yttrium 1.0.0

Library for parsing ARS code, inspired by the echo discord bot
#![allow(clippy::needless_return, clippy::redundant_field_names)]

#[path = "./"] pub mod errors_and_warns;
#[path = "./"] pub mod key_loader;
#[path = "./"] pub mod tree_creator;
#[path ="./"] pub mod interpreter;

use std::collections::HashMap;
use yttrium_key_base::databases::{

pub use interpreter::interpret_tree;

/// Runs an ARS string
/// # Arguments: 
/// * `ars_string` - The tree to interpret
/// * `key_list` - A HashMap of keys, probably returned from [key_loader::load_keys]
/// * `environment` - The environment from [key_base::environment::Environment]
pub async fn interpret_string<'a, Manager: DatabaseManager<DB>, DB: Database>(ars_string: String, key_list: &HashMap<String, Box<dyn yttrium_key_base::Key<Manager, DB> + Send + Sync>>, environment: yttrium_key_base::environment::Environment<'a, Manager, DB>) -> Result<ResultAndWarnings<'a, Manager, DB>, errors_and_warns::Error> {
	match tree_creator::create_ars_tree(ars_string, key_list) {
		Ok(tree) => {
			match interpret_tree(tree.tree, key_list, environment).await {
				Ok(result) => {
					return Ok(ResultAndWarnings {
						result: result,
						warnings: tree.warnings,
				Err(reason) => {
					return Err(errors_and_warns::Error::InterpretationError(reason));
		Err(error) => {
			return Err(error);

/// The return value of [interpret_string]
/// Contains both the result and all warnings, if there are any
pub struct ResultAndWarnings<'a, Manager: DatabaseManager<DB>, DB: Database> {
	pub result: interpreter::InterpretationResult<'a, Manager, DB>,
	pub warnings: Option<Vec<errors_and_warns::Warning>>,