zspell 0.3.3

Native Rust library for spellchecking, with a command line interface
//! ZSpell is a spellchecking tool written entirely in Rust, aimed to be
//! compatible with the widely-used [Hunspell] dictionary format. This is the
//! documentation for the system library, please see the [CLI docs] if that is
//! what you expected.
//! # Usage
//! A Hunspell dictionary format has three main components:
//! - An "affix" or "config" file, usually with extension `.aff`
//! - A dictionary word list file, ususally `.dic` or `.dict`
//! - An optional personal dictionary
//! You will need to know the location of dictionary files on your system, or
//! obtain them yourself. A repository exists that has dictionaries for many
//! different languages, if you don't have any available:
//! <https://github.com/wooorm/dictionaries>.
//! This library requires specifying the input from these files, then building a
//! [`Dictionary`] object that can be used to perform all other operations.
//! Usage will typically look like the following:
//! ```
//! use std::fs;
//! use zspell::{DictBuilder, Dictionary};
//! // This example just uses some shortened files. Load them to a string
//! let aff_content =
//!     fs::read_to_string("tests/files/w1_eng_short.aff").expect("failed to load config file");
//! let dic_content =
//!     fs::read_to_string("tests/files/w1_eng_short.dic").expect("failed to load wordlist file");
//! // Use the builder pattern to create our `Dictionary` object
//! let dict: Dictionary = DictBuilder::new()
//!     .config_str(&aff_content)
//!     .dict_str(&dic_content)
//!     .build()
//!     .expect("failed to build dictionary!");
//! // The `.check(str)` method is useful for quickly verifying entire strings
//! assert_eq!(dict.check("reptiles pillow: bananas"), true);
//! assert_eq!(dict.check("well, I misspelled soemthing this tiem"), false);
//! // Or use `.check_word(str)` to validate the input as a single word
//! assert_eq!(dict.check_word("okay"), true);
//! assert_eq!(dict.check_word("okay okay"), false);
//! // `.check_indices(str)` provides more useful information for anything other than trivial
//! // checks. It returns an iterator over `(usize, &str)`, which gives the byte offset and
//! // string reference of any spelling errors.
//! let input = "okay, I misspelled soemthing this tiem";
//! let errors: Vec<(usize, &str)> = dict.check_indices(input).collect();
//! let expected = vec![(19, "soemthing"), (34, "tiem")];
//! assert_eq!(errors, expected);
//! ```
//! See [`Dictionary`] and [`DictBuilder`] to get started.
//! # Stability & Feature Flags
//! At the moment, the only public functions available are `check`,
//! `check_word`, and `check_indices`. These three functions are more or less
//! guaranteed to have stable interfaces, though the internals may change.
//! There are also some unstable components to this library:
//! - `unstable-suggestions`: Needed for providing suggestions, this is
//!   currently disabled because it is slow.
//! - `unstable-stem`: Needed for stemming
//! - `unstable-analysis`: Needed for morphological analysis
//! - `unstable-system`: Needed for system interfaces like locating existing
//!   dictionaries
//! - `zspell-unstable`: Enable all of these options
//! These flags can be enabled in your `Cargo.toml` if you would like to
//! experiment with these featuers. Any APIs protected behind these feature
//! flags are subject to change, but the need for these flags will be removed as
//! they are stabalized.
//! [Hunspell]: http://hunspell.github.io/
//! [CLI docs]: https://pluots.github.io/zspell/
#![allow(clippy::use_self)] // disabled because strum doesn't enforce it
// #![allow(clippy::redundant_pub_crate)]

mod affix;
mod dict;
pub mod error;
mod helpers;
mod meta;
mod morph;
mod parser_affix;
mod suggestions;

#[cfg(feature = "unstable-system")]
pub mod system;

pub(crate) use affix::ParsedCfg;
pub use affix::PartOfSpeech;
pub use dict::{DictBuilder, Dictionary, WordList};
pub use error::Error;
pub use morph::MorphInfo;

// Make some things public when benchmarking
#[cfg(feature = "benchmarking")]
pub mod benchmarking {
    pub use super::affix::FlagType;
    pub use super::dict::parse_dict;
    pub use super::parser_affix::parse_affix;