yml_to_ron 0.1.0

Simple utility to transmute a yaml file to a valid ron file
- sick: 1175333898
  lose: -1675426748
    enough: true
      basis: true
        - daily
        - alone:
            - band
            - vowel
            - daughter
            - might
            - -1593759192.3061292
            - - deeply: -866710173.2762737
                sink: combine
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                limited: greatest
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                force: true
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                picture: earn
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              - true
              - false
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              - true
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              - true
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              - true
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              - false
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              - false
              - false
              - -1075481651.5217836
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              - -2090730279
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              - true
              - false
              - -1079049873
              - false
              - false
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              - false
              - false
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              - 873940086
              - true
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              - -601752202.099261
              - 819891302.6866558
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            - -365559756
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            - false
            - -2086381791.37221
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            - false
            - false
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            - true
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            - true
            - false
            - false
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            - true
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            - false
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            - -867091079
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            - -2014729100
            - true
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            - -630800480
            - false
          operation: false
          art: mental
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        - true
        - true
        - true
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        - true
        - false
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        - false
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        - true
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        - false
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        - -1981831500.1071894
        - true
        - 315954421
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        - true
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        - 973261704
        - false
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        - false
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        - -1559110719
        - hunter
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      harder: true
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      itself: true
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      summer: true
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      thou: tip
      somehow: false
      pain: true
      simply: true
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    unit: false
    southern: false
    concerned: hundred
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    material: false
    trip: false
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    review: dollar
    purpose: false
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    lift: especially
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    mood: led
    depth: scene
    habit: false
    nuts: note
    highest: true
    close: might
    prize: man
    might: false
    vapor: -73418006
    wonderful: experiment
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    stomach: 210871928
    'no': port
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    television: wave
    method: true
    well: water
    avoid: false
    prevent: which
    along: false
    theory: false
    bean: paid
    recent: true
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    continent: true
    entire: point
    stretch: false
    song: asleep
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    sand: variety
    sail: false
    body: season
    understanding: false
    saw: true
    act: false
    stairs: true
    diagram: true
    indeed: false
    gave: false
    later: true
  doubt: 374663026
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  bite: contrast
  poem: were
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  divide: -1505263948
  recent: -1241957050
  power: true
  surprise: surprise
  thumb: motion
  claws: verb
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  bus: fed
  high: develop
  hay: cover
  land: true
  saved: animal
  began: can
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  class: -1221657211.3197808
  shorter: true
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  changing: still
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  including: pressure
  orange: military
  coming: principal
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  slow: true
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  birthday: dark
  combination: true
  instrument: -1056309541.4870908
  shelter: tip
  burst: true
  condition: 551076776
  shown: false
  transportation: beneath
  charge: sun
  gain: false
  least: true
- false
- highway
- false
- true
- do
- 1706882538.3297105
- -1630785231.9966285
- love
- alike
- play
- 1263913793
- false
- straw
- 906790634.849541
- morning
- false
- -500702394.564281
- -1713104193
- true
- driver
- false
- 314534309
- false
- false
- -2094106585.3956754
- true
- -20781710.816928864
- pleasant
- 972046225.9240203
- trouble
- 669314613.2793255
- false
- false
- -1030982798.072367
- 160477965
- true
- 1876374212
- 497629070
- crowd
- false
- rod
- -1075817545
- -695145252
- rabbit
- orbit
- 583594576
- experiment
- false
- -497598991
- 195348310
- -65251891
- false
- production
- 1320224246.888395
- exercise
- mice
- true
- choice
- true