yatima-core 0.1.1

The core evaluation, typechecking and content-addressing infrastructure of the Yatima Language
#![cfg_attr(not(any(feature = "std", test)), no_std)]

extern crate alloc;

extern crate quickcheck;
extern crate quickcheck_macros;
extern crate rand;

pub mod anon;
pub mod check;
pub mod dag;
pub mod defs;
pub mod dll;
pub mod embed_error;
pub mod eval;
pub mod ipld_error;
pub mod literal;
pub mod meta;
pub mod name;
pub mod package;
pub mod typedef;
pub mod parse;
pub mod position;
pub mod prim;
pub mod term;
pub mod upcopy;
pub mod uses;

pub mod tests {
  use quickcheck::{
  use rand::Rng;
  use sp_cid::Cid;
  use sp_multihash::{

  pub fn arbitrary_cid(g: &mut Gen) -> Cid {
    let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
    for x in bytes.iter_mut() {
      *x = Arbitrary::arbitrary(g);
    Cid::new_v1(0x55, Code::Blake2b256.digest(&bytes))

  pub fn frequency<T, F: Fn(&mut Gen) -> T>(
    g: &mut Gen,
    gens: sp_std::vec::Vec<(i64, F)>,
  ) -> T {
    if gens.iter().any(|(v, _)| *v < 0) {
      panic!("Negative weight");
    let sum: i64 = gens.iter().map(|x| x.0).sum();
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let mut weight: i64 = rng.gen_range(1..=sum);
    // let mut weight: i64 = g.rng.gen_range(1, sum);
    for gen in gens {
      if weight - gen.0 <= 0 {
        return gen.1(g);
      else {
        weight -= gen.0;
    panic!("Calculation error for weight = {}", weight);