Crate xrust

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A Rust implementation of the XQuery and XPath Data Model 3.1 and XSLT 3.0. The idea is to separate the syntax from the semantics. A Transform performs the semantics; an XPath expression or XSL Stylesheet is the syntax that is mapped to a Transform.


A Transform is used to create a Sequence, starting with a Context.

A Sequence is the basic data type in XPath. It is an ordered collection of zero or more Items, implemented as a Rust vector, i.e. Vec<Rc<Item>>. An Item is a Node, Function, or atomic Value.

Once a Context is configured, it can be used to execute a Transform using the evaluate method. The return result is a new Sequence.


The Transform engine reads a tree structure as its source document and produces a tree structure as its result document. The tree needs to be both navigable and mutable. Tree nodes are defined by the Item module’s Node trait.

The module trees::intmuttree is an implementation of the Node trait.

Parsing XML

Parsing XML documents is done using the built-in parser combinator: parser. The parser supports XML Namespaces, and DTDs (entities, but not validation).


Support for XPath involves mapping the XPath syntax to a Transform. The XPath parser maps an expression to a Transform.

There is no support for abbreviated syntax, only full syntax.


Most of functionality for v1.0 is present, with some v2.0 and v3.1 features.


Support for XSLT involves mapping an XSL Stylesheet to a Context. The xslt module provides the from_document function that returns a Context populated with Templates, given an XSL Stylesheet document.


The XSLT implementation is bare-bones. It supports basic templating, literal result elements, element, text, attribute, comment and processing instruction creation, sequence, and messages. Also conditionals (if, choose), repetition (for-each, for-each-group), copying (copy, copy-of), and inclusion/importing.

NB, the library has not been extensively tested.

External Resources

One aim of the library is to be useable in a WASM environment. To allow that, the library must not have dependencies on file and network I/O, since that is provided by the host browser environment. Where external resources, i.e. URLs, are required the application must provide a closure. In particular, closures must be provided for stylesheet inclusion and importing, as well as for messages.


  1. Complete the XPath 1.0 implementation.
  2. Implement all v1.0 XSLT functionality.
  3. Implement all XPath 3.1 data model and functions.
  4. Complete the v3.1 XSLT engine.


We need your help!

  • Download the crate and try it out. Tell us what you like or don’t like. How can it be improved?
  • Let us know what doesn’t work. Submit a bug report.
  • Do you need more documentation? There can never be enough!
  • Add some tests.
  • Write some code. The χrust Wiki has a list of desired features.
  • Donate resources (i.e. $$$)



  • Sequences and Items.
  • How to serialise a tree structure.
  • A parser combinator, inspired by nom.
  • Support for XPath patterns.
  • Support for Qualified Names.
  • A generic test suite.
  • The transformation engine.
  • Various implementations of tree data structures.
  • An atomic value.
  • XDM, XPath, XQuery, and XSLT errors.
  • An XSLT compiler
