zeroize 0.2.0

Securely zero memory while avoiding compiler optimizations: unified 'secure_zero_memory()' wrapper for secure intrinsic functions for zeroing memory, using FFI to invoke OS intrinsics on stable (with support for Linux, Windows, OS X/iOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonflyBSD), or the unstable 'volatile_set_memory()` intrinsic on nightly. No insecure fallbacks, no dependencies, no std, no functionality besides securely zeroing memory.
  • Feature flags
  • Feature flags are not available for this release because it was built before features were collected by


There is very little structured metadata to build this page from currently. You should check the main library docs, readme, or Cargo.toml in case the author documented the features in them.

Feature flags are not available for this release because it was built before features were collected by