, rc::Rc};
use window::Window;

fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
	// Initialize logger
	.expect("Unable to initialize logger");

	// Get arguments
	let args = Args::new().context("Unable to retrieve arguments")?;

	// Then create the window
	let window = Window::from_window_id(args.window_id)
		.context("Unable to create window")?;

	// Load images
	let mut images = Images::new(args.images_dir.clone(), args.image_backlog, Rc::clone(&window))
		.context("Unable to load images")?;

	// Create the backend
	let backend = GliumBackend::new(Rc::clone(&window)).context("Unable to create backend")?;

	// And then create the glium facade
	let facade = GliumFacade::new(backend).context("Unable to create glium facade")?;

	// Create the indices buffer
	let indices =
		glium::IndexBuffer::<u32>::new(&facade, glium::index::PrimitiveType::TrianglesList, &[0, 1, 3, 0, 3, 2])
			.context("Unable to create index buffer")?;

	// Create the program
	let program = {
		glium::Program::new(&facade, glium::program::ProgramCreationInput::SourceCode {
			vertex_shader:                  include_str!("vertex.glsl"),
			fragment_shader:                include_str!("frag.glsl"),
			geometry_shader:                None,
			tessellation_control_shader:    None,
			tessellation_evaluation_shader: None,
			transform_feedback_varyings:    None,
			outputs_srgb:                   true,
			uses_point_size:                false,
	.context("Unable to build program")?;

	// Create both images
	let mut cur_image = Image::new(&facade, &mut images, &window).context("Unable to create image")?;
	let mut next_image = Image::new(&facade, &mut images, &window).context("Unable to create image")?;

	// Current progress through image
	let mut progress = 0.0;

	// If the next image is loaded
	let mut next_image_is_loaded = false;

	loop {
		// Process events

		// Draw
		let mut target = facade.draw();
		let draw_res = self::draw(
			&mut target,

		if let Err(err) = draw_res {
			log::warn!("Unable to draw: {err:?}");

		// Update
		let update_res = self::update(
			&mut progress,
			&mut next_image_is_loaded,
			&mut cur_image,
			&mut next_image,
			&mut images,

		if let Err(err) = update_res {
			log::warn!("Unable to update: {err:?}");

/// Updates
#[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] // It's a binary function, not library
fn update(
	progress: &mut f32, next_image_is_loaded: &mut bool, args: &Args, cur_image: &mut Image, next_image: &mut Image,
	facade: &GliumFacade, images: &mut Images, window: &Window,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
	// Increase the progress
	*progress += (1.0 / 60.0) / args.duration.as_secs_f32();

	// If the next image isn't loaded, try to load it
	if !*next_image_is_loaded {
		// If our progress is >= fade start, then we have to force wait for the image.
		let force_wait = *progress >= args.fade;

		if force_wait {
			log::info!("Next image hasn't arrived yet at the end of current image, waiting for it");

		// Then try to load it
		*next_image_is_loaded ^= next_image
			.try_update(facade, images, window, force_wait)
			.context("Unable to update image")?;

		// If we force waited but the next image isn't loaded, return Err
		if force_wait && !*next_image_is_loaded {
			return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Unable to load next image even while force-waiting"));

	// If we reached the end, swap the next to current and try to load the next
	if *progress >= 1.0 {
		// Reset the progress to where we where during the fade
		*progress = 1.0 - args.fade;

		// Swap the images
		mem::swap(cur_image, next_image);
		*next_image_is_loaded = false;

		// And try to update the next image
		*next_image_is_loaded ^= next_image
			.try_update(facade, images, window, false)
			.context("Unable to update image")?;


/// Draws
fn draw(
	target: &mut glium::Frame, progress: f32, args: &Args, cur_image: &Image, next_image: &Image,
	indices: &glium::IndexBuffer<u32>, program: &glium::Program,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
	// Calculate the base alpha and progress to apply to the images
	let (base_alpha, next_progress) = match progress {
		f if f >= args.fade => ((progress - args.fade) / (1.0 - args.fade), progress - args.fade),
		_ => (0.0, 0.0),

	// Clear the screen
	target.clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

	// Then draw
	for (image, alpha, progress) in [
		(cur_image, 1.0 - base_alpha, progress),
		(next_image, base_alpha, next_progress),
	] {
		// If alpha is 0, don't render
		if alpha == 0.0 {

		let sampler = image.texture.sampled();
		let tex_offset = image.uvs.offset(progress);
		let uniforms = glium::uniform! {
			tex_sampler: sampler,
			tex_offset: tex_offset,
			alpha: alpha,
		let draw_parameters = glium::DrawParameters {
			blend: glium::Blend::alpha_blending(),
			.draw(&image.vertex_buffer, indices, program, &uniforms, &draw_parameters)
			.context("Unable to draw")?;

	// Set the target as finished
	target.set_finish().context("Unable to finish drawing")?;


/// Image
struct Image {
	/// Texture
	texture: glium::Texture2d,

	/// Uvs
	uvs: ImageUvs,

	/// Vertex buffer
	vertex_buffer: glium::VertexBuffer<Vertex>,

impl Image {
	/// Creates a new image
	pub fn new(facade: &GliumFacade, images: &mut Images, window: &Window) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error> {
		let image = images.next_image();

		let image_dims = image.dimensions();
		let texture = glium::texture::Texture2d::new(
			glium::texture::RawImage2d::from_raw_rgba(image.into_raw(), image_dims),
		.context("Unable to create texture")?;

		#[allow(clippy::cast_precision_loss)] // Image and window sizes are likely much lower than 2^24
		let uvs = ImageUvs::new(
			image_dims.0 as f32,
			image_dims.1 as f32,
			window.width() as f32,
			window.height() as f32,

		let vertex_buffer = glium::VertexBuffer::dynamic(facade, &Self::vertices(uvs.start()))
			.context("Unable to create vertex buffer")?;
		Ok(Self {

	/// Tries to update this image and returns if actually updated
	pub fn try_update(
		&mut self, facade: &GliumFacade, images: &mut Images, window: &Window, force_wait: bool,
	) -> Result<bool, anyhow::Error> {
		let image = match images.try_next_image() {
			Some(image) => image,
			None if force_wait => images.next_image(),
			None => return Ok(false),

		let image_dims = image.dimensions();
		self.texture = glium::texture::Texture2d::new(
			glium::texture::RawImage2d::from_raw_rgba(image.into_raw(), image_dims),
		.context("Unable to create texture")?;

		#[allow(clippy::cast_precision_loss)] // Image and window sizes are likely much lower than 2^24
		let uvs = ImageUvs::new(
			image_dims.0 as f32,
			image_dims.1 as f32,
			window.width() as f32,
			window.height() as f32,
		self.uvs = uvs;



	/// Creates the vertices for uvs
	const fn vertices(uvs_start: [f32; 2]) -> [Vertex; 4] {
			Vertex {
				vertex_pos: [-1.0, -1.0],
				vertex_tex: [0.0, 0.0],
			Vertex {
				vertex_pos: [1.0, -1.0],
				vertex_tex: [uvs_start[0], 0.0],
			Vertex {
				vertex_pos: [-1.0, 1.0],
				vertex_tex: [0.0, uvs_start[1]],
			Vertex {
				vertex_pos: [1.0, 1.0],
				vertex_tex: uvs_start,

/// Vertex
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Vertex {
	vertex_pos: [f32; 2],
	vertex_tex: [f32; 2],

glium::implement_vertex!(Vertex, vertex_pos, vertex_tex);