zcash_encoding 0.2.0

Binary encodings used throughout the Zcash ecosystem.
//! *Zcash binary encodings.*
//! `zcash_encoding` is a library that provides common encoding and decoding operations
//! for stable binary encodings used throughout the Zcash ecosystem.

// Catch documentation errors caused by code changes.

use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};
use nonempty::NonEmpty;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::iter::FromIterator;

/// The maximum allowed value representable as a `[CompactSize]`
pub const MAX_COMPACT_SIZE: u32 = 0x02000000;

/// Namespace for functions for compact encoding of integers.
/// This codec requires integers to be in the range `0x0..=0x02000000`, for compatibility
/// with Zcash consensus rules.
pub struct CompactSize;

impl CompactSize {
    /// Reads an integer encoded in compact form.
    pub fn read<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> io::Result<u64> {
        let flag = reader.read_u8()?;
        let result = if flag < 253 {
            Ok(flag as u64)
        } else if flag == 253 {
            match reader.read_u16::<LittleEndian>()? {
                n if n < 253 => Err(io::Error::new(
                    "non-canonical CompactSize",
                n => Ok(n as u64),
        } else if flag == 254 {
            match reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()? {
                n if n < 0x10000 => Err(io::Error::new(
                    "non-canonical CompactSize",
                n => Ok(n as u64),
        } else {
            match reader.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()? {
                n if n < 0x100000000 => Err(io::Error::new(
                    "non-canonical CompactSize",
                n => Ok(n),

        match result {
            s if s > <u64>::from(MAX_COMPACT_SIZE) => Err(io::Error::new(
                "CompactSize too large",
            s => Ok(s),

    /// Reads an integer encoded in contact form and performs checked conversion
    /// to the target type.
    pub fn read_t<R: Read, T: TryFrom<u64>>(mut reader: R) -> io::Result<T> {
        let n = Self::read(&mut reader)?;
        <T>::try_from(n).map_err(|_| {
                "CompactSize value exceeds range of target type.",

    /// Writes the provided `usize` value to the provided Writer in compact form.
    pub fn write<W: Write>(mut writer: W, size: usize) -> io::Result<()> {
        match size {
            s if s < 253 => writer.write_u8(s as u8),
            s if s <= 0xFFFF => {
                writer.write_u16::<LittleEndian>(s as u16)
            s if s <= 0xFFFFFFFF => {
                writer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(s as u32)
            s => {
                writer.write_u64::<LittleEndian>(s as u64)

/// Namespace for functions that perform encoding of vectors.
/// The length of a vector is restricted to at most `0x02000000`, for compatibility with
/// the Zcash consensus rules.
pub struct Vector;

impl Vector {
    /// Reads a vector, assuming the encoding written by [`Vector::write`], using the provided
    /// function to decode each element of the vector.
    pub fn read<R: Read, E, F>(reader: R, func: F) -> io::Result<Vec<E>>
        F: Fn(&mut R) -> io::Result<E>,
        Self::read_collected(reader, func)

    /// Reads a CompactSize-prefixed series of elements into a collection, assuming the encoding
    /// written by [`Vector::write`], using the provided function to decode each element.
    pub fn read_collected<R: Read, E, F, O: FromIterator<E>>(reader: R, func: F) -> io::Result<O>
        F: Fn(&mut R) -> io::Result<E>,
        Self::read_collected_mut(reader, func)

    /// Reads a CompactSize-prefixed series of elements into a collection, assuming the encoding
    /// written by [`Vector::write`], using the provided function to decode each element.
    pub fn read_collected_mut<R: Read, E, F, O: FromIterator<E>>(
        mut reader: R,
        func: F,
    ) -> io::Result<O>
        F: FnMut(&mut R) -> io::Result<E>,
        let count: usize = CompactSize::read_t(&mut reader)?;
        Array::read_collected_mut(reader, count, func)

    /// Writes a slice of values by writing [`CompactSize`]-encoded integer specifying the length
    /// of the slice to the stream, followed by the encoding of each element of the slice as
    /// performed by the provided function.
    pub fn write<W: Write, E, F>(writer: W, vec: &[E], func: F) -> io::Result<()>
        F: Fn(&mut W, &E) -> io::Result<()>,
        Self::write_sized(writer, vec.iter(), func)

    /// Writes a NonEmpty container of values to the stream using the same encoding as
    /// `[Vector::write]`
    pub fn write_nonempty<W: Write, E, F>(
        mut writer: W,
        vec: &NonEmpty<E>,
        func: F,
    ) -> io::Result<()>
        F: Fn(&mut W, &E) -> io::Result<()>,
        CompactSize::write(&mut writer, vec.len())?;
        vec.iter().try_for_each(|e| func(&mut writer, e))

    /// Writes an iterator of values by writing [`CompactSize`]-encoded integer specifying
    /// the length of the iterator to the stream, followed by the encoding of each element
    /// of the iterator as performed by the provided function.
    pub fn write_sized<W: Write, E, F, I: Iterator<Item = E> + ExactSizeIterator>(
        mut writer: W,
        mut items: I,
        func: F,
    ) -> io::Result<()>
        F: Fn(&mut W, E) -> io::Result<()>,
        CompactSize::write(&mut writer, items.len())?;
        items.try_for_each(|e| func(&mut writer, e))

/// Namespace for functions that perform encoding of array contents.
/// This is similar to the [`Vector`] encoding except that no length information is
/// written as part of the encoding, so length must be statically known or obtained from
/// other parts of the input stream.
pub struct Array;

impl Array {
    /// Reads `count` elements from a stream into a vector, assuming the encoding written by
    /// [`Array::write`], using the provided function to decode each element.
    pub fn read<R: Read, E, F>(reader: R, count: usize, func: F) -> io::Result<Vec<E>>
        F: Fn(&mut R) -> io::Result<E>,
        Self::read_collected(reader, count, func)

    /// Reads `count` elements into a collection, assuming the encoding written by
    /// [`Array::write`], using the provided function to decode each element.
    pub fn read_collected<R: Read, E, F, O: FromIterator<E>>(
        reader: R,
        count: usize,
        func: F,
    ) -> io::Result<O>
        F: Fn(&mut R) -> io::Result<E>,
        Self::read_collected_mut(reader, count, func)

    /// Reads `count` elements into a collection, assuming the encoding written by
    /// [`Array::write`], using the provided function to decode each element.
    pub fn read_collected_mut<R: Read, E, F, O: FromIterator<E>>(
        mut reader: R,
        count: usize,
        mut func: F,
    ) -> io::Result<O>
        F: FnMut(&mut R) -> io::Result<E>,
        (0..count).map(|_| func(&mut reader)).collect()

    /// Writes an iterator full of values to a stream by sequentially
    /// encoding each element using the provided function.
    pub fn write<W: Write, E, I: IntoIterator<Item = E>, F>(
        mut writer: W,
        vec: I,
        func: F,
    ) -> io::Result<()>
        F: Fn(&mut W, &E) -> io::Result<()>,
        vec.into_iter().try_for_each(|e| func(&mut writer, &e))

/// Namespace for functions that perform encoding of [`Option`] values.
pub struct Optional;

impl Optional {
    /// Reads an optional value, assuming the encoding written by [`Optional::write`], using the
    /// provided function to decode the contained element if present.
    pub fn read<R: Read, T, F>(mut reader: R, func: F) -> io::Result<Option<T>>
        F: Fn(R) -> io::Result<T>,
        match reader.read_u8()? {
            0 => Ok(None),
            1 => Ok(Some(func(reader)?)),
            _ => Err(io::Error::new(
                "non-canonical Option<T>",

    /// Writes an optional value to a stream by writing a flag byte with a value of 0 if no value
    /// is present, or 1 if there is a value, followed by the encoding of the contents of the
    /// option as performed by the provided function.
    pub fn write<W: Write, T, F>(mut writer: W, val: Option<T>, func: F) -> io::Result<()>
        F: Fn(W, T) -> io::Result<()>,
        match val {
            None => writer.write_u8(0),
            Some(e) => {
                func(writer, e)

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::fmt::Debug;

    fn compact_size() {
        fn eval<T: TryFrom<u64> + TryInto<usize> + Eq + Debug + Copy>(value: T, expected: &[u8])
            <T as TryInto<usize>>::Error: Debug,
            let mut data = vec![];
            CompactSize::write(&mut data, value.try_into().unwrap()).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(&data[..], expected);
            let result: io::Result<T> = CompactSize::read_t(&data[..]);
            match result {
                Ok(n) => assert_eq!(n, value),
                Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error: {:?}", e),

        eval(0, &[0]);
        eval(1, &[1]);
        eval(252, &[252]);
        eval(253, &[253, 253, 0]);
        eval(254, &[253, 254, 0]);
        eval(255, &[253, 255, 0]);
        eval(256, &[253, 0, 1]);
        eval(256, &[253, 0, 1]);
        eval(65535, &[253, 255, 255]);
        eval(65536, &[254, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
        eval(65537, &[254, 1, 0, 1, 0]);

        eval(33554432, &[254, 0, 0, 0, 2]);

            let value = 33554433;
            let encoded = &[254, 1, 0, 0, 2][..];
            let mut data = vec![];
            CompactSize::write(&mut data, value).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(&data[..], encoded);

    fn vector() {
        macro_rules! eval {
            ($value:expr, $expected:expr) => {
                let mut data = vec![];
                Vector::write(&mut data, &$value, |w, e| w.write_u8(*e)).unwrap();
                assert_eq!(&data[..], &$expected[..]);
                match Vector::read(&data[..], |r| r.read_u8()) {
                    Ok(v) => assert_eq!(v, $value),
                    Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error: {:?}", e),

        eval!(vec![], [0]);
        eval!(vec![0], [1, 0]);
        eval!(vec![1], [1, 1]);
        eval!(vec![5; 8], [8, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]);

            // expected = [253, 4, 1, 7, 7, 7, ...]
            let mut expected = vec![7; 263];
            expected[0] = 253;
            expected[1] = 4;
            expected[2] = 1;

            eval!(vec![7; 260], expected);

    fn optional() {
        macro_rules! eval {
            ($value:expr, $expected:expr, $write:expr, $read:expr) => {
                let mut data = vec![];
                Optional::write(&mut data, $value, $write).unwrap();
                assert_eq!(&data[..], &$expected[..]);
                match Optional::read(&data[..], $read) {
                    Ok(v) => assert_eq!(v, $value),
                    Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error: {:?}", e),

        macro_rules! eval_u8 {
            ($value:expr, $expected:expr) => {
                eval!($value, $expected, |w, e| w.write_u8(e), |mut r| r.read_u8())

        macro_rules! eval_vec {
            ($value:expr, $expected:expr) => {
                    |w, v| Vector::write(w, &v, |w, e| w.write_u8(*e)),
                    |r| Vector::read(r, |r| r.read_u8())

        eval_u8!(None, [0]);
        eval_u8!(Some(0), [1, 0]);
        eval_u8!(Some(1), [1, 1]);
        eval_u8!(Some(5), [1, 5]);

        eval_vec!(None as Option<Vec<_>>, [0]);
        eval_vec!(Some(vec![]), [1, 0]);
        eval_vec!(Some(vec![0]), [1, 1, 0]);
        eval_vec!(Some(vec![1]), [1, 1, 1]);
        eval_vec!(Some(vec![5; 8]), [1, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]);