zeroize 0.3.0

Securely zero memory while avoiding compiler optimizations: cross-platform secure intrinsics for zeroing memory, using FFI to invoke OS intrinsics on stable Rust (with support for Linux, Windows, macOS/iOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonflyBSD), or the unstable 'volatile_set_memory()` intrinsic on nightly. No insecure fallbacks, no dependencies, no std, no functionality besides securely zeroing memory.

zeroize's sandbox limits

All the builds on are executed inside a sandbox with limited resources. The limits for this crate are the following:

Available RAM 6 GB
Maximum rustdoc execution time 15 minutes
Maximum size of a build log 100 kB
Network access blocked
Maximum number of build targets 10

If a build fails because it hit one of those limits please open an issue to get them increased.